Son’s Death Has Changed My Life
When someone we love dies, we are changed. When that someone is our child, we are changed forever, deeply, no matter how old they were.
Letting go is not a possibility. Everything in my being was geared to hold on, to protect and to be aware of his life. It didn’t matter that he was an adult, twice the size of me. Past, present and future collapsed into a series of nows.
This event shook me to my core. I have lost parts of myself. How can this happen? Where did he go? Where did I go? What were his last moments like? Did he feel pain? Did he suffer? Was my mom who passed a year prior there to greet him? How could I have prevented this? What should we have known?
Adult Son’s Death Left Me Bereft
In the months after his death, feelings of failure, vulnerability, depression, remorse, profound grief, guilt on top of a first hand experience of the meaning of the word bereft. Feeling bereft was/is physical for me. The word so accurately expressed my flattened energy.
Fortunately for me, I hadn’t completely lost my spirituality. I lost my belief in God but I still held a belief that we are more than our physical bodies. This belief helped me to try to be open to connecting with him or open to the possibility that he might be able to give me a sign or some indication that he was nearby. I believed early on that if it took any focus or intention for a spirit to make contact, Richard would at least try to make himself be known. He had a strong presence in life. When he walked into a room, people noticed. He was upbeat and deeply calm at the same time. He loved life.
Longing for Deceased Son
While my belief about the non physical was open, my heart was so badly wounded by his sudden death that all I could do was to call out his name and plead, “Richard, Richard, Richard, how could this happen to you?” I begged for an answer, “Richard, how am I going to survive this?” These phrases poured out from the longing in my heart. I continued this way for a year, several times a day.
Everything in my world had changed. I moved to Southern California from New York to live close to him. These were to be the good years in my life and in his. Lots of outdoor activities, cookouts, hanging out, bike rides, hikes, paddle boarding and the gym. Those activities were just the “normal” weekend fare. Lots of talk of boats, excursions and opportunities to share life and celebrate the life of his baby girl. Our lives had not been easy when he was young. now the future looked really bright.
My hope stopped when he died. The resounding emptiness was deafening. Our family is spread out but mostly located in the Chicagoland area. I wouldn’t have survived without them, close friends and wonderful neighbors where we lived three blocks from each other here on Balboa Island.
My Son Guided Me After His Death
With Richard’s guidance, I believe, I chose measures to help myself to continue with some of the goals that he and I shared, like becoming part of the community, getting involved and trying to make a contribution. Each choice that I made to move through an obstacle, or my own resistance, I heard Richard’s voice beside me encouraging me, like he did back in Chicago when I achieved my second masters degree in 2005 to become a psychotherapist. He was always in my corner.
Now my journey includes widening my circle of trust. I’m choosing to live life instead of living a small life. Each of the obstacles have given me a choice…either move through it or acquiesce. Movement always feels like choosing life. Acquiescing to obstacles/resistance feels like defeat. I can’t take anymore defeat. Richard’s death was literally my worst nightmare. So in some ways my current fears are nothing compared to the one that just happened…out of the blue, suddenly, and shockingly.
Making Good Choices After Son’s Death
Well-meaning people make assumptions about each other’s lives. I’m choosing not to focus on being offended. I’m choosing to believe that people are generally well-meaning, even if their comments sound ignorant or unconscious. People have the impression that I’m strong and that I’m getting over this or that new people have filled the void in my heart, that horrible, empty void. That is just not so. I’m unique to this journey, as is every other parent who has lost a child. There’s no script except the one that we write.
I’m choosing to stay focused on the ‘miracle’ of feeling Richard’s presence in my heart on a daily basis. Feeling connected to him helps me. During his life, he would never have been in favor of my checking out or living a small life. I know that ultimately choosing to live is my decision but I have to say that many times it’s because I know what he would say or do. You could say that I continue for him. He has sparked a new determination in me to create an expanded version of myself. I have nothing to loose.
Finding a Connection to Son
I’m clearing out the clutter of previous struggles, attitudes and perceptions that aren’t useful to me any longer. I feel leadership growing out of my broken heart. People are entering my life and I am saying ‘yes’ instead of ‘no’ or worse, ‘I don’t know”.
I am beginning to get glimpses of how my life is evolving completely differently than I expected when I moved here. It’s like my energy is clearing by the methods I have used to take care of myself in the past year and a half.
I am finding a strong connection to Richard in my heart that I feared would go away but now I know will never die. I am not afraid to die and welcome the moment that I see and embrace him again. It doesn’t matter what form he is in, I will recognize him.
Feeling low after an anniversary of my son’s death yesterday- 15 months- at work…I read this and said yes and gave me hope. I believe in the power of love, and God is love. how else would I be blessed with a son for 22 11/12 years.
Thank you for sharing , helping me to see Nick is not gone… and be comforted.
Roselyn, finding gratitude that your son was in your like for 22 1/2 years is an inspiration to all. Not an easy task to turn away from pain toward the love that you have for him. Your response to saying ‘yes’ brings tears to my eyes…it’s like someone else gets how difficult that is but that it’s really a choice to live. Thank you for your comment. I hope you have a chapter of The Compassionate Friends in your community. I started one here near where we live and I have been grateful to meet others who are on a similar journey.
Hello im mary, my only child Samantha passed 9/21/13 in a horrible accodent involving a semi… Apparently she died instantly, she did not see it coming as to she was the passenger in the vehicle that was hit… the driver of her vehicle 65yr old man lived… Im so very broken as to the suddenness of it happening, i didnt feel anything but numb at first, bit mow 30months to the day later OMGoodness i feel ot all… i so try to live by what would Sami do, but i am finding it very diffucult… i have NO support system to speak of… i have found this blog somewhat comforting that it is ok to smile and live but i feel slighted as to Sami had NO children…. thankyou for writing this article and allowing me to comment… HUGS LOVE and PRAYERS that you continue to feel your son, and most of all that you as a person can continue to help even when you dont realize that you have…. 😎
It may feel like you’re alone but none of us really are…there are so many people like us who have experienced our worst nightmare. Feel free to reach out to me via my website if you would like to talk.
Thank you…struggling with the loss of my adult son, only child. I am seeing a twinkle of hope now and then. I will never be the same.
Thank you for this beautiful artical . I have lost my only son . It has been twenty years on the 23rd of March . I thought it would get easier , but the grieving is still strong . Every year I write a poem to express how I am feeling and how much I miss him. My love for him has got alot stronger. And I know he is with me every day .
Annette, You are so welcome. Writing is what I do now. It helps me. I’m so grateful to know that my words have reached a few people and is possibly making a difference.
Basia, thank you for sharing your journey. I am right behind you, but still straggling behind. I talk to my adult son everyday and when indecisive, ask for his guidance. He is also with me and so close. I miss the hugs and feeling, seeing, and hearing him.
Peggy, what I have learned is that the relationship that I have with my son now…talking to him everyday….is a relationship. Of course, it doesn’t replace the longing I have to feel his physical presence. No less important and valuable though is to be open to perceiving him as non physical energy. I don’t always understand the energy that I perceive but I relish in that I feel it and feel him.
This is not an easy journey. I know. It is only in the past 6 months that I can actually see a new more vital me emerging. Maybe it is similar for you.
Yes, I so miss the hugs, his voice, and his personality…
I wish you peace, Peggy. All we can do is challenge ourselves to remain open.
Thank you for writing your story, I lost my son December 28,2015, to an accendental to overdose and I believed I was handling it well but now I am struggling. I’m so very sad and need help
Ingrid, thank you for writing.
Have you sought out someone to talk to or a group to join? Is there a Compassionate Friends in you area? Check their website:
Also, sometimes speaking with a spiritual advisor can be useful.
Feel free to reach out to me through my website:
Lost my son to cancer 2 years ago.they gave him a year to live. He made it 10 months.i feel so guilty I lived a good and long life.i stayed with Adam though those 10 months.i kept telling him he would beat it . knowing in my heart he I saw my strong young man of 33.slowly being ate up with that dam cancer. Some days I don’t think I will make you Adam.
Hi John,
Thank you for reading my post. My heart breaks with yours. We will never be the same people we were when our children were alive…who are we becoming since this even has transpired? I believe it is a journey of continual seeking and hopefully growth. Gratefully, you accepted the challenge to be next to him during the last 10 months of his life. When the dark thoughts begin to emerge…choose to remember the essence of him…those things that you unconditionally loved about Adam…hold those feelings in your heart. Guilt cannot reside in the same place as unconditional love.
Remember his essence…and allow yourself to feel that part of him in your. Hope this helps.
My son, a weekend recreational opiate experimenter, passed away at the age of 30. We knew he was at risk and initially seemed to accept his death as inevitable. It has been 20 months now, and the pain of losing him grows worse. I never realized how much hope and love I had for him despite a dozen years of a difficult strained relationship. The loss of hope hovers over me like the darkest night, even as I cling to my sometimes ill-expressed but ever present love for him. The fact that he was adopted in no way consoles me or relieves my sense of having failed him or not having loved him enough. After reading all the comments, I recognize I am not alone in my sorrow. I just don’t know how to find the comfort that you seem to take from your strong loving relationships with your child. I question whether my son loved me at all; I tell myself he did because I need to believe it. No point in believing the worst, is there? I can make it up to be the way I wish it was. By the way, I also try to connect with him spiritually when a robin sits on my backyard deck (like he did the afternoon after his funeral) and through mindfulness and meditation practices. I finally struggled tonight to finalize plans for his gravestone. I guess I’m making progress. My deepest, heartfelt sympathy to all of you who are grieving.
Diana, so difficult reading your response. I truly feel for you and your loss. You raise so many points, such as: he was an adopted child, he was an opiate experimenter, he transitioned at age 30, you wonder if he loved you, and feeling as though you failed him. These are all heart breaking and deserve individual attention.
The point I want to address here is about your loss of hope that you had for him. If you can accept that his struggle is over and that whatever the reason he chose to escape life through opiates, you know now that it was his struggle. We can’t protect our children from their own lives. We can love them and love them and love them some more but we will never truly know their inner struggles. He is free of struggle now, unlike us…those left behind, right?
The hope you had for him was also hope that you had for yourself, that he would get life right at some point. In the crazy way that life/death are normal processes…it is only us, those who remain that have such difficulty letting go of all the expectations we held for our children and ourselves.
My son was older than yours. He came through difficult times and we were on the other side of all that…thankfully. I’m guessing that your hope was similar…that he would pull through and he would flourish. The thing is that he now is not tethered to his personality, like he was. If you can hold onto the signs (like the robin) and allow that they connect to his eternal self…you may find comfort there.
Things like this change us forever…they change our beliefs, our perceptions and our life experience. You have a choice to give focus to what helps you to feel better.
Hi Diana,
I arrived home from work on a Tuesday evening it was April 26th just past. A Robin landed on my balcony ledge and lingered for what I thought, was an unusually long time. I walked over to the window and said, “hi robin.” Then the phone rang and it was a constable telling me my son is decised. I still wonder about the unusual visit from the robin. And I cannot believe I was working while my son lay dead on his couch. I cannot believe I didn’t feel something that would alow me to save him somehow. He left so suddenly and it seemed things were going well for my son whow was 11 days away from his 27th birthday. He tried a drug fentynal and he died. I thought I was handling things well but I feel like I am losing momentum and I am very tired of holding myself together. It is a lot of work. I am sorry for your loss Diana – your mention of the robin had meaning for me too.
Beth, I am so sorry for your loss. The robin is hardly a comfort but it does sound like it lifted your sorrow for a moment leading you to the mysteries of life/death and the universe. Again, I am so sorry for your loss…for all of our losses.
Basia, my thanks for your article. Diana and Beth, I seek out those who have lost their child in similar circumstances. Diana, you mention EVERY emotion that I have – the only difference is that my son was not adopted so I hope you will find comfort in that. Beth, my son over dosed on Fentanyl. I have learned that he did this once, maybe even twice before but somehow was taken to hospital and revived.
Tom died on 6th December, 2016. He was found two days later by his room mates. The levels of pain are unbearable. The difficult, but strangely, loving, relationship we had. The thought of how his last moments were. Did he know? Did he do it on purpose? My baby’s body lying there alone. What was he wearing. He was with the Coroner for two weeks – the Fentanyl situation is an epidemic in Vancouver and they were back logged. I was advised not to see my boy. I only touched his hand. A truly talented young man – music and art. But a troubled one since his early teens – Basia, your reply to Diana about not being able to live our children’s lives and their struggles is true but it doesn’t take away the ‘what if’s’. Looking back on our last time together – was he crying out?
I remained strong in the early days for his two siblings but they have found the strength to go back to Canada where they live and try to get some semblance of normality.
I found comfort in writing to all those who have paid tribute to Tom or at least contacted me. I made cards from Tom’s art work with the delusion that I would sell them and make money for the homeless – a passion of Tom’s.
I went through a very spiritual phase where I was feeling so close to Tom that I truly believed he would ‘show himself to me’. I was taking everything as a sign. I was almost accepting and at peace. But now, just over four months, I find myself in deep, deep despair. I’m angry at all those who knew how bad his drug problem was but did nothing about it.
My eight year relationship broke down yesterday. As sad as it is and with the loss of what would have been an incredible future (had Tom not passed but was still on offer), I’m relieved. Yesterday and today I have grieved like I haven’t before. Screaming out loud and wondering how I can end it all easily as I am such a coward. Seemingly, 10 days without water will do it. The only thread I have is not wanting to cause my other children further pain but my pain is so great, I can’t visualise years of this yearning and guilt.
Tom took himself off to a therapist and I was thinking of seeing if she would talk to me and let me know if Tom ever revealed what may have set him off on this journey. He said some things to me when we were last together that will forever remain with me and make me think that I caused all this. We had been such a happy, normal family but his dad and my relationship broke down and we eventually divorced and I feel so guilty about that.
I don’t know why I’m writing this – if nothing else, it has stopped me crying for a while.
Jane, we learn what is good for us and what helps us feel a little bit better. Choosing to feed negative thought is a choice. I hate to be so blunt. I’m not saying that it’s easy. I’m saying it work to change the momentum from a downward spiral to counting the moments that are not so horrendous in between the ones that are.
Life is crazy. These losses and grief do not define us…although we could let them. Your grandchild knows how to play. Learn from your grandchild how to play again. The gift of a child is that they want you to be in the present moment with them. The present moment is safer than the past and less fear filled future.
Best wishes to you, Jane. You can’t correct the past but you can be present now for the children you do have in your life, in what ever way you choose.
What a wonderful article! Thank you so much. I feel for you and extend my sympathies to you on the loss of your son, Basia. I came here today to search out information – maybe a book or DVD I could buy for my 84 year old Aunt who just lost her only child. Her son was 58 and died suddenly of a heart attack. He first got chest pains while working in the garden. He called his mother and he asked her to hold his hand. He died later that day during surgery. My Aunt lost her husband 7 years ago and lived in a small apartment in the house where her son, his wife, and his two grown daughters also lived. We are all trying our best to help her cope. Would you believe her son’s name was also Richard? I think God sent me to this website today. Please pray for my Aunt. Her name is Tina. I believe both our Richards are safe with God.
