I Dream

Like a ripple in a pond,

A whisper in the wind,

I dream of how things might have been.

Your boyish grin

Your manly cleft shaped chin

Your chubby cheeks

Your soft blue eyes

Are dreams of days and weeks gone by.

Your first little giggle,

Your toes that you wiggled

Are memories that whisper now and then.

Like a ripple in a pond,

A whisper in the wind,

I can not help but cling to what you might have been.

Watching you take your first step as you eye your favorite toy to get.

Would it have been balls or blocks?

Or would it have been trucks or books?

I cannot know.

For like a ripple in a pond,

A whisper in the wind,

Your life was over when you became a victim of SIDS.

by Jewel Sample (printed with permission) © 9/15/2006

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Jewel Sample

Jewel Sample is a writing grandmother of thirteen children. Sample’s published works include an award-winning children’s book titled, Flying Hugs and Kisses (New Forums Press, Inc; 2010 Second Printing) and Flying Hugs and Kisses Activity Book (New Forums Press, 2010 Second Printing). Hallmark Magazine (November 2007) printed her Heavenly Sugar Cookies story and her favorite sugar cookie recipe. Lastly, a nonfiction story titled, Divine Help and Heaven-Bound Kisses, is in a Christian women's inspirational study guide called, Hugs Bible Reflections for Women (Ferguson, 2009; Howard Books of Simon and Schuster). In her spare time, Jewel loves to go antiquing for old dolls and toys. Most of all, she enjoys the play dates with her grandchildren, who encourage her to tell them a new story before their play date ends. Jewel’s life goal is to inspire children to have hope and to be their very best selves through her story-telling.

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