Across the ocean’s waves, around the world

Your message of sorrow came to me

No matter that we’ve not met face to face, my Dear Friend,

Through the written word, I know your heart as you know mine.

Across the ocean’s waves, around the world

I grieve with you and share the pain of your Loved One’s loss

In the midst of such sorrow, we both know because of our Faith

That God’s unfailing Grace is ever present.

Across the ocean’s waves, around the world

The graces of your Loved One’s life will continue to bless others

Through you and your remaining loved ones and

Through your compassionate words to others who are grieving.

Across the ocean’s waves, around the world

Ah, yes, those words of healing will come from your heart

To honor the memory of the Loved One you lost

To comfort others who will walk through

The valley of the shadow of death

Across the ocean’s waves, around the world

I send to you my comfort and love

In waves unending as the ocean’s flow

In waves unending as our Heavenly Father’s love.

— Dr. Jane R. Westerfield

This was written for a writer friend in Indonesia named Tati whose husband died November 20, 2010.  Although we have never met in person, we have become close friends through our writing. She and I are Co-Authors of the book This One’s For The Birds!  A Gulf Coast Anthology of Poetry, Prose & Art. Along with a group of 50 other writers and authors from around the world, this book was published to benefit our wildlife injured in the Gulf Coast Oil Spill who are being treated at the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary, St. Petersburg, Florida.  For more information, please visit my website at and click on the link “This One’s For The Birds.”


Jane Westerfield

As the author of three books on death and dying and contributing author to a fourth book on these subjects, Dr. Jane Robertson Westerfield has some unique perspectives to offer those who are grieving. Dr. Westerfield holds the Doctor of Arts Degree from Ball State University, Muncie, IN, the Master's Degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY and the Bachelor's Degree from Wesleyan College, Macon, GA. She is a seasoned educator, having taught kindergarten through college level classes. She has broad experience as a writer, speaker/performer, director and producer. Dr. Westerfield served as a featured panelist for Women's History Month at Edinboro University, Edinboro, PA where she also filmed a documentary, serving as a Featured Expert. She enjoys working with Music and Drama in her church and she serves as the Website Content Editor for People for Christ International.

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