Mary, thank you so much for your response. Feeling for ourselves and each other is the gift of being human, right? So glad that you found this site and that you read this article. It means so much that your aunt’s story and your response bring our Richard’s names into the present moment. As painful as I can only imagine it was for your aunt to experience her son’s death…I regret that my son never regained consciousness. I believe his spirit already left his body by the time I saw him.
I’m glad for your aunt that she has you and it sounds like her daughter-in-law and grandchildren to share her memories with. I have nieces as well. We became even closer after their cousin died.
I share your sentiment that you were guided to find this website. Similarly, I have been guided to write. So grateful to feel the presence of others through this experience.
Please give your aunt a Mother’s Day hug for me.
Thank you for your healing words.I lost my 30 year old son and best friend 16 months ago. I am dead inside. I keep trying to find ways to heal and came across your story. I hope that one day I will feel as strong as you!
I am so sorry that you are feeling dead inside. I think the word ‘bereft’ really describes it well.
The part of you that is seeking to feel better is love. We loved our children. They would want us to love ourselves.
Curiosity is alive. It leads you from one person to the next, from one book to another, from one lyric to another. That part of you is alive. Trust it and follow the inspiration.
A friend sent me your article and I found it comforting. I lost my 34 year-old son to a pulmonary embolism seven weeks ago. He was a husband and father to my 14 month old granddaughter. Mother’s Day was brutal for me. We had the celebration of his life the night before. With a lot of support from friends and family l made it through. What I struggle with the most lately is the feeling that I am losing my connection to him. I try to talk to him every day and keep pictures and other mementoes around. I am a poet and I continue to write about him with the new purpose of telling my granddaughter who her father was. This brings me much comfort. I am grateful to have found your website. Another tool to assist me on my journey.
Your loss is so fresh right now. I remember those days well. I was walking around in shock at 7 weeks. But I knew that it was up to me to do things that made me feel better, like meditating, talking to my son, writing. If I didn’t I would hear his voice in my head say…”are you kidding, you’re choosing to waste your life?” Sometimes, I would just drag myself outdoors to take a walk. It always helped. Being in nature helps me feel connected to him.
I still have mementos on an alter that I made for Richard. I don’t know when I’ll take it down. I don’t have to know…today.
Basia, I am writing to you in hopes that maybe I can gain better insight into my situation.. I too lost my precious son three and half years ago.. It has been horrible.. I wish the nightmare would be over and he would come home.. Grief, it’s a lifetime commitment. That being said I am now sane and functional.. Saying I’m better or healing is not what I’ll ever be again.. And I’m sure you understand what I mean..I still have another son living who has a daughter who bears her uncles middle name.. A sweet tribute to him..I am 61years old and about a year ago I reconnected with an old boyfriend from 40 years ago.. The story is way too lengthy, but I was crazy about him and was madly in love.. So there is a history… I found out that he too lost his only son via the Internet… I found his number through a friend and called him.. He was so glad to hear from me.. I told him how sorry I was about his son and told him I know how you feel, because I lost mine too… Over the many months things have not been between us as I maybe expected.. Dumb me.. His son died just two years ago so I have had longer to deal with it than he has.. The two year anniversary is approaching soon in June and the days and weeks leading up to this as you well know are not happy ones.. He drinks his pain away.. Even though I do not drink, I understand why..and he’s not in good health.. We have a commonality in that we understand each other. Who would have thought two long lost loves would lose their precious sons? I love this man, but I have to protect myself as I could never live with him under these circumstances.. That would not be healthy for me.. I would appreciate hearing from you and any advice you could give on this situation.. We are both sad..
Hi Carol, I’ve thought a lot about your response and concerns. Decided to take it offline and send you an email instead. What I will say here is that your instincts are good. Sounds like you clearly know what is and isn’t good for you, regarding the person who you care deeply about.
It has been a long time since May. I hope you are doing better. My heart grieves with yours.
Dear Basia
Reading your story is like reading my own ? I lost my son Chris a year ago next week, in a tragic car accident in which he was a passenger…. My world, my life and my heart shattered…. They are still held together with sticky tape…but so far it is holding..just.
I, like you, hold my son in my heart and live my life for him everyday….some better than others, but I try. I started a charity helping the children in my area participate in free sports as my son loved and participated all his life and to me it is a fitting tribute, but it also keeps his name alive.
I am not strong as people think, I cry and sometimes scream at the pain I hold, and then I lock it away until the next time it escapes. We have lost the future we should have, now we have a new one and my choice is to live for him and keep his memory and name alive always…… Thanking you for your story, Open To Hope, it touched my heart as it helped me feel that little less understood xx
Dear Sue, I am so sorry for your loss. I am sorrow filled for all of our losses. I agree that Open to Hope and The Compassionate Friends help connect us to a wide community of people, experiences and stories that let us know we are not alone in our grief.
Your story is exactly mine. Thankyou foer sharinf. I lost my son to heart disease a year and a half ago – he was 27 and left behind 6 little children, 2 younger brothers, 2 younger sisters. His dad and I divorced years ago and I raised thw kids on my own. We were very close, Geoffo was our rock, our leader. We have been treated very disrespectfully by his dads side family and the mother of his two youngest children has relocated and denied us any conract with the children. It has been so hard but like you I believe my son is with me, guiding me through the pain.
I am so sorry for your loss…that is now compounded by tension and more loss of your grand babies. Life can seem crazy at times. Looking for the clarity in what feels good does help. It is now is little past two years since Richard died. I still talk to him. I feel surprises at different times that let me know that he is with me. I’m committed to staying open which is the gift his death has given me. I felt like I had no choice when I was cracked open by the shock of his death. But I know going forward that I choose on a daily basis to remain open to synchronicities, connections to people, love when it shows up and laughter. I’m choosing to live the best life I can in his honor…because that’s the kind of person he was. FYI as I’m writing this, two hummingbirds flew up on my patio. My jaw dropped as I laughed with excitement at their feeding frenzy on a potted lavender bush. You could say that is an ordinary occurrence, no biggie…but I choose to see it as my heart was open as I was writing to you…the hummingbirds were a gift from our children.
I am in so much pain but I cannot allow myself to release it. I lost my oldest son, Beau, who was also my best friend a year ago last Saturday. I am in poor physical health and have never felt so alone and fearful in my life. I need help, but don’t have resources or friends/family to help me. All of the people I ever dropped everything to help and everyone else have been absent since I lost him. I’m not sure how much longer I can go on.
Susan, I have sent you a private message to your email.
Reading your story made me cry, but at the same time gave me strength! I’m a mother of 3 boys and my oldest child Josua was born when I was 16 years old. His father did not want to be part of his life, when he found out I was pregnant he pushed me down the stairs but luckily we both survived….unfortunately I lost my Josua 1 month ago at the age of 22, one month exactly before his 23rd birthday….due to a bad mixture of heroine and phentanyl. He lived in New Hampshire, close to his father since at the age of 18 he decided to make peace with his dad and not hold a grudge. But his father still gave him a hard time about everything. I received the called from his father, and I literally fainted….thank God my 19 year old was home that day and was able to help me and call his dad at work. I feel like the world came crashing down on me, I’m not happy, nothing makes me smile, nothing is funny anymore. Worst part is that his birthday is Sunday and I have no idea how my day is going to be.
Hi Natalie. I am so sorry for the loss of your son. My heart grieves with you. You are likely still in shock and feeling many emotions swirling around inside of you. I’m glad that you are seeking a way to feel better by finding support in others who know something of what it is that you’re going through. My hope will be with you tomorrow on your son’s birthday. I hope that you can feel his presence in some way, like through the beauty of nature or the feeling of a song. Your heart has been cracked open. A new you will emerge. Maybe not today or tomorrow but you will…hang in there.
I lost my son on Oct. 5th 2016. It was an accident and it took his life. I know what form my son is in and where he is. I do have faith in God who saved him and carried him home. To know this is the only way I will find healing. I know for sure he is with God and upon my death, I will see him again. He was chosen to be God’s child at the age of 7. The Bible states that it is written that we may know we have eternal life and the Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father except by Him. He is the only way to eternal life, for Jesus is the only one that died willingly for our sins, and was resurrected as all believers will be who have placed their faith and trust in Him.
I lost my beautiful adult daughter, Kelly, 2 weeks ago on Nov. 7, 2016. She had an unexpected heart attack due to spontaneous coronary arterial dissection (SCAD). She died at home alone. I am mad, numb, heartbroken, can’t function, can barely get out of bed. Can’t go to work. Your words about your own loss let me know that I’m not alone in this nightmare. I am in so much pain; my wounds are so raw…thank you for sharing your story.
I hope you can reach out and find a local chapter of The Compassionate Friends asap. We all need to feel safe at a time when there are so many reminders of what we have lost. It is truly heartbreaking. I am so sorry for your loss and all the complexity that goes along with the loss. I do know that I am learning so much through this journey…but I would gladly give up all that I have learned to have Richard back…even for 5 minutes. I talk to him most days which helps me to feel connected and no so isolated.
Hello, I have just read your post and am deeply sorry that you have lost your dear son. My beautiful boy died on the 30th April, 2016. He left a heartbroken wife and a 3 1/2 year old little girl, who keeps asking to see her daddy. Unlike you Basia, I was with my son when he died, I watched his last breath as I had watched his first 44 yrs before. I have grieved many times in my life, but nothing compares with the devastation this has caused. Grief that picks me up and throws me hard against the wall, not just once a day, but as many times as it feels like. Yet, as we know, we have to learn to live with this malevolence as it is a testament to the deep love we have for our children.
Nothing prepares you for watching your 44 year old son die inch by inch every day for months, from a rare and aggressive form of cancer. It is strange how people think that this dreadful torture somehow prepares you for your loved ones death, when nothing could be further from the truth. Every day I relive those days, weeks and months and the agony I felt as a mother watching helplessly as her son took his last breath, is beyond anything a mother should witness. My darling boy is at rest now, but his family will forever be devastated by what happened to him and to us this year. How is any parent expected to recover from this?
Thinking of all the heartbroken parents this Christmas.
Linda, Christmas is a very difficult tome as you mention. So important to have people with whom you feel safe to be yourself and who don’t have expectations of you. Our The Compassionate Friends group provides a lot of support for us. nothing like walking into a room of parents who understand what you are going through.
My heart is in heaven with my son who died 15months ago I feel at times I can’t breathe my husband is trying like me to crawl our way through this but I feel we are not making headway.
Hi Cathy, your heart is broken…of course, you can’t breathe. You have been permanently changed. Now you’re having to discover who you are becoming? Holding the connection to your son in your broken heart helps get through the pain. Have you and your husband found The Compassionate Friends? It is a worldwide organization that has local chapters. It can be very helpful to attend a group meeting where there are other parents who understand and help you to feel safe to express your feelings.
Talking to people who have been through something similar helps you to hear and develop hope that it can and will get better.
Feel free to contact me via my website. I would be happy to speak with you and your husband.
I am currently floundering in the abyss that is my life. My daughter passed away unexpectedly 10 days ago. I know I am depressed and I know that is a natural course. I don’t know how to navigate this unbearable pain I feel. My sorrow is palpable and I know I just bring every one around me down. I feel like that is not what they would want. So I have not spent much time around any one but my husband and daughters because I don’t know how to act. Everyone says just write down you thoughts and feelings. I don’t know how to communicate the nightmare that is currently enveloping me. I found my 21 year old daughter in bed after she had passed several hours before.
How do I go on, even though I know I have to for my husband, daughters and grandchildren?
Hi Tricia and all reading,
My 33 year old son died 12 days ago. He wasn’t feeling well, went to bed , and never woke up. He struggled with learning disabilities, had a seizure disorder that was controlled and had very few seizures his entire life. I was very involved in his life because of all his needs. He left behind a 23 month old grandchild and a wife of two years. I was always hoping and praying for better days for him and now I understand the feeling of lost hope. The pain and disbelief I feel take my breath away. I expect him to walk in yelling, “Mom, I’m here.” I search the Internet for others floundering like myself as I sit frozen.
I don’t even know what I feel cause I never felt like this. I am so sad and weary and hopeless and empty.
Dear Ann. I am the chapter leader of The Compassionate Friends_Newport Beach California. I know that TCF is not for everyone…however, when you walk into a meet you will be met by other parents like yourself who have had a similar loss. Most of us need to be and share with others who have walked in our shoes. Feel free to reach out to me and if you don’t have TCF where you live, they have a lot of online support.
I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that I am sending you a virtual hug as I write this response. The loss of a child is the most horrible experience that no one should have to endure.
Trish, I am sorry that I hit send on the above response not mentioning your post. I feel for you and your loss. I extend the same to you as to Ann. There are resources out there to help you. Let me know if you would like to talk off line.
I loss my son 3 years ago and I still feel the pain. He was 29 I don’t understand it and I loss myself and I start thinking of my grandkids cause I made a promise to him that I would not give up and fall and think about giving up. I never prayed or turned to God as I do has been hard for me since his death cause my sister passed the following week after her my brother the week after it’s been one disaster after another now my father 2 day before my birthday. I live one day at a time now my son that I have left had cancer and does dialysis and I focuse on him so I have more on my shoulder so don’t give up.i look to see him another day
Reading your post makes me shake my head. How can one person have so much pain to endure? I am so sorry for your multiple losses. Hopefully, you have friends who support you when you need it. If not be sure to find The Compassionate Friends in your area. In my experience, people have left my life but others have come in and brought so much kindness, that I am eternally grateful. I hope the same is happening for you. I think the key for me has been to stand tall and move forward one step at a time. Wishing you peace.
Just found this site – so sad to read everyone’s heartache. I’ve lost two adult children-identical twins -one 15 years ago aged 24 and his twin 10 weeks ago aged 30. I honestly feel that I can’t go through “this” again. When my son died 15 years ago -his girlfriend was pregnant and we are very close to his beautiful 14yo daughter. I also have a daughter with a 4yo and a 2yo. So I know I’m lucky to have my daughter and my 3 grandchildren- but I miss my boys so much I some days w can hardly breathe
Hi Viv, your message reminds me that as horrible as the grief of loosing my adult son has been, my grandson and his wife recently had a baby…my deceased son would have been a grandfather! The new baby reminds me of my son down to his blue eyes. I found that taking slow deep breaths helps keep me in the present moment where new joy presents itself. I hope this helps. I know that some days it feels impossible. If you can turn to the love that your have for your boys…that unconditional love…still exists. Open to signs from them
I read the story and I am trying to cope with my son’s death. It’s been 9 months and I am having a very hard time dealing with it. I anyone could help me out I would very much appreciate it.
Hi Rebecca. I recommend looking on line for The Compassionate Friends Chapter nearest you. I found that very helpful. Also their website has chat rooms that are monitored. Or feel free to contact me through my website. Schedule a free consultation with me and hopefully, I can direct you to appropriate help.
I lost my baby boy today. He is 30 years old and he either died from an overdose after his demons reappeared last night, or his heart gave away because of his terrible addictions that he had gone cold turkey on over the last couple of weeks. I saw him three days ago when he came to visit me and he said he was feeling good. He was chuffed with kicking the drugs and was back at the gym. I was happy for him, but always in the back of my mind, I expected him not to live a long life.
I always knew how much he loved me and how I loved him. I so wanted to be able to help him find happiness, but ultimately his pain was too strong and he needed to numb himself. Last night I awoke unusually and could not go back to sleep. My last thoughts before I finally drifted off were that I prayed to be able to help him get back on his feet by helping him find his passion. Next thing I knew the phone was ringing with that dreaded phone call.
