Violent Deaths Leave Haunted Souls

After death and before birth, consciousness (or soul-energy, if you prefer) is so intact that even when the physical body is abruptly destroyed, through accident or murder, for example, the remaining self-awareness often doesn’t realize what has happened. One example of this is the souls of those killed in the airplane crash for which Jana and Candace considered attempting a soul rescue.

An undetected wind shear slammed a jumbo jet violently to the ground just north of the airport runway it was approaching to land. Though the physical bodies were removed from the crash site, many of the souls remained for a long time, caught up in that trauma.
Consciousness can indeed be oblivious to the destruction of the physical body. This leads to a lot of seemingly strange events that we usually misinterpret and then label as “paranormal activity.”

Confused Souls

Hauntings are one example. A soul or group of souls may wander around in a state of confusion, unaware of their physical demise. No longer focused on physical reality, such souls don’t have the same sense of the passage of time as do those still dwelling in physical bodies. That’s why these souls linger in one location (a house or near a runway) for years or even centuries.

Already disoriented or traumatized, these souls become even more bewildered when they realize their families and friends no longer seem to notice them or pay attention when they try to communicate. They may be feeling the extremes of very strong emotions, such as terror or anger.

Remember, nothing dies except the physical body. Disembodied souls are as capable of emotions and feelings as anyone reading this page. And it is the energy of very intense emotions that interacts with physical objects, sometimes unwittingly, and at other instances intentionally. Such interactions are known as psychokinesis, which produces phenomena such as phone calls from the dead, apparitions, boat-shaped clouds, or the smell of dirt inside a room where none is evident.

When the Person Pops into our Thoughts

These events are often prompted by a soul who very much desires to communicate with someone still in a physical body but who cannot get that person’s attention in a less disruptive manner.

Often, after someone has passed on to the nonphysical, we have thoughts about that person that seem to pop into our heads from nowhere. Or that individual just seems to be on our mind a lot, even though it may have been years since that person died. If more of us realized what was really going on, we would recognize that this supposedly dead and gone person is trying to speak to us. We would also know to talk back. Most of us just brush aside gentle attempts at communication as imaginary.

Listen to the Soul’s Cry

The souls trying to break through don’t want to be ignored. Sometimes they become angry or hostile. Their efforts to elicit attention, then take a decidedly more forceful turn. They want recognition.

Such was certainly the case with Rebecca. The rare blood type she found on her sheets had no significance to her. Then, she found out that her grandmother, who had passed on some years earlier, had had that blood type. Sure enough, during the afterlife healing circle
Jana conducted, Rebecca’s grandmother came forward eagerly, just bursting with things she wanted to tell Rebecca. Afterward, there were no more blood-stained sheets.

Copyright © 2015 Candace L. Talmadge and Jana L. Simons from The Afterlife Healing Circle published by New Page Books, an imprint of Red Wheel/Weiser

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Candace Lynn Talmadge

Candace Lynn Talmadge is an author, storyhealer, and paranormalist who weaves words into wider realities. Among her works is The Afterlife Healing Circle—How Anyone Can Contact the Other Side, published by Red Wheel Weiser with a foreword by Raymond Moody, M.D., the bestselling father of the afterlife movement. This book outlines how anyone can reach out to loved ones who have died and discusses why it may be important to do so. An instantly accurate prophetic dream about another’s death at age 12 opened Candace Lynn to the wider realities beyond the intellectual-rational. She spent decades researching arcane paranormal topics, looking for answers to questions. What happens when we die? What lies after death? Not just for those who are left behind, but for those who have moved into what Shakespeare called the undiscovered country. Candace Lynn discusses wider realities on her YouTube channel: @candacelynntalmadge808/videos Visit her there and subscribe for updates on her latest video, or contact her through her website:

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