Your Deceased Loved Ones Are Okay
As a psychic medium, I have the job of reconnecting with those who made their transition to the other side. When clients first come see me, I explain we are eternal spiritual beings having a temporary human experience on earth. The energy of who we are continues to exist after the physical body dies.
Our deceased loved ones often come around us to let us know they are okay. When they do, they retain their original personality, one of the ways to tell messages are from them.
One day while I was taking a nap, I dreamt I was in a crowded place, and I heard my mother loud and clear saying, “I have an important announcement! I am here and I’m okay!”
When she was talking, I knew without a doubt it was truly her speaking. My mother had this type of humor and would often make it known that she had an important thing to say when she was still here on earth.
Signs Come to the Grieving
After our loved ones cross over, they are very anxious to let us know they are okay. I always tell my clients that they do not have to look for signs, the signs will come to them.
The signs our loved ones give us most often are:
They come through as an animal. Our loved ones are able to use their energy to go inside of an animal, such as a butterfly, ladybug, bird, or dragonfly – for a brief period of time.
They place common objects such as feathers, coins, or rocks in our path. Our loved ones like to place things over and over again in our path that were significant to them.
They give off fragrances. We can often tell our deceased loved ones are around us when we smell their perfume, flowers, cigar or cigarette smoke, or any other familiar smell they had.
They make songs come on at the perfect time. We know they are around when their favorite songs come on at the right time with the exact words we need to hear.
They come to us in dreams. One of the easiest ways for them to come through to us is in our dreams. All we need to do is to ask them to come, and they will.
Numbers, Thoughts and Electricity
They show us the same numbers over and over. They loved to give us numbers that are relevant to them or you, such as birthdates, anniversaries – or repeating numbers.
They allow us to feel peaceful for no reason. When our loved ones are in the room, they usually make us feel so loved and at peace. It usually happens at the most unsuspecting time.
They place thoughts in our head. Because they in spirit form, our loved ones don’t have an audible voice. Therefore, they give us messages telepathically. Pay attention to thoughts that just “pop” into your head. We can tell the difference between our thoughts and theirs by backtracking our thoughts.
They love to play with electricity. They turn electricity on and off. They like to flicker lights, turn the television and radio on and off, and make appliances beep for no apparent reason.
They make buzzing noises in our ears. Because our loved ones speak to us on a different, higher frequency, we may hear ringing in our ears when they are trying to get our attention.
The list can go on and on, if you haven’t received any of these signs, simply ask your loved ones to come to you to let you know they are okay. Tell them to give you what I call a “without a doubt sign” so that you know absolutely know the sign is from them. The more you are aware of the messages they are giving you, the more they will continue to allow you to know they are present. Be patient and persistent, and I promise that they will give you the signs you have always wanted.
This is an excerpt from Your Life After Their Death: A Medium’s Guide to Healing After a Loss, by Karen Noe.
My ex husband whom I have always loved dearly vice versa just passed away this July 16th, I want so much to know that he’s around me and our 3 grown daughters……we are having such a horrible time with this as we didn’t expect it, he was only 59yrs of age and a beautiful and giving soul…….
Gina Lush
Gina, I’m so very sorry about the passing of your beloved husband. It’s still early, but have you received any signs from him? If not, ask him to give you a “without a doubt” sign to let you know he is okay. Ask him to come to you in a dream and to wake you up so you will remember the dream. He truly is okay and wants you to be too. xoxo
My father, M.A. Raju, died on 03/07/2012 of sudden heart attack. We could not see him alive and we did not talk to him in his last minutes. everything was over in 10 minutes. We love him very much and want to talk to him. Can u help us talk to him, please. Please help us. We want to say we love him and we will take care of amma.
Hi 🙂
My father (Grandfather) passed away November 9th 2014 and it hurts so bad til this day. Sometimes I hear things But im like its just me or thinking that I’m going crazy lol. But one night I had a deam that I saw him and called out his name But it was a brief second or so… I called out his name out loud and I thought I was saying it in mind but she said nope I heard it. I wanna see him or at least hear him. My grandmother had a dream and she said that he looked young and was ok
Hi Rosie, I’m so sorry about the loss of your father. You can talk directly to him and he will hear what you are saying. You can even write it down in a letter. Then ask him for a “without a doubt” sign so that you know without a doubt he read your letter. It really works and he will see what you have written.