I just don’t know what to do with myself. i don’t want to see anyone or talk to them. What on earth can be said. Nothing can comfort me.
Hello Sharon, I had an eye opening experience…I received a new message from someone in response to this article. I usually reply within a few days. I scanned previous entries only to realize that during the month of September…the Angel-versary of my son, Richard’s passing, I checked out and missed several comments, yours was one of them. I am making a point of this to demonstrate that we are so profoundly changed by the loss of our child(ren) that we sometimes don’t even recognize ourselves.
I am so sorry for the loss of your boy. I can read the passion in your words. I know that you have written that nothing can help you but I would like to offer that in the shock…in the crack of your open heart are some places to explore. One of them could be a connection to your son through the love you still have for him.
My son was murdered 26 may 2017. Its 4 months next week i still dont know why. He was 21 so full of life wonderful smiling handsome boy. I miss him so deeply. It hurts this hole in my heart. I am alone with my pain, my partner can not understand and does not speak to me. I sit at home crying with my sadness with no one to share my son’s memories or my hurt. Many times I wish there could be an end to this pain. I have nothing, just his memory. My heart is broken and my life is too, just lonely.
Kalomira, I am so sorry to read about your horrible compounded loss. So painful to have additional pain and suffering on top of the death of your son. Please reach out, by now in my loss, I have become a resource for others.
Hi. I lost my only child at 26, on 8/23/2017. It’s been only a couple of months. I feel like I’m going crazy! I miss him so dearly. I get up, go to work and do the “functions” of a normal day. But inside I’m so broken, so devastated and sometimes I go to a very dark place, of course with a smile on my face, because I certainly should start to be getting to the other side of things by now, ( like some people think I should) I’m lost and scared to keep waking up like this.. this is no way to live.
So sorry for your loss and the losses of all of us. This one event takes us to our knees like no other event ever will. Forming community with other parents through The Compassionate Friends can help. Writing may help. Joining an online group can help. Please contact me if you would like more information about the group I started called “Open to Our Angels”.
I wish I could feel anything but the pain I feel , I feel like there is no hope no chance of ever being happy again my wife and I lost our son two months ago now it’s like I’m just waiting enduring everyday till it’s my time
Kevin, first off let me say that I am so sorry for your loss. Most parents who have shared this nightmare will say that in two months of experiencing our worst nightmare we were all still in shock. It’s as though a limb has been severed. I would like to offer you and your wife separately or together, a 15 min free coaching session. I have many resources to offer, including a group called Open to Our Angels. Please feel free to email me at:
My son died one year ago today
Michelle, I can feel your pain in the empty spaces of your response. I am so sorry for your loss. Of course, there is nothing to prepare us for this horrible loss and nothing that can take it away.
My first son died dec 18th 2017 at age 42. He was a drug addict but many questions have been raised as to whether or not he recd adequate treatment from the hospital. He had cardiac arrest and didnt recieve oxygen in time. In this one month the intensity and conflicts of everyone’s emotions and beliefs is overwhelming. I ended a relationship and today my grand daughter who I have raised at 15 diesnt want to live with me anymore. I dont understand why people cant give me time and support to deal with this pain. I look at my sons picture and it doesnt feel real that I will never again see him or hug him. I am so tired yet I cant sleep without medication. It looks like God wants me to be totally alone. So sad. Thank you for letting me express myself.
Our bubbling son of 18 years died 28 years back in road accident on way to college. Gone from the physical world but not from our heart. Each moment of every day he remains with me -in our thoughts. I feel his prevasive presence in absence. Fragrance of his smiles and affection continues. He has come much close to us by leaving us so suddeny and so early.Initial days were very difficult but then holy books gave us some strength.
Whether there is life after death or not-but there is conservation of mass, energy, momentum? If life or soul is energy, even after death the form of energy will be conserved? Let us hope in not in this life -in some cycle of birth we shall meet our Son.
By reading your letter, it seems that you were talking about me and my son. My 38 year old son passed away on October 30th, 2017. He went to sleep and never woke up. I can not even explain the pain I am in, and rely when you ask your son, why this happen? He was married with two children one 3 year old and a 5 month old baby girl. The cause of dead is unknown and we are still waiting for the toxicology report. I need closure. I am not sure what happened, but I think it will bring peace to my soul to know how did he died. I miss him terribly. He was upbeat, happy, good father, son, brother to three sisters. We are all suffering from this loss!
Absolutely the way I feel. My son died January 9, 2018. He was diagnosed in 2010 with Stage IV Lung Cancer and was given 3 months to Live. He told them they were wrong and showed them 8 years later to start his own foundation PJAF.ORG, helping to raise funds for lung cancer research. I miss him with every breath I take. Thank you so much for your story. I feel I am the only one who feels this pain. I have another son Mark, and he has 4/grandbabies. He is suffering with a divorce on going for 2/years now. He lives in Southern MD and I on the East Coast. Again THANK you from the Bottom of my heart.
Thank you Basis, I’m Richard 62. My Son NICK 26 took his own life and mine. March 9th this month. 16 days ago. Your Son was like mine. Just wanted to thank you.
You know how I feel.
I want my 18 year old son back
Michelle, there are no words to describe the devastation that you’re feeling. The reality of multiple losses is so painful. Feels extra hurtful when someone pulls away by choice…it’s like another death in some ways.
If you can remember the love you have for your son that may help you. When your mind wanders to negative thoughts…bring your focus back to the love that you feel in your heart. Even if you are angry with him, you have loved him and still do.
Talk to him. Write to him. Light a candle for him. Ask him to let you know that he’s ok now. That’s what we really want as parents, to know that our babies are ok.
Please reach out to me. I might have some resources for you.
Patricia, I feel your words. The closest I can come is to feel his presence around me and to expand my ability to engage with him. You might be interested in a Closed Face Book group that I started called Open to Our Angels. Search for that group and I will add you if it looks like something that might help you.
Sending much love, Basia.
Hi Richard…(BTW, I love writing that name).
Thank you for your message. I do know to some degree. It feels impossible as I write this response before another holiday that my son Richard won’t be part of. That’s likely the same with you missing Nick.
I have to say that Richards death has caused me to be become more social than I have ever been in my life. Not right away but over time, for survival. I feel Richard’s strength flow through me sometimes.
Life is such a mystery…I still don’t know…even though I feel like I now know a lot more about seeing the depths of life than I ever did. Now, I embrace the mystery…the mystery feels like life itself. You have to live, Richard. Don’t put the responsibility of your life on his actions.
Wishing you the best life that you can live to honor your boy as I do mine. I invite you to a closed FaceBook group that I run called Open to Our Angels. Search it or my name on FB and I’ll add you to the group.
Wishing you the best!
My son, how I miss him. The pain is unbearable at times. I need to believe his Angel’s came down and opened up their wings to carry him to paradise. He was 23 years old and full of life, was just beginning. Strong and free. You never stop worrying about your children, even when they are in heaven. My beautiful son. I thank him every day for the time we had together, for choosing me as his mother. If love were enough, you’d still be here.
I lost my son dean 31/1/17 that day changed my life forever. I know I lost the only person who truly loved me. I can’t face family things. I have a beautiful daughter but i have had to learn forgiveness there were things that went before and after his that she was part of . Things that were not nice. I realise I am so lucky to have her.
I moved I could not stay where I lived the memories were too much. I feel my son is always with me . My faith helped me throug. On his birthday I went to church said a prayer . The peace I found there. The morning sun shone through the stainglass window. Tears ran down I stared at Jesus on the cross I was at one with God he lost his son I lost mine . I talk to God and my son this helps . I keep busy then something will remind me of Dean I played Barbara streistand and cried he brought me the CD one mother’s day . I call it the blackness when I just cry for the loss my heart half missing. Then I carry on . So I live my life work this helps . Some of my family I tolerate but mostly I like being at home where if the blackness cones I can weep without worrying then resume. I have to keep busy . I am changed things no longer matter I am stronger because nothing can be as loosing a child I feel like someone cut away half my soul and heart. I asked my dr when will I be me again she said you will never be you again only a different you. Now I happy with simpler things my garden my dogs sunny days. My son is always in my heart and thoughts.
Thank you for sharing the feelings and so adeptly describing the emotions that are felt. We lost our only son recently and are still shattered by his absence.
Hello I don’t know what to say. But as I sit here waiting on my therapist to call. I came across your story. I have been trying to deal with my Only Son death for 7 months and it has been the most hardest thing to deal with. Please help..
9 mounths and 2 days my son had a massive heart attack on his birthday and died we were at odds with each other and I wish I were with him every single day of my life I have two grand kids which I don’t get to see and the pain is so unbearable sometimes. I hurt beyond belief
All 2016 dates so maybe nobody in 2018 will ever see or read this. My son died 26 days ago. Do I count his last day on earth as a living day or dying day. I worry about that and it speaks to my state of mind. He shot himself, completely unexpectedly to his wife, co-workers, friends, Dad and me all of whom he had a close, open relationship with. Something happened. I am still in shock. I left three jobs I loved, my home of 30+ years, sold most everything and relocated to be here with my son and his young family. Now 18 months later, I am in a strange place, adrift, unhappy but anchored to humanity through my son. Now he’s gone and I am truly in a strange place, adrift, unhappy and unanchored, adrift on earth.
I am in denial, can’t cry or even feel the loss. It’s an emotional place I am unable to access and I feel like a freak for not crying and expressing my sadness. My sadness just is me now. I am waking up, have to work, come home, pet the dog, watch TV and ask him aloud daily why, where are you, can you hear me? I also am doubting my faith in God because of the obvious reasons. I don’t want to hear it’s His plan, or that He was saving my son from earthly pain. No I want my child.
I’m consumed by thinking about him, his life, his presence in my life and how many regrets I have for allowing him to come help me at the house but not forcing him to sit and talk more. Maybe I would have gleaned something that could have saved him. I feel as if numbness is the new me forever. I just as soon that it be, because I am terrified of accepting that he could do this to himself when he seemingly had every success a man could want in life. So what happened? Why did he feel so desolate with a young son, just 2 years married, Mom in town, new house and a job he loved? I’m the one that should be suicidal, I am 65, alone, in debt for having moved, in debt tax-wise for having moved and isolated now from all I knew and loved. I should be the one who died, not him. Not him. But here I reluctantly remain, stuck on earth for another awful few decades to live as a shell of a human, with no hope for joy or satisfaction in sharing my life with my beloved son.
I just lost my son 2 months ago on the 14th of March he would have been 29years old on 17th may and I seem to get worse instead of better turnin to drink drugs anything to take away the pain I’ve decided today no more drink or drugs so of course I’ve got the massive reality check and haven’t stopped crying all through the night day and tonight I miss him so so much I’ve let myself go couldn’t care if I get dressed washed most of the time I just stay in bed no energy for anything my heart is broken I will never be the same person again and I don’t know how to make myself better I don’t know how to get out of bed I don’t know how to eat to get washed nothing concerned friend’s have asked to take me out for a coffee but I always cancel I just can’t face it my son died the day after my mothers funeral am just a total mess
I have responded to every comment. If you haven’t received an email from me please look in your trash…my sometimes gets redirected.
I am and continue to be incredibly moved by the people behind the comments. I feel you because I feel me and have felt some similar feelings. My desire to connect is to let you hear a voice of someone who has been down this wretched path before you. It’s like we’re shipwrecked in our own lives in the days/months after losing our child(ren).
Hopefully, if we talk, I can pass along some resources that have helped me. Knowing that you’re on the Open to Hope website is a good sign in that you have found a wonderful support network.
It has been 7 monthes since I lost my son Joshua is was 33 years old the horrible desiese of cancer took him. What a horrible painful death I was able to be his care taker for the nine monthes that he fought to stay here with his family. I don’t think the pain will ever go away . Happiness is something that I don’t expect to have in my life ever again. I know it sound terrible but I long for a day when Joshua isn’t in my thoughts every minute he is there when I wake and when I say my night time prayer along with every other moment of the day. It is exhausting I would give anything to just touch his bearded check just one more day. Joshua I miss you so much.
So inspiring. I commend you for persevering through and not surrendering to the depths of darkness of grief. I too lost a son he was 19. It’s taken me quite a while to find my place back within life. But I like you have choose to keep forging ahead. I am and will always be connected to my son. I strive to always keep his memory alive. He now lives through me.
Much love and peace,
from one mother to another in grief.
Carol Ragsdale
Matthew Mullis’s mom
My 47 son Todd just died from sudden cardiac arrest.
It is a month now and I feel like I am dying.
I see no hope at the end of tunnel.
Loved him so so much.
He seemed like my young son was walking 5 to10 Miles.
He said he felt like he had abused his body
And had lost 40 lbs to 185.suddenly gone!
Hi Melissa,
Please know that 7 months is no time at all considering the changes that have happened in yours and your son’s lives. I am so sorry that you had to witness him being in pain. That is a parents worst agony and then on top of that he’s gone.
It is not horrible to want some relief fro your own pain. It is natural. Please know that this experience does change. I wish I could say that it all goes back to normal…I can say that it goes to a new ‘normal’.
Each persons process is unique. There is no roadmap for your experience.
Hi Carol,
I’m inspired by your words. I often feel as though parents who have lost a child are real heroes. Getting out of bed and taking one step forward when your world has fallen apart is heroic. There will never be fanfare for this heroism. Others can’t see our pain behind our normal movements and participation in life. Keeping Richard alive in my thoughts and meditation helps me.
Like you I am always connected to my son and I strive to expand our connection. I invite him to let me know of his presence in my life. I have started a closed FaceBook group called Open to Our Angels. If this might interest you, let me know.
Hi Donna,
My heart breaks for you. I can barely remember a month after Richard died. Life was a blur. I can say this in hindsight that the tunnel was much darker then than it is now 3+ years later. I can assure you that you are not dying but you are birthing another you. You will never be the same.
Your loved him will keep him alive in your heart.
Talking with others who have this wretched loss can help. Let me know if you would like to talk.
I got the call from my daughter around 6:00 am may 5, this year 2018 that my 57 year old son, Tony had died, I know that I shouted out, no, no, no, please no. Within 30 minutes or so I knew what I had to do, and that was make the calls to funeral homes and make the necessary plans to care for his body. As I walked out the back entrance to my condo, there was a pigeon sitting on a railing within three feet of me and not making an effort to fly off. When the pigeon did fly off it was so soft and quiet as if it was floating, barely flapping it`s wings. I took that as a sign from Tony that he was okay. I pray that I will see him again one day and we can go fishing together, and we can hug each other and I can tell him again how much I love him. I regret so much not calling him back the last time he called me, other things got in the way. I hope that you will forgive me son. I love you Tony, always will, always have. Your father.
