The Association for Death Education and Counseling offers numerous educational opportunities through its annual conference, courses and workshops, its certification program, and via its acclaimed publication, The Forum |
To offer support, understanding, encouragement and hope to other bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents after the death of their children, brother, sister or grandchildren. |
The mission of The Compassionate Friends: When a child dies, at any age, the family suffers intense pain and may feel hopeless and isolated. The Compassionate Friends provides highly personal comfort, hope, and support to every family experiencing the death of a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, or a grandchild, and helps others better assist the grieving family. |
Providing support and resources to parents and others who have lost a child. |
Having been down this road, we want to give back. We want to reach out to those who are earlier on this road and help you to find the tools that you need to work through your grief journey. |
To help others like Dan use media and the arts to create meaningful change in the world around them. |
A unique peer-based support community for grieving people, with a special emphasis on those who are widowed. |
TAPS has assisted over 90,000 surviving family members, casualty officers and caregivers. |
The collective voice representing the public and private sectors concerned with drunk, drugged and distracted driving and their immediate and deadly threat on our highways. |
Improving the treatment, quality of life and the long-term outlook for children and families affected by a brain or spinal cord tumor. |
The EKR Foundation is a volunteer-based organization inspired by the life of psychiatrist, humanitarian, and hospice pioneer Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. It’s in the spirit of embracing all of life — which includes death — that we further her mission and vision. |
Helping Parents Heal is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting bereaved parents. Through support and resources offered, we aspire to help individuals become “Shining Light Parents”—meaning a shift from a state of emotional heaviness to one of hopefulness and greater peace of mind. |
The W Connection is a national non-profit organization dedicated to widows helping widows rebuild our lives. Our unique programs– created by widows for widows – address the serious challenges and risks that widows face with meaningful support, education, empowerment, and hope. |