Stigma Around Sudden Death: Dr Heidi horsley
Posted on February 25, 2013 - by admin
Why did it happen? How could we have prevented it? Dr Horsley Discusses stigma around sudden death.
WatchWhy did it happen? How could we have prevented it? Dr Horsley Discusses stigma around sudden death.
WatchDr Heidi Horsley discusses prenatal loss and the fact that it can be an unacknowledged loss.
WatchWhat kind of rituals can we use to say goodbye and memorialize our loved ones.
WatchWhat about the media, what do we do with their coverage.
WatchWhen there is a public loss how do we talk to the media?
WatchHow can we talk to boys and men about grief?
WatchDr Heidi Horsley speaks on sudden death and the stigma that surrounds suicide and homicide.
After Nicole Alston’s infant daughter died she looked for ways to help other grieving parents. She founded the Skye Foundation. Association of Death Education and Counseling