Thank you for writing your story, or part of it. I lost my son Kieran, aged 26 this March. I’m devastated. He was such a huge part of my world. His death has fast tracked me to a life crossroads I had slowly and tentatively moving towards beforehand. A career change at 52 years is terrifying. ‘What if it’s a huge mistake?’ ‘What about my company pension?’ ‘What if I don’t make it?’ So many what ifs. But nothing, absolutely nothing can beat the scale and proportion of the impact of Kie’s death, so technically I could just surrender to the unknown and follow where my feet seem to be carrying me. Many friends say they hear Kieran and speak with him. They see him in dreams. I rarely do. When I hear him it’s just a simple ‘alright Mum’ and in the 3 vague dreams I’ve had where he has been present, he’s just a young child. Whenever I think I’ve ‘turned a corner’ and start to feel a modicum of peace and acceptance, something just triggers another seam of grief, inconsolable and heart wrenching. The forever of my loss of Kie is terrifying. Your words have brought me comfort and courage, many thanks, Irene.
I lost my 43 yr old son 3 months ago. My feeling are all of your early thoughts. I dont understand how others can get signs, cardinals, a touch etc. But I cant get anything.i need desperately to see or feel him. Why cant i?
Days just getting harder
Hi Irene, I am so sorry for your loss. We share something very devastating. What I realized when I read your words is that my son Rich, IS a huge part of my world. Since before he was born he and I were connected. I was aware of him, and the love I had for him grew. The surprise is that my love continues to grow. Now even after his death he is part of every single day.
Oh my gosh, I feel for you. I will send you an email from my email.
Hi Irene, I am so sorry for your loss. We share something so devastating. What I realized when I read your words is that my son Rich, IS a huge part of my world. Since before he was born he and I were connected. I was aware of him, and the love I had for him grew. The surprise is that my love continues to grow. Now even after his death he is part of every single day.
Oh my gosh, I feel for you. I will send you an email from my email.
Hi Irene, Dee, I am so sorry for your losses. We share something so devastating. What I realized when I read your words is that my son Rich, IS a huge part of my world. Since before he was born he and I were connected. I was aware of him, and the love I had for him grew. The surprise is that my love continues to grow. Now even after his death he is part of every single day.
I want you to know about a closed FB group that I run, I will send you an email from my email.
Hello John,
Of course, you will always love your Tony. You will always be his father. I’m moved by your message. Not too many people have experienced the death of a grown, mature child. So many years of growth and change. I will message you via email, from my email.
My 33 year old son died of Sepsis from pneumonia March 8. We talked daily and he was my best friend as well.
I am literally paralyzed. I am numb. I feel guilty I didn’t know he was sick. I don’t eat . I feel like vomiting all the time.
I have no interest in life. I don’t know what to do. I have so many questions and no answers. I can’t cook or clean or barely breath. I have no support. I’m ignoring my other children. I just feel nothing but dread. The hardest thing is I don’t know where he is?
Thank you for writing and sharing this article. I just lost my 18 year old son in May of this year. I am feeling completely lost in this world now without him. Thanks for giving me hope that I too can heal and change my life <3
Dear Judy, my heart breaks for you…for us, really. The #1 thing that helped me most was to imagine my son in the room, when I didn’t want to get out of bed, or cook, or clean…I imagined him saying “Mom, who are you? You’re not my mom. My mom loves to bike ride and paddle board. My mom loves the sunshine and nature. Get out of bed, mom, Go do the things that you like.” I almost lived FOR him because he couldn’t.
I cried while doing everything. But I felt him in the love of the things we did together. It’s a horrible journey but the people who have come into my life…I feel a connection through our broken hearts to the unconditional love of our children.
Please check your email inbox from me…
Thankyou for sharing your story about your son he sounded like an amazing son every mother sees that in their children – my son died 14 June 2018 only 3 weeks ago yet as sad as I feel about his passing I know he would want me to continue to live my life and never be crippled because he is no longer with me I am thankful that I got to see my son and spend time with him for 39 yrs of his years he was 40 – My life will be forever changed knowing I will never see or hear my son’s voice again the strength I have right now is because I have a loving family and very good friends I am eternally grateful that I experienced lived in my child’s life
Take Care
God Bless
I’m still mad at God. My son died of a massive heart attack june 25 2015, on the front lawn. He had just come from work and was getting out of his work truck and passed. I have bargained with God (I know it’s all part of the greiving ) why him? Take me. But I will never understand why God would sacrifice his son Jesus and not himself. I would give my life for my son’s. I am heartbroken to the core.
Dear Mrs Mosinski,
Thank you for this article. My 45 year old son died suddenly this week. I am devastated. Just as you wrote, I too have called his name over and over trying to feel him somehow, but nothing so far. I’m not sure I can ever get pass this hurt. Your words have consoled me, somewhat but I am still broken-hearted.
I lost my adult son 4 weeks ago. The never ending emptiness is overwhelming. I am overcome with lonliness and sadness. I sit on my couch and hold his ashes and cry my heart out.
I lost my son on June 19, 2018 and he had just turned 27 on June 15. 2018. He was murdered and left on the concrete and was found in front of someones house @5:30 am. The phone call from the police still haunts my dreams. Due to open police investivation I still dont know exactly his cause of death. My sons murder has changed my life, I feel such grief, guilt, anger, extreme depression, I cry every single day, I can’t function! I have 3 other kids daughter 13, sons 15 and 29. I know I have them to live for and them seeing me so broken hurt me too. I do have a strong presents of God in my but going back to church took alot for me. Im a gospel singer and I could here my son tell me, “mom go sing, you will feel better”. I pray for all of you and your loss of your child and thank you for your stories of hope.
My 26 year-old son died unexpectedly June 1, 2018. I can’t live! I’m alive, but no “life”…I find no joy in anything. If I didn’t have my daughter, I would’ve killed myself already. It was always just us 3…we were extremely close. My daughter lives out of town, I see her about every few months, but we text almost daily. How can I be any kind of “happy” when my son’s young life is gone. How is it fair to my deep love for him, that I could smile again? I feel I’m betraying my son being gone, to “enjoy” anything when he’s not here. He will never smile or enjoy life ever again, how can I? I go to a psychologist regularly, but do not go anywhere else. I am paralyzed by my profound sadness & depression, knowing I’ll never feel his hug again or hear him say “I love you mom” ever again. The horrendous heartbreak is unbearable. I even have physical ailments from this. I have faith in The Lord, but I have been questioning that lately. How could a loving God allow a good, kind and caring person die and allow evil people to live!? My struggle is overwhelming. My heart goes out to all parents who have lost a child.
My son died suddenly on the 24th of march 2018 he was only 20yrs old, he passed away in front of me, but was ventilated for organ harvest, the flash backs are horrendous, i don’t think i will ever get over his death.
Thank you, I really needed to hear this. My biggest thing is just being able to hold him or have him answer me back with his voice. That is just the mom in me. I think maybe he would really love for me to take an interest in things we talked about.
Sue Rodriguez, I tried to email you at the email and it bounced back to me. Please reach out to me at
Dear Readers, when this article was originally published, I was able to respond directly to each comment. I am no longer able to do that, so my responses tend to be free floating, although they are meant as a response to a comment. What I have done is begun to reach out to the email provided when you comment. If you don’t hear from me, please also send your comment to my email I would never have written these words had it not been for my son Richard. You would not be reading these words had it not been for your child or loved one. I truly believe that the connections through them is important. Your comment is a spark of light, in the darkness. Fanning the flame of the spark is our choice.
OMG, Nicky, what you experienced is so horrendous. Of course, you will never get over this experience. It is all so fresh in your mind as well. There are a few tips that I can offer regarding the brain body connection of memory. My kindle eBook “Lost to Found” due out by September 15, 2018 has some references to what can help.
Contact me and I will share what I have learned.
We are connected through our children. I would never have written those words had my precious Richard not passed. You would never have read my words had your beautiful son passed. I had a dream of Richard last night. I know he is with me in my work.
Wishing you peace.
OMG, Nicky, what you experienced is so horrendous. Of course, you will never get over this experience. It is all so fresh in your mind as well. There are a few tips that I can offer regarding the brain body connection of memory. My kindle eBook “Lost to Found” due out by September 15, 2018 has some references to what can help.
Contact me and I will share what I have learned.
We are connected through our children. I would never have written those words had my precious Richard not passed. You would never have read my words had your beautiful son passed. I had a dream of Richard last night. I know he is with me in my work.
Wishing you peace.
This is my second son Ive lost. My first was when he was 27. A car accident. It almost killed me. But haf a husband and 3 other children and full time job to keep me going. That was 17 yrs ago. This past year my 37 yr old son had a stroke. I struggled with him from March till Dec1 when he took his own life. And now I live alone. Its been such a struggle. Both my sons are in heaven. As they accepted God and made their conformation . I just want them to love me like they did here. They say in heaven everyone loves each other the same. My husband is gone also. I want them to love me as mom. Not like anyone else. Does anyone know of scripture that says if there is any soecial feelings for moms ir dads?
Your story was so very touching, as well as others that I have read that have lost their children that breaks my heart. I so wished that I could take everyone’s pain away.
I had moved back 2 months previous before my son’s passing after being gone from Washington State for almost 8 years. He had asked me to move back for years, but something always came up to prevent it.
Almost 8 months ago now, my 27 year old son C.J. called me, he was sitting in his truck in traffic heading back to Willsonville OR. He called to ask me to do him a favor because he wouldn’t be back in time to take care of it. I said sure. We chatted for awhile while he sat in traffic. Then he said “Awe man” and it’s like he was in pain or something. Then he said “Mom let me call you back”. Then all I heard was what sounded like the phone dropping and hitting on the way down until it hit the floor and hung up. I called back, I knew something was wrong. No answer, just ranged. Finally after what seemed like maybe 45 minutes, the tow truck driver answered the phone. Said he only answered because it said Mom on my son’s phone. He informed me that my son had a cardiac arrest. He informed my of the closest hospital where my son was at. I thought it was a joke, until I got hold of the hospital and he was there in ICU and the nurse wanting to know if I was coming now. I said yes. I got there to my son, he was on a vent machine, in a coma.
I learned later that a young man pulled my son from his truck and his lips and face was Blue. He did compression’s only, no mouth to mouth 🙁 An office happen upon the scene and used his defibrillator on my son. My son was then rushed to the hospital.
We were in ICU for 8 days, the doctors running test on my son with no results. I advocated for my son. I just knew he was going to open his eyes. The end result was I had to say goodbye to my baby, “this is killing me to type”. The doctors have no reason why my healthy 27 year old baby passed. He is in the only 2 percentile to be able to donate all his organs, even his heart. There was nothing wrong with his heart. My baby passed and I have no answers. I only got 2 months with him, that’s it. When I moved back, he was at my house just about everyday, walking through my front door saying “Mom”. He left behind a 7 month old daughter and a 5 year old son.
I feel like I have had a body part ripped off of me. I begged God to please trade places with me in the hospital, take me and not my baby, that I was Old and he was just starting his young life. But no, he took my baby and I’m left here, makes no sense. I only got 2 months.
I’m in family grief counseling, I try not to let anyone see me cry. People around me act like I’m a strong woman and am moving along fine. That’s because they can’t relate, except through loosing a parent, it’s not the same, “I want to scream”. I gave birth to this child, I loved him before he was born. I nurtured him as an baby, toddler, little boy, the teenage years, and a beautiful young man. Everything is falling apart around my ears, my marriage. I’m so tired.
Thank you for your time. Just an emotional day. I spent most of the morning at my baby’s grave.
Dear Bobbi,
My heart breaks for you. I’m so moved by the similarity of moving to a new location to live near your son and then he died suddenly! Such a nightmare. I am so sorry. Please check your email. I offered you a few resources including my eBook…”Lost to Found: Surviving the death of your child”
Please stay in touch.
Dear Irene,
Please check your email. I sent you a personal message.
I am so sorry for your devastating losses. You and I share multiple losses…to this day the thought that this worst nightmare could happen to someone twice or more is mind boggling.
Here is a link to my eBook (Amazon Kindle) entitled “Lost to Found: Surviving the death of your child”. I hope this helps. In the book I describe two losses and surviving them…
Please stay in touch.
I lost my 37 yr old son on New year’s Eve very suddenly. He was my life. I am in trouble… Getting Worse not better.. It his me every single morning I wake up crying. Some c days I can’t get up and function. About to lose job n idc… Lost everything already…. We were very close lifelong… I be want there n I feel I failed him somehow…I also lost my cats afterwards… Death send to follow me
I am going through the same thing with my 30 year old son, he may only have a day or days left.
The grief is unbearable. My son is Doctor of Physics and one of the good guys who would never say a bad thing about anyone. He has suffered so much over this past year…. Why has God allowed this.
I have prayed with every ounce of my being to God to save my son, but nothing.
To see my son going through this is the worse nightmare a parent can have, my heart is breaking and there is nothing I can do to , Where is God and why won’t he help.
I am going through the same thing with my 30 year old son, he may only have a day or days left.
The grief is unbearable. My son is Doctor of Physics and one of the good guys who would never say a bad thing about anyone. He has suffered so much over this past year…. Why has God allowed this.
I have prayed with every ounce of my being to God to save my son, but nothing.
To see my son going through this is the worse nightmare a parent can have, my heart is breaking and there is nothing I can do to , Where is God and why won’t he help.
Juli, my heart goes out to you. I have responded with a personal message. Please check you Inbox, Spam and Junk to be sure you find it from me:
I am so moved when someone comments on my words because my words would not have been written had it not been for my son, Richard and Stepson Logan’s deaths. They live through me now and reach people I would never have otherwise met. That has meaning to me.
Thank you for sharing your soul.
Patrick, I have responded to your email with a personal message. Please check you Inbox, Spam and Junk to be sure you find it from me:
Our losses bring us together but they don’t define us. What defines us is who we become.
Thank you for sharing your soul.
Have I left Planet Earth??? This can’t be real! How is it possible that my son was here one day and gone forever the next. I was notified on 9/11/18 that my beautiful 32 year old son died on Sept 10th from an accidental overdose. I have been profoundly changed and I’m not sure how to survive this magnitude of grief and sadness. I posted this letter to his facebook page immediately after I stopped crying for a few minutes. It seemed the only way to release some of the intensity of emotions. Writing seems to help some.
Dear Sorin:
My grief and sadness are so profound I feel the pain in every molecule of my being. The profanity of your death leaves me bereft and my soul feels scattered. I send my love with you on your new journey and take comfort in knowing that you knew the depth of my mother’s love for you while you were here.
I can hardly bare the truth, I will never see your smiling face again in this lifetime, I will never feel your hugs and I we will never have another wonderful conversation. The tears don’t stop. I do know that I was blessed to have you for as long as I did and to share this journey called life.
I will see you again when I wake from this dream and we will celebrate but until then I will carry this burden of loss. There is no life without death, no joy without sadness, no pleasure without pain…we hold our breath and wait for the balance. Good Bye My Son!
Mom loves you Kid!
“Just be! “
I can’t stop crying and I don’t want to vanish from a broken heart, I have 2 older children and 4 beautiful grandchildren. I choose to be ok but I’m not sure how. I will keep trying though. My heart goes out to each and every one of you that have felt the sledge hammer of the loss of a child.
This was my Son’s last post on FB 9/9/18 – Pretty Ironic!
“Count your blessings cuz every morning you wake up is another one!”
It is uncanny that your son left such a profound message. I call these things the Mysteries of Life. I still shake my head four years later. I miss him so much. I find comfort when I meditate. I quiet my mind and connect with him in my soul through the unconditional love that well never change.
