From the moment you become a parent there are two questions that become foremost in your mind: Where is my child and is he or she okay? Even when you are dealing with an infant who seldom leaves your side, you still get those moments. I can remember watching my babies when they were in deep sleeps to make sure that they were still breathing. Whenever I left them with a babysitter or at nursery school, throughout the time that I was separated from them, I would wonder where they were and if they were okay. I simply had to know.

It’s a constant theme that permeates everything else that you do, once you become a parent. Even when your children are a little older and seemingly more responsible, periodically throughout any given day you raise those questions. If your child ultimately reaches the teen years, all hell breaks loose as it becomes increasingly hard for most parents to answer those questions. However, if all goes well, despite an uneasy evening for you, your child returns to the roost and for a little while anyway, you can put those questions to bed.

What makes parents nearly lose their minds after the loss of a child is that they cannot answer those questions! They have no clue where their child is, if their child is, or whether he or she is okay, and that is primal agony for parents. Even worse than missing this child is the parental hell of not being able to rest in the knowledge that their child is somewhere and that he or she is okay.

If it were not for the fact that 40 years ago, when I was 20 years old, I experienced a life-changing spiritual healing that demonstrated to me the presence of a spirit realm, I would not be saying what I’m about to say. I did, however, experience a healing of a non-physical nature that was so profound that as a result I delved into a 40-year exploration of spiritualism, with an emphasis on spiritual healing and mediumship.

As a result, I have witnessed numerous demonstrations of life after death and at this point in my life, I firmly believe in the survival of the personality. By that I do not mean some vague, nebulous resemblance to someone you once knew. On the contrary, what I am speaking of would be described as the unique personality of the person you loved, minus one major detail, his or her physical body. And as parents, we do love that physical body. We love their eyes and we love their smiles and we love their hugs. It is unfathomable to us to consider living out the rest of our lives without their hugs.

But, when I think about it, I ask myself, Was it the hug itself that you loved, or was it the love behind the hug that meant so much? Was it his arms that you loved or the love those arms expressed?

My answer is always that it was both, the physical arms and the love that animated them. What helps me to cope now is my firm belief that what animated Dan’s arms still exists and is actually very close to me. And I believe that what animated Dan’s hugging arms was his spirit and that his spirit has survived passage from physical reality into the realm of spirit and that he is there and that he is okay.

I cannot define the spirit realm as a destination in which I can say, my child is right here, two blocks west of Broadway, nor can I definitively explain to you what or where the spirit world is, but I can tell you this: it exists. It is where my child is now and he is okay and if you have a deceased child, it is where your child is now and he or she is okay. Even if your child took their own life, trust me on this, your child is okay. There is help and support on that side and from what I have learned, no matter what, no one crosses alone.

Faith always implies a leap of trust in an area that is not readily visible, for if it were visible and self evident, there would be no need for faith! So, if you will, imagine opening your mind just a small amount to consider the possibility that your child does exist, with his or her consciousness intact, in another form, in another dimension. Of course, your relationship cannot be the same, for you will no longer look for your child through your physical eyes, but with your inner eyes. But you can connect with your child through numerous means and when you do, you will ease some of your pain as well as theirs; for just as their suffering was always yours, now your suffering is very much theirs.

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Sheri Perl

Sheri Perl is a spiritual healer and counselor, author, teacher, and interfaith minister. She became involved in spiritualism in a desperate attempt to save her life. At age sixteen, Sheri was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. After years of medical treatment, she was fighting for her life on the operating table. While recovering from surgery, a second illness contracted through blood transfusions was declared fatal. At this time Sheri contacted British spiritual healer, Harry Edwards, “purely out of desperation.” To her amazement, the healing stopped her illness in its tracks, and returned her liver functions to normal. As a result of this experience, Sheri opened the doors to spiritual exploration. She has studied with many great mediums and healers, eventually earning her doctorate in Therapeutic Counseling from the Open International University, Institute for Alternative Medicine. Her book, “Healing From the Inside Out” chronicles her experience with illness and spiritual healing and shares what she has learned along the way. In 2008, her 22-year-old son Daniel died of an overdose of alcohol and prescription drugs. Needless-to-say, Sheri suffers greatly from this loss; however, what helps her is the knowledge that Daniel is safe in the spirit world and “connecting up” with him through thought, feelings, dreams, signs and reputable mediums. Sheri is currently working on a new book to share her perspective with others who are mourning. She recently created the PRAYER REGISTRY for parents who wish to join with others to send group prayers out to their child on the anniversary day of their passing. You can read more about Sheri and the Prayer Registry at her website, or visit her own blog, “Loss, Bereavement and Connecting Up” at

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