Many blessings, Karen
I am 44 I seem to have lost alot of people in my life. Most of them are closest of relationships. My boyfriend when we were 16 he was hit by a drunk driver right after prom. My dad from cancer. My highschool best friend and her daughter. In a car accident. And recently my life long friend at age 40 from breast cancer. We were friends for 25 years. Its really starting to consume my every thought. I think my boyfriend at 16 was the most traumatizing of all. I wish i cpuld hear from him. I cant:(
Hi Belinda,
You’ve lost so many important people in your life. I’m so sorry about all that you’ve been through.xoxo
Please know they really are okay and would want you to know that. As for your boyfriend, he’s gone a long time. What I have found with many of my readings is that the longer one has been gone, the harder it is to communicate with them. It’s not that they are not around. It’s just that they have acclimated to the other side. Ask your boyfriend to give you a big sign to let you know he is okay. Be persistent and then wait and see what happens.
I hope that helps.
Many hugs, Karen
My mom recently passed away on Oct 1, 2012. She lived with me the last few years of her life and we were close. She had a long hard battle at the end with cancer and suffered greatly the last 6 weeks of her life in the hospital. At the very end I knew her time was very near, I was at the hospital and I told her to go with God, it was ok and that I loved her. I left the hospital that night to go home and get some sleep, passed out on the couch about 10:30 PM and had a dream (which is something that I never do or at least never remember). I had a dream of a horrible storm, very dark sky, and in the very distant horizon I saw a tornado and became concerned about where my mom was and if she was safe. The very next instant in my dream I was somewhere else (it was not home where we lived) but a very open place with nothing around us, and I saw my mom walk above (like on a walkway the best I could describe) and I could see all of her just clearly walking above me and with her was my most beloved dog who passed away 3 years ago and was following right behind her. I remember yelling up at her to hurry up to come down to where I was, and then I was instantly awoken from the dream by the phone ringing and just knew what that phone call was. Sure enough, it was the hospital informing me that she had just passed away, it was 1:10 AM. I do believe my mom was letting me know she just made it to heaven, even before the hospital got the chance to tell me.
Hi Julie,
Yes, it definitely sounds like it was your Mom telling you she made it to heaven. What a wonderful dream/ visitation!
Many blessings, Karen
My father passed on October 4th after a long battle with illness. We had a tumultuous relationship and hadn’t spoken for the last 5 years. I was by his side as he lay in a coma when he died, however I didn’t get to talk to him and have a conversation before he passed. I am living with a lot of guilt. Last night I had a vivid dream where I was about 5 five in my childhood home and I was sobbing saying “daddy I miss you so much” and my dad was holding me and comforting me.
Do you think this is my dad reaching out to me?
Hi Suz,
Yes, it sounds like your Dad was truly there with you and was telling you that everything was okay! Try writing him a letter, telling him everything you would want to say to him. I know he will be aware of your words to him! (For more info about this, you can read my book, “Through the Eyes of Another: A Medium’s Guide to Creating Heaven on Earth by Encountering Your Life Review Now.”)
Your Dad sees the “bigger picture” and wants to make amends as well! He is okay and wants you to be too. xoxo
Hugs, Karen
My friend died very suddenly last week. It happened that I hadn’t spoken to him in a while and couldn’t remember what our last conversation had been, and it had been eating away at me all week. Then on Saturday I happened to read an article in the paper about some guy who’d been angsting about his last words to his dying father, and the guy had come to the conclusion that too much emphasis was placed on last words and it was all the other memories that mattered. Do you think that was a sign from my friend that he’d forgiven me?
Also we became friends just before Christmas 2008, and that Christmas my grandad’s TV broke and ended up causing World War 3 among my family (long story) but this friend was the one person who managed to make me smile and let me vent at the time, and over the years this incident became a running joke between us i.e. “hope your telly’s working this year!” The day after I read the article my grandad called and said he was having problems with his television. Is this another sign? Am I clutching at straws? I refuse to believe sarky comments I’ve seen on websites that things like this are demons’ work but I wish I knew what it meant!
Hi Helen, I absolutely DO think these are signs from your friend telling you he is okay and to stop worrying about what your last words were with him. It’s also no coincidence that your Grandad was having problems with his television. Your friend may be “playing games” from the other side. The key here is – you suspected these were signs. You didn’t look for them – the signs came to you!
I hope that helps.
Have a great day! xoxo
Hi my mother passed away on Oct 29th. She had lung cancer and we were told she passed away peacefully in her sleep in hospital.
What is hurting the most that I have had no signs to me that she is ok and I really want to contact her or know she’s there etc
Hi Lee,
I’m so sorry about the passing of your mother. Did she make her transition this Oct. 29? If so, it was very recent, and that is probably why you haven’t received any signs from her. Ask her to give you a sign though, and ask her to make it big so that you will know without a doubt she is okay. Even if you don’t receive a sign though, please know that she truly is okay and wants you to be too!