Dear Diana, I am grateful that Richard continues to bring me in contact with other parents, who know the deep waters like I do and continue to strive to get out in front of the waves like the best surfers, honoring their children with every attempt.
Thanks you for your message. I am so sorry for your loss of Sorin.
Thank you for sharing. Today marks 14 months since I lost my 27 yr old son. I continue for him too, each day I focus on becoming stronger and enjoy the things I once did because I know that’s what he would want. Love never dies.
Thank you !!!! I always believe that things come to me as they were meant to happen….. Amd rite now in this moment I know for sure that the feelings I am having are the same as you have described?? To my Angel Dax Christopher Baker??? Mama Dukes loves you……
Thank you for your comment…”Love never dies.”
Ginger, thank you so much for your comment. I can feel the love energy coming through. I sent you an email from my account. So grateful to be connected.
I arrived back home on new years eve 2017 to the home i shared with my eldest son. It felt eerily different, quiet. I called my sons name as i went through the door, but there was no reply. He had passed away on the sofa, i screamed at him to not be dead. I rang the emergency services who instructed me to get him onto the floor and comence cpr, which i did through screams for him to wake up, the emergency services arrived but it was too late. My much loved, troubled son was gone, there and then my life as i knew it was changed forever. I have though a lot since that day about ending my life, but i know he would not have wanted me to do that I have grandchildren, a son and a daughter and a few close friends who keep telling me i cannit do ‘that’to them.I have to believe i will be reunited with my son when the time is right but i pray it is soon as i cannot bear the thought of it being a long drawn out time till i see him again. Is that selfish of me, to want to leave my two remaining children and my grandchildren without a mother or grand mother? Your story touched me deeply, i understand your grief, your loss. I would love to hear from you, but i dont know if thats possible,
Help me. I’m not even close to being over my son’s death. It’s killing me.
Jen, I sent you a personal email message. Please don’t despair. Reach out. Basia
Hi Jen,
I am so sorry for yours and all of our losses. Please don’t despair.
Reach out. I sent you a personal email message.
We lost our Beautiful Son Robert in 2016, he was 40. It has absolutey broken me we moved back nearer our other children & Grandchildren.
But now I feel as if he cannot find me. I keep asking for a sign,
Keep hoping he will come to me in my dreams would a spiritualist help
Thankyou for listening . Barbara
Dear Barbara,
Thank you so much for your comment.
Are you on FaceBook? I started a closed FaceBook group called ‘Open to Our Angels’. I think it might be a good fit for you.
Please reach me via email: (no .com) I can help.
Please know that your beautiful son Robert isn’t lost. In fact, the ones who get lost are us the grieving parents! We get lost and disoriented because everything has changed. When you get settled he will be able to make connection. Open to Our Angels will help.
Also if you search my name on Amazon you will find my new paperback book called “Lost to Found: How to Survive the death of Your Child”.
Today is Nov 9th, my 21 yr old son Cameron passed away on Nov 6th 2018. I just left the funeral home with his mother, brother, his wife and my wife making arrangements for him. I’m roughly 3 days into the nitemare and trying to make since of it it all. Until Monday November the 5th, I hadn’t spoken with my son in several months. I had text him for months and called. But out of the blue, he called and text me Monday night and we spoke for around 11 mins. We made small talk and he aplogized for not talking with me for all those months. We made plans together to discuss some hard feelings he had, but only wanted to tell me in person. After saying our love yous we hung up. I felt I needed to reach back out to him and text again with no answer. I received a call Tuesday around 11:44 am from his mother telling me to get the hospital because he wasn’t breathing and they were working on him. In the middle of my drive she called back and told me to go to her house instead. I knew then he was gone. Cameron was my middle son and his mother’s baby boy, needless to say our family is broken at his untimely death. We are still waiting to find out what happened which may take a few days to months. This journey is just starting for our family and I am angry beyond believe at my self for not being there, doing more and getting the him
help that he needed. Like most here, if I only had 1 more day to hug him, hold his hand, comfort him, hang out with him and just look at him….I may could find peace. But that’s not to happen, my son is gone and I’m sitting here heart broken.Please if you happen to read this, love your family hard, don’t leave days between you and handle those disagreements before night falls. You might not have tomorrow to make amends. I love you Cameron with every fiber of my being and I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you the day you passed. Peace until we meet again.
Dear Chris,
Such a heartbreaking time. The devastation of losing your son just 10 days ago is horrendous in and of itself. Not know why he died AND having spoken with him the day prior is too much for any one person to bare.
Please know that your anger is a ‘normal’. Fight, flight and freeze are trauma responses.
Please be good to yourself. Take breaks from people and stressors, if/when you can.
I’m glad you reached out and commented. There is help available. I sent you and email.
What I mean by ‘help’ is that when you’re ready there are resources to help you cope. Of course, nothing can take away or temper your loss. Words are so inadequate sometimes.
Hi my name is Marjorie Williams I was reading ur letter n I want to say first my sorry about ur son .n thanks for writing ur son was kill last year n nov 20 2017 I seen my son get kill .my life just stop at that moment i been trying to keep my head on tigh but its hard my life ended when his life ended everyday i take one step n front of the otherit hard but thank u so much
this is so strange, 7 years ago I lost my son he was 27, lastnite I was having a really bad night, I ask God please please take some of this pain away I have ask him to take this wall down that I have build around me, its tearing my marriage apart, it’s like IAM in my own little world, so lastnite I begged my son who passed away to give me a sign that he is ok, I told him please please just some kind of sign, then I woke this morning and the first thing that popped up on my phone was this article from you, and I read this article and looked at my son’s picture with a smile and said thank for giving me this article to read, and the person who wrote it.
I am a member of Compassionate Friends in Pekin Il. I was at the conference in St .Louis this past summer, which I loved the workshops! The death of my grown son from Colon Cancer totally broke me to pieces, he was married with twin boys, age 11 when he died in August of 2016. I have never been the same. I am married the second time 28 years. My step son died in March of 2018 from addiction. Also an adult. Yes indeed this puts an enormous strain on our marriage! I am a talker, my husband is not. Without Compassionate Friends I would never be where I am today. My husband will not go, Will not talk about it. I feel like I hit the wall trying to converse. Therefore, I decided he will have to do this himself. Our boys were as different as day and night. The problem for me is my son fought so hard to live, whereas my step son totally threw his life away, as I am aware it is a sickness. I just don’t know to get our marriage on track I am 70 years old! I hate to leave my comfort zone.
Thank you for your comment. It means so much to me. I feel my son and stepson participating in our paths crossing and perhaps your children as well.
Multiple losses are rarely addressed in grief literature yet for many people the tsunami of loss takes so much from us in addition to the ultimate loss of our child or children.
Each of us grieves differently. You and your husband are both vulnerable. You’re right not to leave your comfort zone…too much has happened, already.
Growth comes from being authentic. You can grow from this without your husband changing short of a breech of a marital ‘deal breaker’.
I have sent you a personal message to your email.
Wishing you strength.
Dear Kim,
Thank you for your comment. I am certain that my son Richard and stepson Logan were instrumental in the ‘mystery’ of this article popping up on your phone. And now it sounds like your son was also involved and here we are communicating.
I am so glad that comfort came with this sign that he is OK. The sign also prompted you to reach out and comment coming out of ‘your own little world’. This is how it goes for many of us. The signs help up to feel connected to our children and then to others. Our paths crossing feels good because our hearts have been cracked open. We can feel the BS in the world around us and tend to seek people and experiences that feel authentic.
Hi Marjorie,
Thank you for your compassion about the transition of my son and stepson.
My heart breaks for you. It is bad enough to have your child die, but to be killed AND to be there at the time, is simply too much for anyone to bear. My heart aches for you.
Thank you for your comment. One step at a time is helpful. In addition to that, joining groups of other parents who have similar losses is very helpful. The Compassionate Friends closed FaceBook groups are very helpful. I also have started a closed FaceBook group called Open to Our Angles. I welcome you and others to check it out to see if it is a good fit for you.
I have sent you a personal email message.
Sending much love,
Everything about this beautifully wriiten, I cried thinking about my 2 sons. My oldest son passed 3/7/2014 on his anniversary date, my second son was rushed to the hospital to be put on life support and for 3 weeks the doctors kept him living. I’m heart broken still. Could I be mad at God, idk maybe maybe the feeling is hidden. Deep inside my very soul.
Tomorrow will make 2 years since my 30 year old son died, i am so numb!
Dear Kelly,
It is heart wrenching to know that there are others who have had multiple losses.
I know that when My son Richard passed, I was incredibly angry at God. Actually, Richard’s death 21 years after my stepson Logan’s death made me question my beliefs altogether. The good news is that I don’t believe in an omnipotent God that gave me this to bear. I don’t believe life works that way. I do believe the spirit or soul of my children live on. I experience their presence in my life everyday in the work that I do and that helps me.
Hi my name is Juli. Brandon died July 18th 2018. He was 28 years old. He lived in Columbia Missouri with his girlfriend and I hope to create a new bond with Brandon as soon as I got my disability and could buy a car. He died before I could do that.
He was my first born and just the sweetest little guy you never know. He was a towhead so my mom and I thought he had a little Halo on his head. You came along 6 months after my father died of cancer November 20th 1989. I just received his W-2 form and I look at it and see how hard he worked. There is a huge hole in my heart and I too cried Brandon Brandon I love you Brandon. Today is an especially hard day I can feel it building over the last few days. I still can’t have even one of his pictures out because I lose it every time I see the picture. I had a dream about him the other morning and it was a good dream. I dream of the day that I’ll die and go to heaven and get to hold him once again.
I lost my 23 year old son in a car crash in Azerbaijan on 23rd June 2015 while he was over there working. We were living in the UK. My husband was his boss at the time and was there with him when it happened. We now live on the side of a mountain in Montenegro.
We always had such a strong connection my son and I. After the initial horror of it all I started to realise that losing his body could not change that, nothing could change that.
Eventually I chose to find a way to live with this pain and somehow continue to make him proud of his Mum. I did not want his soul to have to worry about me all the time, I wanted to try to support him like I always did and that became my focus I guess. I found a sense of peace through practising hatha yoga. Yoga restored a sense of calm to my existence. Nothing can take away the pain or heal that loss but somehow it helped me learn to live with it. I connect with my son through meditation and yoga is like ironing your soul, there is a sense of calm sitting alongside your agony.
I accept my grief will never change and there will always be days when I am crippled with disbelief as if it were the day he died.
There has been undeniable contact with Micah since he died and not just involving myself. I believe the more peaceful you are, the closer you can get to the person you are grieving for.
I am in the process of writing a book about everything that has happened, before and after. It was all quite strange. Love and pain so closely joined together.
It was nice to read your story. There is not much about losing an adult child on the internet and it was nice to hear you talk about your spirituality. Thankyou
Dear Jennifer Maxwell, if you are on FaceBook, please friend request me and I will add you to a closed group that I manage called Open to Our Angels. It is a place where we feel safe to share our experiences of connection with our loved one who have passed. It is mostly parents but not all who through their grief have discovered signs and understanding that if we share our experiences with others who understand we strengthen our ability to trust and not doubt the signs. Please find me on Face Book or write to me. I sent you an email from
Juli, I am so sorry for your loss. Your loss is so fresh it is normal to be upset and lose your way on this journey. It’s normal to call your child’s name over and over and over again. Nothing can prepare you for this grief. I sent you a personal message. Please know that I am sending you strength to go forward knowing that you will see him again one day. Basia
And always a part of my daily living ??
Thank you so much for writing this article. I lost my 35 year old son 18 months ago. He was my only child and my only flesh and blood. He struggled with alcoholism and sadly his body was unable to cope any longer. He was in hospital for a couple of weeks, and I spent a lot of time with him. I miss him so much and I am broken. Your words are encouraging. Thank you.
Jane, my heart goes out to you. I am so sorry that you share a loss similar to mine…an only child…
I sent you a personal email from (no .com) So glad that you reached out. It’s so important to connect with others because too much isolation is dangerous.
Sending love,
Jane, my heart goes out to you.
I am so sorry that you share a loss similar to mine…an only child…
I sent you a personal email from (no .com) So glad that you reached out. It’s important to connect with others because too much isolation is dangerous.
Sending love,
Wayne, i love this comment that your child is part of your everyday life. That is the only way, for sure!
I just buried my beautiful son. Abused by his stepfather. I helped him get on disability.
He ended up associating with a family who sent their drug dealing son n law who got Brian addicted to tramadol.i have berated them on f b as Marie o Sullivan. My own daughters have been obnoxious. One texing comment refers to me as a C several times .Id signed the house over to their father as I was sick of it. They think they’ve inheritance. Not apparently but I know how they could be. Not divulging. He uses it to have our three adult kids on his side. Now I’ve lost one, his adult stepchild. Over pure cruelty. His revenge over going to prison for sexual assault on the stepdaughter. I’d like to see him tetraplegic being fed through a tube and unable to speak
I really related to your article like so many others have said. I lost my beautiful boy 22 months ago. I have read all of the posts and hadnt really understood how many people are suffering. I went back to work and have battled through this for my husband and the rest of my family but mainly because my son would have wanted me to do. One week after he left us we went to a garden, it was also my birthday and at that early stage we just tried to keep busy. Whilst we were in the garden a butterfly landed on me and also went up my trouser leg. That has given me such comfort. I used to feel my son with me but it has lessened. I hope that this is because he is happy and proud that we are coping. You are an amazing woman Basia for taking the time to reply to everyone. Bless you
Hi Sandra, thank you so much for your comment on this article and thank you for reading the responses. Our losses connect us. I don’t mean only in the heavy heart and weight of grief…I mean in the sense that were it not for our children, our vulnerability, our seeking help, our desire to find the way, our sense of compassion for others, our intention to live the best life we can live to honor them would not be our reality. That idea still takes my breath away.
My in-laws, ages 87 and 85 had two sons, Al and my husband Ron. Al passed away one year ago tomorrow from a massive heart attack at age 57. They, my in-laws, have struggled daily since their (our) loss. My mother in law especially cannot seem to grieve actively, as in a process of going through grief. Every day is like THAT day. They rarely sleep, and just go through the motions of living. I’m so sad to see them like this and don’t know if there is anything I can do or say to help, especially tomorrow, the one year anniversary. I would like to get them out of their house and just take them somewhere where they can focus on something else. Any ideas or direction would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Regarding the Anniversary tomorrow…my recommendation is to keep plans very simple. A meal together, going to Al’s favorite restaurant or having his favorite foods to share. Light a candle, placed near a photo, if the in-laws are OK with that. Sometimes a little bit of ‘doing’ can get everyone involved…like asking everyone to share a favorite experience with Al. In my experience, usually the days/weeks leading up to an anniversary are more difficult than the actual day. I hope it’s that way for your family.
If you can talk about the good memories of Al, the ways that he warmed everyone’s heart, if he did, can be helpful. Expect tears but also be observant if sharing becomes overwhelming for anyone. Each person might express what the most difficult part of Al’s passing is for them…keeping the day real but not bottled up with emotion. Physically, moving around…stretching, walking can be very helpful in shifting energy.
Hope this helps.
My name is Margie.
Thank you for your story. I just lost my only child (son) April 2,2019.. My faith is strong, but my praise isnt happy.. I wanted terribly to see my son even through dreams. I’m sorry for your loss.
