I may have lost myself somewhere along the way
But I’ll be back when the dawn breaks…someday.
Along my journey I walked into too many caves
And the darkness made me want my home
And to come back someday.
There were dragons to slay
Horrific dragons—I was afraid
But I slayed them
And loudly whispered amens
After praying to guide me back…someday.
I witnessed a hungry lion
And I fed him with guilt
But the innocence inside of me
Made me want to redeem myself someday.
As I wandered astray
I slowly found myself
And wearily asked the Lord for help
To guide me home someday.
A mistake is a mistake
Only if made more than once
But this journey wasn’t a mistake
Because I’ll come back with more strength…

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Tarah Hipple

Tarah Hipple is an avid student of social work and cognitive behavioral therapy. She was a blog contributor for the Open to Hope Foundation and recently authored her book Tarah’s Song: Words of Survival, a compilation of poems about her journey from tragedy to suffering to survival. Her first-hand accounts of tragedy at a young age are penned in these poems. Tarah used writing and playing the piano as a sort of therapy, and these creative outlets helped Tarah to be able to discuss feelings she had difficulty expressing. Through intense therapy for her post-traumatic stress disorder, Tarah confronted the past and found peace. She now co-presents with her father, Eric Hipple, and speaks about their continued journey of recovery and suicide prevention. Tarah was born in 1993 and resides in Michigan.

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