The sweater clothed me

It sheltered me daily

It covered my wounds

It kept me safe

It was comfortable


The occasional yarns that dangled

or sprout forth

Were quickly yanked away or shorn down

No need for them. What I had

clothed me


One day Father Jim hugged me

A priest on a airplane ride

I was always afraid of priests


His Mr. Rogers sweater was pilled and

heavily laden with miscolored shreds

from travels

bumping up

against rough surfaces, forests of stray colors

and threads lay pocketed


My gleaming bracelet within the hug

caught his sweater

As I struggled to release it, the threads on his sweater pulled longer

He stood still in my struggle

Non engaged, yet engaged in my folly of struggle


I stopped. The bracelet released.

The yarn retreated. Another point on his road mapped



My sweater

It covered only wounds…my healing was not visible

My sweater

It was safe… but not engaging with others

My sweater

It was comfortable…. from what I knew of the past

Yes. It was comfortable…. I let no one in, nor let new things sprout


So now… a new sweater… certainly!


Now I notice its imperfections and am in awe of the perfection in us all when we rest

in our heavenly grace and uniqueness.

No need to struggle… All the threads are woven together. Unravel your perfection! You will find your wounds healed!!!

Susan Reynolds

Susan W. Reynolds developed her innovative system by combining interior redesign principles with grief recovery methods. Susan is a member of the Association of Design Education and a Certified Physical Therapist. Her training in wellness and ergonomics has given her sensitive insights into the needs of people in grief. She is a consultant to hospices on how interior design can help clients feel comfortable and safe. She speaks at bereavement groups to teach her methods to people who have suffered loss. She helps those in grief visualize how small changes in their surroundings can result in big changes in attitude. After her husband died of cancer after a difficult two-year battle, Susan participated in traditional grief groups. She found that a practical approach worked best for her. She uses her blog, "Room for Change", to present her ideas about the role of ergonomics in grief recovery. The book version of her system reflects input from bereavement coordinators and other specialists in the field of death and dying. Her company, Revival Redesign helps people refresh and enliven their personal space using items they already own and love.

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