I appreciate you. I feel our stories are similar.
I have so many open wounds through my grandsons mom..I pray for you, you pray for me. Hugs
I lost my son Robert 3 months ago.,suddenly.
We were close and I loved him very much. I understood him and he understood me, we made each other laugh.
I am devastated, I notice I get up everyday now..I was stricken with grief and couldn’t get up for 2 months. I get up now but I know I am changed. I dream of him when he was young and his age of 25 when he died.
I am searching for help as I feel no one understands, and life goes on. But I am stuck and cry for him everyday.
He died at 8.12 am, I woke up at 9 am and had been dreaming of him in a coffin with flowers around his young face, he was spiritually connecting with me.
I sometimes feel that it’s not real but I believe when that happens it’s my way of coping.
After reading all the posts on here it has given me some hope that one day….I can start to live.
I miss you rob xxx
I lost my son in 2007 & his name IS Ashton Keith Oldham I have changed so much that now I don’t have any real friends left. I hate small talk, there’s no point to it. Also, I am brutally honest with everyone. Some people say that I am cruel. I don’t mean to be but I promised myself I would NEVER have another broken heart. See my mom passed right after him & 3 dogs died,2 cars were stolen & totaled & then my 9 yr old granddaughter got mad at me in 09 & burned down my home. My last boyfriend was 13 yrs ago. The lifelong male friend I have had for 32 yrs & a lot the last 21 yrs just dumped me because he found a new girlfriend. I’m so sad all the time & care about nothing but my facebook group & facebook friends.
Dear Lori, like you, I am not one for small talk. If I’m honest, I have probably been that way most of my life. Maybe because grief and trauma have been with me for most of my life. Prior to my son, Richard’s passing, I did have joy and pride. He was it.
I am moved by seeing the name of your son in your post and that you emphasize ’IS’. Not sure if you are getting resistance from others who might be uncomfortable about thinking of him in the present. If that’s the case, I recommend that you surround yourself with people who support your belief.
I started a closed FaceBook called Only Love. We share our experiences safely in that group. We focus on the unconditional love that will never die. None of us are going to make it to the other side without death. Finding a way to live to honor our child helps many of us. Be gentle with yourself. In any given moment you get to choose where you focus your energy … on love or on pain.
If you would like to speak with me, a professional grief coach, please reach me at:
Wishing you some ease.
Basia Mosinski
Dear Sharon,
Sounds like you and your son Rob were like ‘soul mates’. I understand that closeness, where you ‘get’ each other. I had that with Rich too.
If you’re open to it, let’s talk. I may be able to help. I have some resources that I’d be happy to share including how I continue to talk with Richard today, 5 years after his passing.
I started a closed FaceBook called Only Love. We share our experiences safely in that group. We focus on the unconditional love that will never die. None of us are going to make it to the other side without death. Finding a way to live to honor our child helps many of us.
If you would like to speak with me, a professional grief coach, please reach me at:
Basia Mosinski
I lost my adult Son 9 months ago but still in another world so dark it hurts. I wish my Son back but know this is never going to happen. I am an artist but cant paint anymore and one day feel better but next feel i am lonely in my grief. I have remarried 9 years and he feels now i should feel better but do not and he is not understanding as not his Son. Dont get me wrong when i crynhe holds me but wish he would understand i will grieve forever for my Son.
Our son passed on January 7th at 6:30-ish am. He was only 27 years old. beautiful 6′ 4 165 lbs and full of life. Aterial angio-sarcoma of the heart vessels is on his death certificate. He had open heart surgery on Labor day 2019, no answers on what was the cause, so we moved on and things were going good, then came that Sunday evening when mom took him in to the emergency room. I got there late, around noon 30 and he was in surgery, by evening he was in ICU with my family and 20 family and friends around him we had to let him go. RIP son. My wife and I sruggle every day. Today was the 1st day that we cried together, my heart broke for her as I tried to comfort her, to no avail. Thank you for all your comments. It means a lot to read them and it inspirers me to move on. Though I know you and I will never forget these loved ones of ours, we will forever be grateful. All I can say is thank you Jesus for the hope we have in you! Amen
Thank you all for sharing your stories. i am 41 years old and my 22 year old son Nick was found dead on october 18 2019. I was in tdc serving a 6 month sentence when he went missing and his body was found 2 weeks later. I got out a month ago but i have no answers. They ruled the death an accident but i believed someone killed him. There are alot of other circumstamces. I dont know how to even begin to try to get any peace about it. Because my son was on drugs and me in prison the cops and the whole world has must overlooked his death as if he wasnt important.He has a brother and grandmother who also loved him dearly. Reading yall stories made me feel not so alone. Thank you
I haven’t felt the same when my 27 year old son died and then less than a year he died my favorite niece died am not the same
My son William died suddenly, in his sleep, April 26,2020 at our farm in Maine. He was 42 y old. The preliminary autopsy cited an anterior wall MI. My daughter found him when he was not out and about from his apartment. This was at 1:30 pm. I was in WI. There is so much I will never ever understand. My grief is without a bottom. Will was so much of my life and his sister’s and his niece and nephews; his friends. He was kind, smart, unassuming, a gifted mechanic with an amazing voice and a brain filled with knowledge and humor. So many things. I am struggling , trying to understand what more I could have done to help him. I know I should have tried harder and harder. I am in such despair and I do not know what to do . Just cannot stop crying. Eliza
A loving son that you thought would love till you lived and it thighed! I thoughted believe it was thoughted to me. I had a stroke and it was bad. But I did good. And then our son was so much to help and now he caned.
The difference being this was your stepson MS Basia Mosinski, the pain is different when it is your biological son. No one can change my mind on that. I lost my son to a bullet to the head june 1 2020, self inflicted hopefuly you will never have to feel the true pain a mother feels when this type of loss.
Our precious son Ryan, forever 35, took his life life 9/13/17. five months after his beloved wife Kim forever 32, passed 3/29/17, following complications from her second heart transplant in twenty one months.
Kim, was born with a major heart defect. In 2013, Tyan, called me, ” mom, Kim’s, on life support. We immediately flew out the next morning. K8m, was in heart failure and was put on the heart transplant list immediately. She received her heart 2/25/15..
Sixteen months later rejection Kim, contracted a virus from her Donors heart she went through ten rounds chemo Kim, receivedher second heart transplant on 1/20/2017. Kim, had strokes and her left leg was amputated on 3/292017, we were told during a family meeting they planned on amputating Kim’s, right leg. Kim, passed that evening in ICU, with only Ryan, next to her side. He told me Kim, grabbed his arm and didn’t let go.
I After our sons passing we packed up their house and I found on medication bottle with Ryan’s, name. I called his doctor, he call me right back. He was concerned about Ryan, The doctor read me Ryan’s, diagnoses. PTSD,, Aniexty, Deoresion, Insomnia, Night Terrors. Ryan, refused medication. I don’t beleive Ryan, ever told Kim, not to stress her out.
Ryan, was a ful time school teacher and Kim’s, primary care giver. Ryan and Kim, lived in Milwaukee, Kim’s, parents Illinois, and we live in CA. Ryan and Kim, asked me to come stay with them from 3023, till the night she passed. . I stayed off and on for over two years as they needed me. They came to CA once ir twice a year. While waiting for her hearts they would put her in hold status. We always had a a wonderful tind together.
I lost my son last year. He was 34 years of age. Terminal cancer. I have no family now, Hard to reconcile. Know one to talk to. Just an empty vacuum until I meet again in the spirit world.
I lost my son last only i cant come to terms with this and i cry everyday since hes been gone ..i feel like i cant go on ..and i have no answers about his death cause it says pending ..its been almost a year now and it feels like it happened like yesuday everyday..idk what to do im so lost
My precious loved son JEAN-FRANÇOIS left this hearth without warning signs
a couple months ago
My son was discovered lifeless 4 days after HE took his last breathe
I am completely alone
Every day a call aloud his name ,asking him what happen!
Why HE had to take this poison!
Who gave it to him
HE was not a user it unreaveled a deadly accident
HE spoke fluently 4 languages
French was one of it , me his mom I am a french native spoke in this language to him since the time HE came to this world,
HE was a American, honest, carasmatic, with implacable manners, embracing zealous every one without judgment , generous at hearth , with a superb send of european fashion flair a “je ne sais quoi”
HE was just 27 years old
I do not know how to live anymore without JEAN-FRANÇOIS it’s of course not imaginable!
My son was killed by a train. It’s been 7 months it seems every day I wake up my first thought is of him tho the day till bedtime, lose track of the day. There is such void in my heart. I just dont know what to think .honestly the day I was told my son had been killed that was the worst day ever I will never be the same.
I lost my son a year ago, I’m so lost without him… thank you for sharing your feelings .
I lost my son at the age of 27 in 2004 of an accidental drug overdose. He was my only child and I still miss him so much and think of him every day, several times a day. I remember the first year he was gone I walked around in a state of shock, numb and in pain. He was such a bright and intelligent, thoughtful and giving young man. I’ll never understand what happened or why. I hear all the time of other parents who have lost a child to drug overdoses and I can see and feel their pain. My son, Jason, will always stay close to my heart. Jason was born on May 8, 1977. Mothers Day. Every Mothers Day I pull out all the cards he had given me on that day and place them on my dresser and remember all the fond memories of him.
Hello, I lost my son December 26, 2020. He and his wife moved to Cambridge 8 years ago and we have not seen or heard of him since.
I tried many times to reach out once I was told where he had moved to. All letters were returned refused. They left Sudbury with a huge issue that he has now taken to his grave. His wife had a lot to do with their moving and no contact. The grand children are old enough in their 20’s take make contact with us. What it was that their mother has poisoned them and my son against us we will never know.
My son Christopher had been diagnosed with cancer in early 2020. He would of been 50 this May 31 along with his brother 2 years younger.
Two days ago I thought I would try again to see if I can make contact this time. It was midnight the day after Easter that I found his name. It was a GoFundMe Page. I knew it was my son. I started reading that they needed assistance to help pay his way to and from their house to the hospital for his therapy. So immediately after reading that piece I knew he was sick. Then I scrolled down there was a second update. Christopher died December 26. 2020 after his long fight with cancer.
It was April 5, 2021 when I found out. Just over 3 months. My daughter in law nor my granddaughters contacted us to let us know. Even though she has an issue with me and my husband she should of had to common decency to let us know. My daughter in law whom I once loved dearly has turned out to be a revenge cruel person. There is an old saying Karma is a bitch it always comes back and bites you in the ass.
How can a person be so cruel. She has torn myself, my husband and my other two sons heart out. At this point she has done this which is unforgiveable. It’s been over 3 months since he died. I have gone to Service Ontario to request his death certificate. I know it costs but our family needs to know so at least we have some closure.
Tomorrow, April 28, will be two years since my beautiful son Michael died. The tears don’t stop yet I cry them alone. Everyone feels I should ‘move on’. He might have been 37, he was still my baby, my buddy.
I still have shut out everyone except my still living children. Michael is my second son to die. After he died, I felt / feared our dear Lord was taking my children home too soon, one at a time, from youngest on up. I wanted to put my three living children / adults in a bubble, keep them safe, keep sickness, accidents, any sort of harm away from them.
My daughter is having us (mom and dad) over for dinner tomorrow with her parents. Michael, her brother (even though he was three years younger than she, they were often thought of as twins and they had that special bond), she thinks of every day, misses him horribly, as do I.
I know until my time comes, I’ll still enjoy my children here, praying for a long time, yet at the same time, I look forward to seeing Jason and Michael (and all my family) once again. I know my sons will be waiting with open arms.
I’m having a really hard time tonight. My heart’s broken afresh. Will each year be like this? will it be easier as time goes by? I doubt it. In fact I know it. Jason died within me 36 years ago and I can still see him lying on the bed with me. He was perfect. He looked like his brother Michael when he was born.
I wonder if when we see each other again, will they be the same age? will I be able to mother my lost baby Jason? will Michael and I still enjoy doing the same things together? and I wonder, will my older body be free of the pains? I want to run with my sons, play catch, ride bikes, play gin rummy – all the while, at the same time, thanking God for allowing us to be together again, that the missing is done.
Baby girl, I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I know we’ll hug our special hug that no one understands but us. and we’ll laugh, chat with your beautiful family as all is right with the world.
We must hide our pain, for to not, would make others so uncomfortable. I simply want people to acknowledge that Jason existed, that Michael existed, and their absense in my life leaves an emptiness. I am so thankful for my other children. without them, I fear I completely lose myself.
My son just passed away on April 20,2021 ,I feel devastated,,it was sudden I talked to him 3-5 times a day, I’m lost and feel so broken how do you go on after this I just dont know
I read about the death of your adult son, and how you are greiving. My adult son died years ago and the feelings never go away. My world was Over. and Crushed. He had sugar problems and was 43yrs old when he diied Jason was a Undertaker and when he fame to the funeral home at midnight I saw him and his fade showed no moe pain. He knew he was dying. He was my boy………We talked every day. I miss and talk to him every day. And yesI also asked God why did he have to suffer like he did.. and so so so many times in the hospatil. One of the Last times in the hosp. he went into coma and I grabbed his shoulders and said Jason ask God to let you come back to me and and tears welded up in his eyes and started down his cheeks and there was a nurse standing in back of me at the time and she said you are his mother aren’t you
and I said YES I AM. And when I went home he woke up and all the wires and feeing tube came out. One of the hardest things I had to do was call his older brother in Florida was his BEST friend. So Thanks for listening to me.Cause it helps when you know when someone really knows how you feel. Never give up on God……..and your SON is in a GOOD PLACE My son was into all kinds of animals and a pond sits right in front of my house and the day Jason died two Mallard(Male and ONE female DUCKs) came walking up my sidewalk and I knew right away that was a sign from Jason and that he was OK.
I’m scared that I won’t see him again. Your post was very helpful to me knowing others felt like me .
Hi Basia,
Finding your page felt like divine intervention. Your words hit my heart so deeply. I felt understood for the first time since our loss. Ive been in a fog for the last two years since we lost our infant son, Maxwell. I desperately typed into google “I can’t feel happiness since I lost my son.” Im at the point where I am getting concerned. Since we lost Max, we have experienced multiple other losses during pregnancy and it’s been a very deep, dark place. I feel like life is passing me by. I have isolated myself from every person in my life, besides my husband. I know deep down I am trying my best to heal but I can’t feel even a glimmer of happiness for myself or others around me. I used to be a positive and uplifting person. I am now a very secluded and pessimistic person. I have the desire to be a better person again but I cant seem to get there. How did you overcome your grief and turn it into something positive. My work with elderly is the only thing that brings me some sense of joy. I can’t seem to live without my son.
In reading your first paragraph alone, I connected with you. I lost my son (age 34) in an early morning car accident on his way to work in October 2020. The pain and anger is raw now. At about six months, the fog of shock began to wear off, and I feel it fully. A side dumper was sitting in the roadway without lights or reflectors in the dark of morning. He never saw it coming, and I was not allowed to see him and say goodbye. This is my child most like me. A caring and loving redhaired young man who called me mum. He wrote some of the most beautiful tributes to me over the years in a leather bound Journal he gave me, In the book A road Not Taken by Robert Frost…and what he wrote to me on the inside cover, was the most beautiful poetry in that book. In little notes he left for me in his clothes basket. He was an amazing son, brother, husband, and father. I have lost too many people (including my son’s father) without warning. This is by far the most debilitating loss, and I have never ever felt so much sadness and anger. A part of me left this world with him. I find comfort in what you have written…because I know I am not alone. I am not afraid to die, because I know I will have the opportunity to hold him in my arms again…in a place where there is no pain, no suffering. Just utter peace, love, and beauty. Thank you for sharing. Leslie
I lost my 30 year old son in October and I feel no hope or comfort in anything. I am glad for you’re story.
