Through all the death I have seen, and all the grieving that I have done over my lifetime, the hardest thing I had to learn to do was keep moving forward in my earth walk.

Even though it was hard, and at times I felt I was crawling along on my belly, I had to keep moving forward. “One day at a time, one step at a time.” I kept repeating this over and over, and with the help of the Creator, time passed and I found myself accomplishing things, and enjoying my friends and family once more.

Regardless of the circumstances behind their deaths, our loved ones don’t want to see us drowning in self pity just because their time on earth was finished and they got to go home. We remain behind, because we are not finished in our walks, we still have more things to learn, and more things to do to complete the journey on our path home.

In my book Our Sacred Journeys, I write about my own walk in a poem entitled, “I Walk.

And I will never walk alone, because I will always hold on to the memories of others who have walked this earth before me. And even though my heart cries to see them again, I will continue my walk with them held close to my heart; together on this trail which leads us toward our Creator, with whom we shall never truly part.

– Linda Duncum 2011


Linda Duncum

In Memoriam June 21, 1959 - April 30, 2014 Linda was a resident of Alpine, Texas. Retired military, Linda began working as a Registered Nurse and enjoyed her work with the children of Brewster and Pecos Counties. Growing up in New England, the outdoors became a big part of her life; it was here that she developed her relationship with our Mother Earth. Later in life she was called to walk the "Red Road" while following her Metis roots. She loved to travel, and her fondest memories include the many trips she took with her husband over their 23 1/2 yrs of marriage. She enjoyed her retirement with her grandchildren and her farm home.

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