The Many Losses of COVID

As humans, loss is something we all experience. One way to make sense of this is to look at a number of different types of loss.

Make a copy of this list of 42 losses that could be related to the Covid pandemic. Then, place an X in the box next to each loss that you have experienced as a result of the pandemic during 2020-2022.

Check the Loss Box

☐ Loss of the world as I knew it ☐ Loss of finances
☐ Loss of touch—handshakes, hugs, kisses ☐ Loss of job
☐ Loss of face-to-face activities and communication ☐ Loss of safety
☐ Loss of freedom to go where I want ☐ Loss of time
☐ Loss of shopping experiences ☐ Loss of sleep
☐ Loss of eating out, going to the theatre ☐ Loss of appetite
☐ Loss of going to the park or entertainment center ☐ Loss of my business
☐ Loss of general interaction with family members ☐ Loss of innocence
☐ Loss of ability to celebrate important events ☐ Loss of job location
☐ Loss of loved one’s health to Covid-related disability ☐ Loss of trust in the government
☐ Loss of a feeling of community ☐ Loss of energy
☐ Loss of a friend or acquaintance to a Covid death ☐ Loss of my spiritual beliefs
☐ Loss of faith in my fellow human beings ☐ Loss of a personal goal
☐ Loss of personal contact with my health care provider ☐ Loss of my daily routine
☐ Loss of life on a global scale ☐ Loss of learning opportunities
☐ Loss of educational location ☐ Loss of my home
☐ Loss of religious/spiritual gatherings ☐ Loss of food availability
☐ Loss of trust in the health care system ☐ Loss of ability to concentrate
☐ Loss of my health as a result of Covid ☐ Loss of previous support
☐ Loss of loved one to a Covid death ☐ Loss of sports activities
☐ Loss of my personal health unrelated to Covid ☐ Loss of hope for the future
  1. Next, choose the five most important losses for you. Write them here:

_______________, ________________, ______________, __________________, _________________

  1. Circle the reactions have you had to these losses: sadness, anger, guilt, anxiety, worry, fatigue, headaches, helplessness, confusion, hopelessness, fear, isolated, sleep problems, job strains
  2. What are effective ways that you have coped with the losses?__________________________________


  1. In looking back at the past years, what have gained or learned during the time of Covid? ___________________________________________________________________________
  2. As you continue with life, what lessons will you take with you?_________________________________


Bob Baugher, Ph.D., Psychology Department, Highline College, Des Moines, Washington,


Check out Bob Baugher’s books: Bob Baugher: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

Read more by Bob Baugher: Understanding Anger During Bereavement – Open to Hope

Bob Baugher

Bob Baugher, Ph.D., is a recently retired Psychology Professor from Highline College in Des Moines, Washington where he taught courses in Psychology and Death Education. As a trainer for LivingWorks he has trained more than 1,500 people in suicide intervention. He has given more than 900 workshops on grief and loss. In addition, he is the professional advisor to the South King County Chapter of The Compassionate Friends and the local widows’ organization: Widowed Information & Consultation Services. He earned a certificate in Thanatology from the Association for Death Education and Counseling. Bob has written more than 100 articles and seven books on the bereavement process. Visit his website at: Dr. Baugher appeared on the radio show “Healing the Grieving Heart” with Dr. Gloria & Dr. Heidi Horsley to discuss Coping with Anger and Guilt After a Loss.

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