My only son passed away 11 days ago. I am still in shock. I just got home from Alexandria LA where he lived with his wife and 2 sons . His name is Tyler and he was the most upbeat, loving, trustworthy, beautiful person . I have so many emotions and a lot of anger and disbelief. He was in a car accident and I just want to feel him and his energy. I don’t know to do this . Broken hearted
I left my 15 year old son at a cousins ranch to go to the store and he took a vehicle and went on a joy ride, and died. My only son, my heart, and I blame myself for I heard a voice that said, don’t leave him alone at the ranch, and I did anyway.
I have tried to listen to him….to feel him, I just don’t understand why he would be taken from me at such a young age…..he was my everything, and if I hadn’t left him, it never would have happened….
On 20.05.2021 I lost my son Bhavuk Rastogi who was the personality of a good son,the best friend ,the guide among his friends and colleagues as well as the best brother .But God also liked him so he left us in just starting of his life .
He was only 29 years old when he left us. Something in life cannot be fixed .They can only be carried .
Everything in my world had changed .My hope stopped when he died .
I tried everything to overcome this situation but failed ..Feeling alone and missing him a lots in every second on my life.
But feeling helpless in front of God … He has to take care of us now. …
Hi I’m Peter, my son lived in Amsterdam Holland , he was a strong fit guy , cycled everywhere played football and always the life and soul of any party. Around 2 months ago he started having headaches which gradually got worse. He went to the doctors after he had a seizure during one of these bad headaches . They booked him in for a CT scan in 7 days time but 3 days later he had another bigger seizure which he vommited and choked , his girlfriend phoned for an ambulance and they revived him but his organs had been depleted of oxygen for too long and he passed away in the hospital . We are all totally lost and devestated.
Silence more than words are more comforting to me.It somehow peforms a unseen current to the stillness of nature transmits. .I lost my son jason to a sudden death on thankgiving day.The autopsy says needs more toxolgy tests Wel llife goes on for me i will keep enjoying my passions .There will be sunshine to brighten this heavy cloud of missing my boy.I will try to keep my smile through it all and keep him alive in my dreams
I need help…I cannot get over the death of my 32 year old son a year ago…he was my son, my mate, a daily presence. No time has passed…the grief is a living thing, my every thought, I do not want to see my friends or family, I can’t put on an act and dont want to.inflict the person I am now on them. I don’t know now…tears is what I am…continual tears, they can’t help, nobody wants to talk about the real feelings …where on earth has he gone???? Is he OK…an I still his mother, will he reincarnate??? Sorry to all for the loss of your children, your hearts and souls and HOW does God? and this world expect you to shed a tear and get our your knitting again…there can never be a moving on…there are no.words in our dictionaries to describe how I feel…you all know though. So…what comes next after that first unwanted breath each morning….what now??.. x
Basia, thank you your article. Your positivity can be contagious.
I lost my son Ryan on May 1st 2021. It was an accidental overdose. He could have been saved. The friends he was with saw him pass out. They dragged him into the bathroom and left him there till early morning. One had said at first to call an ambulance then the other one said no he’ll sleep it off.
We had just downsized. It was May 1st. It was my husbands birthday. He had gone to Tim’s to get coffee. I looked out my window and saw a police car making a u turn where my house is. Next the door bell rang. They first asked for Jamie, my husband. And when would he be back. Then the words. Do you know a Ryan- as soon as he said it I started shaking my hands and saying no no no really fast. When they said the words, he passed away last night I fell to the floor. Banging my head to wake up. Then I thought of Jamie. He didn’t know yet. I stood crying at the window banging my head to wake up. When he got home he thought my mom or dad had passed. When I said it’s Ryan yelled yelled ‘what’ ran out the door and fell on the grass crying. I brought him back. My sister came for a bit. Then they left.
At present I am in the anger stage. It’s a vicious circle for me. I’m depressed all the time. But then add the anger guilt etc. A week after he passed I was laying on the couch looking at the tv. Jamie was in the kitchen. I was closing my eyes and Jamie made a noise in the kitchen. I opened my eyes slightly there there was Ryan. In a standing sitting position looking at me. I know it was him. I feel him every day. I talk to him some days. I go to the cemetery 3 or 4 times a week. I talk to him there too. I can’t sort his things out yet. I did try going in the basement one night. I came across a blank book he had written in. Some of the pain he was going through. And that was it for about 2 weeks. Didn’t eat or shower etc… I won’t ever get over that. We can’t put pictures up of him yet it’s too much pain. Thank you for listening. Writing about it has helped.
Yes I’m very interested in your closed group. Please forward the information.
Loosing my adult child, my only child is absolutely so Lonely, SCARY, I feel to blame, I feel like I need to feel him and I can’t. He left behind 2 children but its hard to connect there 2. And he would not like this. Help. I have tried local counseling, no help. I live in Portland, OR
Hoping for change
I’m Karen thank you so much for your story.. it literally brought me to my knees in tears.
This is an exact description of me and what I’m going through right now. I lost my Son in 3 January 2022.
And everything u saying about ur son that was mine. And what you went through and going through is exactly what’s happening to me.. the pain the Hurt I just can’t get over loosing my son.
Thank you,
Karen Pepper
On December 3, 2022 I had just got though seeing up a dinner date with my dad to celebrate my birthday when I put my feet on the floor I stepped on my Frozen son’s body. Am going back to 29 days after my 18th birthday I woke up and found my 4 month old son dead he to was Frozen. I’ve been having a hard time but this story gives me hope. I’m going to work hard to better my thoughts thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry for your loss. My son celebrated his 25th birthday in September 2022 and on October 21, 2022, he passed away. I always had such a close relationship with him, he was born 3 months early, 3 days before my birthday. I had visited with him on the last weekend in September. 3 days after I left, he fell going up an escalator in the DC metro and hit his head. It took about 2 weeks of him feeling horrible and in pain, until he fell int a coma, never to wake up again. I got to him too late and I’m not even sure if he heard I was there. I have a lot of guilt and question many of the same things you did. I cry every day. I scream and I yell in my car. I do go to work and have an occasional cry. I’m not sure what to belief when it comes to where my son has gone. Sometimes, mostly because we live in MASS and he resided in DC, I feel that he is still out there. How do I get to the point where I feel ok with him being away? We did find out that he had some underlying medical conditions. How do I make peace with what has happened?
I lost my son five weeks ago, I hate this pain won’t go away. I want you back so bad he’s birthday is in two weeks time., How do I get through this? I wake up sweating called and his name but he’s not here. I visit him every day which is very hard because I should not be visiting in the cemetery. He went to work and passed away at work four days before Christmas. I cry all the time I get into panic attacks I can’t understand this I just can’t understand anything any more. when people were planning their Christmas lunch, we were planning a funeral. I hate this pain. I hate it so bad, and there’s nothing I can do …. but I will always love him and always be in my heart, and I was so damn proud of him. I love you Ross with all my heart and that’s the one thing that no one can take from us..
my son passed away 3 months ago unexpectedly. this lady relates exactly how I feel. I thank her for publishing us. I am trying to move forward but my son is on my mind everyday.
my son passed away 3 months ago, on 11/30/22 unexpectedly. my son had been in an automobile accident and suffered for over 8 months. the accident injured his heart and lungs and he wasn’t getting oxygen at times and would pass out.. he was having congestive heart failure and he was retaining fluid. as a result, he had one of the worst cases of cellulitis in his legs his doctor has ever seen. he was in the hospital but when his legs started to heal, somewhat, they sent him home. he was in terrible constant pain and would pass out unexpectedly. I came home from work at 9:15 p.m. in the evening and found him deceased on my patio face down on an icy cold day. His hands were blue. a piece of my heart has been cut out and I can’t bear the fact that he’s gone. I still have not had a memorial service for him because I just can’t bear it. I am waiting for spring or summer when the weather is beautiful to honor him with relatives and Friends…. however, I honor him everyday in my heart and I will carry him with me until I meet him again in heaven. this lady’s
and other posts relates exactly how I feel. I thank all of you for sharing your grief and publishing. I am trying to move forward but my son is on my mind everyday. he was extraordinarily intelligent, handsome, generous kind and caring… he had a wonderful sense of humor and was such a sweet son and best friend. he was the most forgiving person I have ever known.
I just lost my 26 year old son Cory. It was sudden and devastating. I’m so lost and hate every day.
Excellent to read. I lost my son of cancer 4 months ago and i know the pain and suffering what she is talking about. He was suffering for last one and a half year. I can not forget last 2 months of his survival. HIS last 2 weeks w. ere heart wrenching. he was bedridden and walking with a walker. His neck bent. Cancer spread to his whole body. he stopped eating almost anything. One week before he died he had no life. He was lying in his bed with painkillers. Only his heart was working and that stopped after a week. I will not forget his pain specially during the last month. What a terrible scene. I remember when I brought him home when he was born. I am trying to do things to divert myself but nothing can take away my pain.
Lost my only son Feb 18, 2023, lost and broken without him, dead inside, changed my life forever!
Thank you for this honest and accurate account of the agony of losing an adult child. I too lost my son recently, suddenly and tragically. I ask myself the same questions as you stated, I wonder why and how this could happen to someone who had so much more life ahead.
The pain is indescribable and each day it reminds me of my beautiful son. It feels as if the hole inside me will never close. I too have found a strong spiritual connection to my son. I speak with him several times during the day. I’ve had signs, messages, visits from him and it is what keeps me going. I feel his presence surrounding me at times, yet other times he feels so distant.
I know life moves on, I know I have choices how I will be part of this new life without him, but what I also know is this loss and emptiness can and never will fade. I’m not sure how I will get through this without my bright light of a son. Reading your article and knowing that someone else understands makes me realise that I am not the only one experiencing this and my thoughts and emotions are real. No one understands this pain unless they’ve experienced and I’d not wish it on anyone. Those who don’t understand and expect me to be “myself” again, well perhaps they’re not the people I need in my life right now.
Thank you again
My son just passed away 6/15/2023 We are broken. He was so into religion and thought he had so much work to do for God. He suffered from addiction and mental illness. Dear God, I beg I have the strength to continue his work on earth. That is to spread the message of God.
My son Brandon Twinem lived so much life in only 30 years.
i need help. If anyone can help us spread the work of Jesus Christ. I need to continue his work. Brandon Twinem an angel of God.
he wanted to save the world from evil.
It is nearly three years since my adult son passed. Unless you have experienced the loss of a child (and I sincerely hope you never will) you cannot conceive of the deep feelings of loss and the great void that such a loss creates. Previously I had lost my parents and my beloved partner. None of those deaths, harrowing though they were, in any way prepared me for the intense desperation I experienced when my son passed suddenly and unexpectedly. Gradually I have rebuilt a life involving myself in groups and activities that I am interested in. Nothing can fill the void. But somehow life must go in and I know he would hate it if I gave up on my life.
Lost my 32 year old son may 10 2023 am struggling
My friends son has been deeply depressed for most of his life, he is 32 now. He asked his mother yesterday for permission to end his life. She has supported him all his life, she is a wonderful, loving, generous person. She paid Hospitals treatment and he dont want to take his anti depressant med.
What can she do? Give permissio for him to end his life?mMaria
Your second paragraph rang true to me. My son died suddenly 2 months ago. He was 41. He had struggled with mental illness and addiction and everything in me was geared to hold on to, protect, know where he was and make sure he knew he was lived beyond words. I am so very sad and want to know he is ok. I want to know he knows how much he is still loved.
I just lost my 28 year old son ? in the hands of ELA sherriffs he died in the’s been painful ? I still don’t know exactly what happened?? But I miss him dearly everyday that goes by ..this definitely changes you..
this is a letter i wrote to a freind and pastor who would allways ask how are you doing.that was 2 years ago when our 20 year old son passed and we still feel the same today the only ones to understand go thru this every day.
I am writeing this hopeing you can use it to maybe help others or understand why the words How are you doing
have no good anwser.
After Josh left us we here those words alot we know some are concerned others say because they do not know what to say.
we get up every day praying for God to take us to him or bring him back
people say it will get better or you will get through this or time heals all wounds
it does not get better and you cannot get through it that means theres and end to it or some good outcome
it does not go away its with you every day you keep yourself busy trying to deal with it but you allways think about it..
After Josh some one said it does not matter if they go fast or slow i dissagree with that
if you know there going there is a lot you can say or do telling them you love them being with them no regrets
for something you wanted to tell them but did not get the chance.
some say i understand i have lost my mother father brother or sister.i do not agree Denise and I have lost all of those in the last 7 years there is a different loss there ask any parent.You are supposed to protect your kids you think i should have done something or said something this would not have happened.
You are broken there is a deep hole you cannot climb out of
I see Josh every where working on his truck asleep in his chair sitting at the table eating allways checking his phone in church at work when he was working here there are things he did that are still there. he is every where we go on my way home i would pass him leaveing to go see Brianna he would allways put his arm way up and wave i still wave back when i get to that place where we would pass.Even going to the store is hard Denise would allways call him do you want anything or would you like this
Denise will hear someone say something and it reminds her of Josh then it hits her pretty hard
she loves talking about him that is her way of keeping him here
every thing we have or did was for him he was to have it
you realise nothing is that important anymore they are just possesions.
there are things we do not do because we did them with him
we do try to continue what he wanted or would have done
I have learned alot from Josh he was the first one there when someone needed anything .
no matter the cost or time he would say its only money i will make more tommorrow or i was not doing anything any way what do you need he had a way of makeing you feel everything is going to be ok
we can do this or maybe we could do it this way and it will work
You wake up at nite thinking you need to do something (hard to explain) panic chest hurts I need to help him where is he then its hits he is not here and there is nothing you can do
you try to talk about him but you cannot hold it together long enough to.
you look at the things he had truck tools clothes you touch them hopeing to feel something of him
you do not want to change anything he did or move something he put somewhere afraid you might lose more of him.
Denise still folds his clothes gets his coffee cup out every morning goes to him room to tell him goodnite
She was with him every day she says maybe this was Gods plan that is why she home schooled him and they were together all the time.
we still keep his chair for him only
none of this will ever change
What hurts is the life here the family he wanted that will not be
you see others will move on in a few years thay will say i knew this fellow named Josh
along time a go he was a nice guy or he will be forgotten not on purpose but they will get on with there lives.
for us that day will never be and we do not want that day
we see how josh affected people and alot of them did not see this untill he is no longer here
Josh stood for truth and doing things right and he would tell you when you messed up
he never held anything against you
the sermon the other day we ponder these things all the time
God blessed us with Josh but i would like to know why he let him leave us
maybe we will get that answered someday.We know Josh is in heaven and we will see him again that is the only hope we have.
i think most people mean well and want to help
other than listening theres nothing that can be done
theres no fix or cure we struggle every day to keep him alive
So you see there is no good answer to how are you doing today
we just try to make it through another day without falling apart
I lost my 30 year old son on 12/18/2022. it was very very sudden and unexpected, he was a barber , he lived to make people happy and was he is madly in love with his 6 year old daughter. I am not doing too well dealing with it, all I want to do is die some days and the rest of the time, I sleep or spend my time avoiding people.
