Editor’s note: We recently asked our contributing writers to create Haikus related to Mother’s Day. Here are some of the poems.

Hard being a mother

When your child is far away

Hug them in your heart

— Neal Raisman

An angel you are
A bright light among the stars
And for you, I weep
— Marilyn Burns
Forever your mom,
Your life, my gift every day.
Our bond will not break. 
— Maria Malin
Here to learn about loving
All impermanence
— Marguerite O’Connor
Wind carries her son’s voice
through wind chimes tinkling in the breeze
He’s here, she says. Listen
— Susan Casey


Neil Chethik

Neil Chethik is an author, speaker and expert specializing in men's lives and family issues. He is the author of two acclaimed books: VoiceMale: What Husbands Really Think About Their Marriages, Their Wives, Sex, Housework and Commitment (Simon & Schuster 2006), and FatherLoss: How Sons of All Ages Come To Terms With the Deaths of Their Dads (Hyperion 2001). Previously, Neil was a staff reporter for the Tallahassee Democrat and San Jose Mercury News, and writer of VoiceMale, the first syndicated column on men's personal lives. His writings have appeared in hundreds of print and web publications. He is currently Writer-in-Residence at the Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning in Lexington, Ky., where he lives with his wife, Kelly Flood, and son, Evan. Reach Neil at: Neil@NeilChethik.com 121 Arcadia Park Lexington Ky. 40503 859-361-1659 Neil appeared on the radio show “Healing the Grieving Heart” with Dr. Gloria & Dr. Heidi Horsley to discuss “Men and Loss.” To hear Neil being interviewed on this show, click on the following link: www.voiceamericapd.com/health/010157/horsley121307.mp3

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