By Gloria Lintermans & Marilyn Stolzman, Ph.D., L.M.F.TThe loss of a spouse is one of the most difficult loses we experience as your entire day-to-day life is turned upside-down. The grieving process following this loss is divided into five time sequences of grief. One to four months is SHOCK, five to eight months of mourning is DENIAL, nine to twelve months is ANGER, thirteen to seventeen months is DEPRESSION, and eighteen to twenty four months is INTEGRATION, ADJUSTMENT and TRANSITION.

While everyone experiences grief and mourning in his or her own way and time, there are time sequences and emotions common to most of us. You may find yourself going through each of the emotional stages in the order listed, or you may find yourself jumping all over the place in a forward-and-backward movement.

You may even seem to skip one stage completely, only to encounter it long after you have thought yourself emotionally healed. How so? You may not have allowed yourself to recognize, for instance, anger directed inward, or directed outward toward your late spouse or even the world-at-large until you are feeling stronger and in control of your life once again.

SHOCK is an alarm response to a sudden, violent or upsetting disturbance. Whether your loss is sudden or expected, the element of shock is still present. It is an alarm state that protects you from the flood of emotions with which you may be unable to cope.

You may experience it as anxiety, insomnia, and /or numbness. It helps you get through this initial time period. It is “normal” at this time to lose things, to misplace things, to have trouble concentrating and staying focused. At work, you may function fine and at home while reading the newspaper, you may not be able to retain three sentences. You are easily distracted, may lose self-esteem, and frequently feel overwhelmed.

DENIAL. While mourning involves the struggle between holding on and letting go, denial keeps you holding on. Denial is no stranger, as it is a regularly utilized defense that helps to reduce, avoid or prevent anxiety. Denial helps to make life bearable at your time of loss.

Denial shows up in many ways, such as leaving the deceased’s room unchanged, setting an extra place at the table, or momentarily believing that you see your loved one in the face of a stranger. You might feel that the deceased has gone on vacation, or that the phone will ring or that the doorbell will sound. Denial is a defense of the ego and it lasts as long as it lasts.

ANGER. When denial can no longer be maintained, feelings of anger, rage, envy and resentment may show up. This anger may be directed outward or inward. Anger toward the self may look like self blame (e.g., “I should have done more….if only I had…”), resulting in feelings of guilt, shame, helplessness and fear. When directed outward, there is a danger of becoming caught up in bitterness, resentment and alienation.

Instead of feeling the normal grieving feelings of sorrow and emotional pain, one may lash out at any convenient scapegoat (e.g., the doctors, God, an inept salesperson, etc.). When you admit your anger to yourself, talk to someone you trust. It is important to work through your feelings of anger and fear.

DEPRESSION. Anger turned inward becomes depression. Depression often occurs as helplessness, hopelessness and feeling overwhelmed. You may be trying to deal with this new and unwanted life-change by expecting yourself to manage your daily obligations and emotions as you did when your loved one was alive.

Here it is important to take every step slowly and carefully. Seek help where and when needed and acknowledge every success, no matter how small. When the depression is not dealt with, the grieving process is delayed. Often it is helpful to speak with a therapist or counselor for assistance in dealing with these overwhelming thoughts. Often, depression may be experienced more at nine months than initially because one is so busy taking care of paperwork and details, that you do not have time to process feelings.

INTEGRATION, ADJUSTMENT, and TRANSITION. How will you know when you are healing? You will know when you can think of your loved one without the accompanied strong emotional feelings of longing and sadness. You will remember him/her more realistically; neither as an idealized saint nor as a villain. You will be living in the present, not stuck in the past, and making plans for the future.

I don’t think we ever totally achieve acceptance, but I think we weave this loss into our lives by integrating it, making an adjustment to our living and making a transition. The pain and sorrow have lessened, and we feel free to reinvest in our lives again.

THE HEALING POWER OF GRIEF: The Journey Through Loss to Life and Laughter (Sourcebooks, Inc.; ISBN 1-932783-48-2) by Gloria Lintermans & Marilyn Stolzman, Ph.D., L.M.F.T., is a step-by-step grief recovery guide to provide the mourner with the tools needed to successfully navigate the painful, emotional ups-and-downs of grieving. A valuable “Healing Power of Thought” journal is included. The journal is a daily roadmap for healing and recording important, positive progress all along the way. To reach the authors, visit

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Gloria Lintermans

Los Angeles-based Gloria Lintermans is a former internationally syndicated columnist. Her column appeared in English and Spanish language newspapers across the U.S. from Hawaii to New York, and worldwide from Saudi Arabia to South America. Lintermans is the author of THE HEALING POWER OF GRIEF: The Journey Through Loss to Life and Laughter, (Champion Press, 2006), THE HEALING POWER OF LOVE: Transcending the Loss of a Spouse to New Love (Champion Press, 2006), CHEAP CHIC: A Guide to LA's Resale Boutiques (1990), the "ultimate guide to recycled fashion," and forerunner of RETRO CHIC: A Guide to Fabulous Vintage and Designer Resale Shopping in North America & Online (Really Great Books, Los Angeles, 2002) and THE NEWLY DIVORCED BOOK OF PROTOCOL, (Barricade Books, New York, 1995). A freelance writer, she has also written for national and local magazines. Lintermans has appeared on radio and television talk shows across the country including: the "Donna Mason Show," Raleigh, NC; "Steve Kalk Show," Beaver Falls, PA; "Morning Drive with John Dawson," Albany, GA; "Tim Quinn Show," Bridgeport, CT, "What You Should Know About," Philadelphia, PA; "Memphis in the Morning," Memphis, TN; "Kent Slocum Show," Grand Rapids, MI; "The Michael Jackson Show," Los Angeles, CA, among others. She has hosted her own "Looking Great with Gloria Lintermans" cable television and radio shows and is a popular lecturer and commentator. Lintermans is a member of The Authors Guild, Inc., the National Society of Newspaper Columnists and A.F.T.R.A. (American Federation of Television & Radio Artists). Lintermans lives in Los Angeles. Gloria appeared on the radio show “Healing the Grieving Heart” with Dr. Gloria & Dr. Heidi Horsley to discuss “The Healing Power of Grief.” To hear Gloria being interviewed on this show, click on the following link:

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