I lost my adult son Rick less than 3 months ago. The enormous grief I feel at losing my first born is at times, more than I can bear. I’m still in disbelief as I was sure God would answer my, and all our prayers for recovery. He’s married and has 2 children, a girl, and a boy, in their early teens. It has been a real test of my faith that I thought was fairly strong. I need to have some sign that Rick is ok, which my faith should’ve told me. I just don’t know. I beg for some insight, some clarity for my sanity. Please Lord, please son, give me a sign. ???.
Powerful!! Thank you for sharing and for these words of encouragement and hope! God has kept our family and I know there is a plan ..perhaps to help others in need as well…you have examples this! Please keep your faith in our Lord…our son pass d away at 32, one month exactly to this day’s a struggle..something I’ve never experienced!.I needed to read this today and glad I did ..I feel like you wrote what I so need to express …thank you again and God bless you and yours!
Thank u for sharing I’m sorry for your loss . My daughter died may 7, 2023 and I have no clue how I’m going to survive this pain is unbearable. I’m not scared to die anymore I know that.
I miss her so much and now my ex soninlaw won’t let ne see my grandkids either and then need me now more than ever. I had been staying with then fir the past couple years careing for them while my daughter worked . I have no money for a lawyer to get visitation rights either because I haven’t worked I was takeing care of NY grandkids. My heart is hurting so bad. I don’t see how I can live with this kind of pain I feel.
I recently lost my 24 year old grandson. This loss has been unbearable. I also feel bad for my 45 year old son who has already suffered two strokes. This loss is something our family did not need and my grandson’s siblings have been sadly affected. I cry daily and sometimes I scream often as this is just too much to bear. This grandson was intelligent and he spent quality time with us grandparents. He had lots of future plans and we have enjoyed him. He was the most loving and caring young man. I doubt I will ever get over this loss.
I would like to connect with people who have lost a husband.
Your words gave me a sliver of hope . My 28 year old
Son died 5 weeks ago today. We were so close my world is gutted. Thank you for sharing your story
Thanks for your article. My son past away from cancer at the age of 23. We had him at home for hospice for almost 4 months. It was a tough but my wife and I would do it again. My son’s youtube page is called Pluck the day. His name is Sebastian Shaw.
With kind regards,
Andrew Shaw
I just lost my only son suddenly. I just read the above article from Basia Mosinski and every word and thought are my words and thoughts. It’s only been 5 weeks and the pain is unbearable. It was amazing reading my on thoughts and feelings from someone else.
we have just recently lost our son Jimi to a drug overdose12 days before his 33 birthday.It has been a long horrific 4 months,crying everyday. we are involved in a grief share support group every week but it is still so hard to believe he is gone, I have so many hard feeling about the last time I saw him. He died in his bedroom here in our home.It is hard not to picture him everyday in his room on the floor with his big dog kane by his side. Just hopinmg tofind other parents going through the same unimaginablr situation. Any thoughts or assistance would be very appreciative.
I share every feeling that you feel and more. My beautiful 27y/o daughter was on her way to work on 12/1/23 when a driver decided to run the red light and hit her car at very high speed, she died on the spot. I cannot describe how I am feeling and the pain that i feel is so bad it feels physical as if a dagger in in my heart. I had to go to the ER to get a cardiac workup. I am angry, desperate to see and hold my baby. I want to see her; I spend every day and night praying that she did not suffer. Her siblings are devasted and i am encouraged to stay strong for them but i can’t even stay strong for me. My daughter loved life and wanted to live. It kills that someone else cut her life short through sheer lawlessness and negligence. I don’t know how to move forward. Waking up in the mornings and knowing my daughter will never wake is a life sentence in hell. I don’t wish this on anyone. Let’s continue to pray for each other.
We are coming up on the one year mark of hugging my only child and saying I love you and please take care of yourself. He had just come home after minor surgery on his hand. I never spoke to him again. He went into cardiac arrest the next morning. I sat and prayed that he would open his eyes and say “hey mom”. They kept him on life support for 5 days because he was an organ donor. I have prayed every day of my life. Since my son was born, he was my always the subject of my first prayer each night. When he died, I lost all faith in prayer. I don’t have any desire to have a life. He left two beautiful sons, 6 and 9. I cry every day. He was our whole world. We spent a lot of time with him, as a young person and as he grew up and became a wonderful man. I am dreading the anniversary. I basically dread every day. I don’t feel his presence and that makes the loss all the harder. People say watch for signs. I don’t see them. I don’t sleep and I sit up and I talk to him. I never feel the comfort others say they do. It’s just a void.
I too have experienced this loss. As of January 31, 2024 it has been a year. Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my son’s service. I’m still having trouble believing it. I hear the 2nd year is the worst. My son died after a two week illness at 30 leaving a 9 year old son behind. I have had many signs from him and my ex that passed 3 weeks later. It still hurts so bad though. I can’t imagine any loss worse than losing a child. Still trying to re-center. The hardest thing is relating to other people who have not experienced this. I’m struggling with this.
My son passed away unexpectedly on the 9th of December 2023 he was only 28
I’m really struggling to cope, infact if I’m totally honest I really don’t want to be alive without him
He was my world, my reason for living, the reason for my entire life
It was mother’s day yesterday here in the UK & I felt a total failure, empty numb, my son is gone & I don’t want to go on
It is also coming up to what would have been his 29th birthday on the 21st of March
I miss him so so much I can’t sleep & I just don’t know what to do
i lost my 36 yr old son in October of 2022. He fought a battle within himself and gave up. It was a complete shock to everyone who knew him that he could do such a thing or that he was fighting an internal battle. To say i was devastated is an understatement and it too has changed my life and way of thinking forever. I will always wonder why an what more could i have done to prevent what happened. They say time heals but i feel the opposite, i feel it is getting worse. The realization that my son is not coming back is earth shattering.
Wow my son everything about this testomony am living my son was murdered in Chicago we were making plano then one day his gone and now am dealing with all this opportunities that we were talking about coming Live but I feel his missing in all this and the only reason is to go on for his new born mu grandkids they are far but this will defintely get me to be abre to help am Blown away
I really like what you said here:
“I’m choosing to stay focused on the ‘miracle’ of feeling Richard’s presence in my heart on a daily basis. Feeling connected to him helps me.”
That is exactly the feelings I have for my Son who went through the Veil, from Covid, 8/30/2021. I find myself always thinking of him and even now as I write this, I feel him present, very near me. Its a wonderful Blessing and like you I find comfort in feeling him in this way and even know that as my thoughts go to him I feel his thoughts quietly come through to me.
Thank you for sharing.
My son Dane passed away on 31 March 2023. I admire Basia for her courage because it’s something I am not able to do. My husband and I live in complete isolation except for the time we spend with our older son. I have no energy, I feel helpless, I miss Dane all of the time. When I smile I feel guilty. I feel guilty for having life while he was deprived of it. We cannot let go. It’s been nearly 15 months now and people expect us just to continue life as before but life as we knew it is forever gone.
does anything happen for a reason? My son died. The end. Right or not. Sure does scare the crap out of me. Honestly id say im 50 percent together & the rest is
I am in mid seventies and just lost my only son Thomas to cancer a few weeks ago. I took care of him for over five years and I must admit, I never thought this day would come, but, it did.
so numb, confused and saddened by his passing. Only 40.
I am alone in the apt. and I see his stuff, still scattered on the bed and the floor. I haven’t washed his sheets, clothes or towels, because they still have his scent on them.
I look at his pics countless times a day and wonder if there is a God who take such a nice guy, so young.
Please I hope something wonderful comes out of his short life.
His mom misses him madly.
So sorry your son passing. i know we hear these words alot. i wrote on people asking how are you doing after Josh passed away.
It has been 3 years and some days are still a struggle everything he had is still untouched still where he left it.the only good is we see how he effected others when he was here.there are times when i think why didnt i say things to him alot of undone things. we can not change those things i am so gratefull for the time he was here and i will see him again.i dont understand why God would let this happen to our children i have said i will ask when i get there but i dont think it will matter then we all will see our kids again. look around and see the lives our children touched some even changed Praying for all of you
Hi Basia, Thank you for posting this. I came across this link it while typing in “I miss my dead son” who I lost suddenly in 2015. I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear Richard. There is so much I want to say but there is really no need. We both lost and miss our sons which is the hardest thing to ever have to deal with. I was just in a really weak moment when I found your post and wanted to say that I care about you and your gut wrenching pain you have to deal with. I hope you can find a moment of peace daily….Robby’s Dad
I never thought I could live without my 21 yr. Old sin that was my first true live I didn’t know u coukd love so deeply. He was so good to me. We grew up together as I was a almost 18 the old parent.single mom so he was always my little man then he grew taller than me…he constantly picking and teasing me and was so proud of me .introducing me to all he knew..leaning on me .always had to pull my hair out from under his arm leaning on my shoulder . We wrestled .fished together. Before his freak fatal car accident we were watching crossing over with John Edwards on his lunch hour and we both were asking each other I don’t know do you believe that Mom I don’t know we both said we didn’t know they’re not long after that he passed away so things do happen for a reason and he did come to me like 6 months after he passed away just the one time I asked for which was wonderful it was really him my question is it gets harder to deal with any kind of drama or trauma after something like that happens and how people can still be being cruel to you making you lose things like your grandchildren or from him that I didn’t he didn’t know about I didn’t know about and how can they keep hurting you after you already lost almost everything in your life the most important thing in your life. I tried being happy knowing that that would make my son happy he would hate me to be depressed and people just kept making it hard like real hard now mood where Cody wouldn’t like it but I don’t know what to do it’s just got me so down everybody did then they say I’m greedy and it for me it’s all about me I feel like it is about me I haven’t done these things to nothing but trying to be good then the little daughter blonde little son-in-law made it so difficult and you get to where you can’t deal with things like that do you have any suggestions and why do I tell him when you say it’s all about me I didn’t want it to be all about me just get to where you can’t deal with a lot of hurt and drama and trauma
I found my 33 yr old son dead on March 25,2022.
This rocked my world forever. I have a great faith in God, or I wouldn’t have survived. If I can be any help to anyone getting thru this, just send me a messsge.
Hello my only child my son died suddenly at 38 he never smoked drank or did drugs he was working out. I not only lost him but his cat of 14 years died in my arms 10 days later. I am still in utter disbelief numb and really don’t want to walk this earth without him. I live alone and honestly don’t feel his presence or even dream or see signs from him. How do I cope this is such an uncomfortable time for me!
Thank you
I lost my son so unexpectedly at 41 years of age. It completely devastated me. He helped me raise his brothers identical twin sons from birth to four years of age. They loved him more than anyone. I cry every day for him. But I know he is not gone completely as he has contacted me and his two nephews. He was such a different person that I knew as his two brothers knew he would not accept being gone and would come back in some way. He had so many people who loved him at his funeral. His friends are missing him so deeply. It took six months for him to contact us. It was mostly through his nephews, my two twin grandsons. It has helped me cope with his death. But I will never get over it. I heard him calling Mommm from far away at three am one night. Then the next morning one twin said as if in a trance….Build a new house. Our home had burnt several years before and he always wanted me to rebuild. Three weeks later I asked my grandson, Who told you to say Build a new house. He said Uncle Ben. then I asked him if Uncle Ben told him anything else. He said yes, Uncle Ben said to tell Uncle Jon (Bens older brother) that I have a new house, easy to get to. up by the moon. A few weeks later they came running into his room where I was and said Who called us. I said, not me. They looked upwards and said, oh its Uncle Ben. Leon what did Uncle Ben say I said. |they both said, Uncle Ben said he is coming home soon, to us. :Later that weekend I turned from doing dishes at the sink at camp and saw Ben leaning against my husbands shoulder. Then the boys mentioned they were playing with Uncle Ben in the bedroom where he told them to jump on the bed. Once home a week later I saw him running up the steps to our front door and turn and look right in the door window. He looked so handsome and healthy. Many other contacts occured. But I am so proud of him for finding a way to reach us.
I just lost my one and only son, my best friend, my 27-year-old… a wrong way driver instantly took his life. Please reach back to me… I am a professional educator and really really struggling… I can only thank God that he took my son, very quickly…
I lost my eldest Adult son 3 weeks ago suddenly, the shock has worn off and reality has hit me abd it hurts more than anything ever has. I’m so broken. He was only a few weeks into his 29th. I was planning his 30th .. not a party but stuff he’d like. It hurts so so much.
my husband and i lost my adult son in September 2024 i am devastated and with the holidays coming up we don’t want to celebrate Christmas we feel it is too soon and the grief is very hard for us .
Our adult daughter says even though he is gone the rest of them are still here and she doesn’t understand how we feel we know she is grieving also but we know how it feels to lose a sibling it is awful but losing a child is much more devastating
I’m very depressed and lethargic and I just came thru Christmas with a lot of heaviness and heartache. I lost my beloved 37 year old son Nick last December18,2023, so wasn’t looking forward to this one. Plus he had only turned 37 on Dec 16., 2 days before his OD He had also just lost his dad 10 months previous to his own death.
His death was a shock and traumatizing, as I was the last one with him earlier that night. He had only been out of rehab 1 month. Tomorrow marks the one year mark I said my final farewell to him, so many firsts and funeral was last February.. I feel heavy with grief, lonliness , regrets, and failure in I couldn’t protect nor save my son. Living this life with his absence is proving so very profoundly sad, and empty . As time goes on it feels even harder, how does a mother solely survive this deep emotional pain? How does one find any joy in a future without them?I pray for comfort and a sign my son is still with me.
Nick was so loved by so many, his gentle caring and selfless personality , so charismatic handsome funny and unique, so loved and missed by a loving mom , girlfriend and 2 sisters
Thank you for your words of comfort.
Hello there, my name is Lynley. I lost my adult son Matthew 2 years 5 months ago September 11th, 2022, to cancer, he was 47. I seem to be managing a lot better now and I enjoying my life more, having said that I have changed, I cannot explain it to anyone and some days I relive that call to tell me had gone.
I still have days where the tears do not stop, other days I am husband is wonderful, I adore my grandchildren, but I am so changed,
thank you for allowing me to share my message.
I lost my only son age 26 2 a drug overdose in 2013.My life changed totally.I miss him so much and I think what a waste 4 him 2 have been struggling soo much but I’m glad he’s at peace now and with my mom.
I lost my son Logan to suicide Feb 3rd at age 21yrs old. Left behind a beautiful 5 month old baby boy. I really could connect to a lot of things you said you actually have given me hope. That is priceless. Thank u so much n may god continue to bless u n ur life. Melanie Moore
Will I ever feel the same as I did before my son passed away with cancer. He was only 46 and left behind my grandson who now turned 20. He only passed away in December of 2024. I know it’s still new but there are days that I don’t think I will make it. The pain and emptiness are so hard. I don’t really talk to anybody about it because they haven’t experienced any thing like this. I’m trying so hard