Blessings, Karen
Two of my cousins passed away in a tragic car accident last week. They were both sisters. One of them recently turned 15 and the other 17. I am grieving terribly of their deaths. I had grown up with these girls. This is the third car accident they have been in. I talked to the youngest sister just a night before and we were talking about our futures like we always did. I am worried and sad at the same time, sad that I will never get to see them as long as I’m alive and scared because I don’t want them to be afraid and lost , I want them to be up in heaven with God. They were both religious and strongly believed in God, never did any harm to anyone. I have so many things I wish I could have told them and so many unanswered questions. Does religion play a role in the fate of a deceased loved one? Do all souls go to heaven? Will they be in heaven? How do I know they are alright and safe? What happens after someone is deceased? Should I pray everyday for them? Can they see me and hear what I say?
Hi Besiana,
Please know that your cousins really are okay. They are not afraid and yes, they are in heaven.xoxo They have no unanswered questions now. They are one with God and are totally at peace. They can hear what you are saying – if it’s directed to them, so yes, talk to them. Ask them to give you signs so that you know they are around you. They are okay and would want you to know that!
Many hugs and blessings, Karen
Thank you so much Karen. Your advice really worked. You wouldn’t believe the dream I had last night. I was in a room by myself and then my siblings were shocked to see these 2 white shadows floating above them. They then told me it was my two cousins. When I went to the room where they had seen the 2 spirits. They transformed into a butterfly and landed right on me. Then they flew out the window. Is this the sign you said to be aware of? If it is, a burden has just been lifted off my shoulders. Sometimes I also feel no grief but a sense of peace. Although, I will have a longing for my cousins as long as I’m alive. I also am happy that they are now with God. One day I hope to reunite with them in heaven and never have to worry about death anymore 😉
That is so wonderful! Yes, this is the sign I was talking about! How wonderful!!!
Many blessings,
Something very shocking happened to me. A psychic whom I never met approached me and told me that she reunited my two deceased cousins because they have been lost. This broke my heart. I thought they made the transition to the other aide. She also added that they weren’t going to cross over yet because of their grieving mother. I thought they were in heaven? Howcan I communicate with them and twll them its time to move on?
Besiana, Your cousins were never lost! They did make their transition and are very much at peace and are in heaven! Please don’t listen to what that “psychic” said. Oh my gosh!
Many hugs, Karen
Sorry Karen to keep turning to you for my grief problems. I couldn’t help but ask why I started having terrible nightmares about my deceased cousins. Its not just me who keep having them, but a lot of my relatives as well. Since the two girls died in a car wreck, the oldest girl who died keeps visiting me, she always appears alive but always blind and sometimes sick. She keeps insisting to me she’s alive and well, but I keep correcting her, I tell her she’s dead as well as her sister. And then she says to me exactly,” I miss her so much”, implying that towards her younger sister. Then I tell ask her why, and she tells me because she’s dead. The dreams are so vivid and the older girl feels so real like I’m touching her face physically, I feel her cold face. She gave me a hug, and then I wake up. In other cases, it’s always the older girl being blind she always tells me she can’t see anything. My aunt had the same exact dream except she said the older girl told her that her sister was being hurt by people, they were throwing rocks at her and she was bleeding. How can I bare these terrible things? I’m here thinking their ok, but I get the worst dreams. They make me cry more and more. The older sister also tells me that she lost her bracelet. She always wore this black marble like bracelet, always. When she was alive. She told me that it was at the site of the accident because her mother who is alive told me that she wore it in the car. When my aunt went to look for it on the road, it was missing. My cousin in my dream keeps telling me to get it and give it to my aunt. How can I get it if it’s not there? Can you please give me some closure Karen? Thanks.
Oh my gosh Besiana. I’m so sorry you are having these dreams. They really do sound like they are coming from your subconscious, and not from your cousins. They really are okay. However, prayers always do help. Pray that they see the light and are at peace. Tell the angels and their deceased loved ones to join them so that they are all together. Then thank God and the angels for hearing and answering your prayers. Then tell everyone who else who is having these dreams to do the same.
Let me know how everything goes.
Many hugs, Karen
Sorry to bother you with such a stupid question,but how did you become a medium?How did you realize you we’re a medium?
I would greatly appreciate it if you answered my question I am very curious.Thank You:)
Hi Briana,
I had a spiritual experience that enhanced my psychic abilities. It’s a long story, but if you are interested, I talk about it in both my books – Through the Eyes of Another, and The Rainbow Follows the Storm.
Hugs, Karen
Hi Karen,
I recently lost my boyfriend on March 10, 2013..Me and our 6 year old son talked to him the night on March 9, 2013 we made plans for the next day..I told him when I get off of work and come and get him…I called him to see if he was ready and he passed in the morning..he went into diabetic coma, he was 28..We were together for 9 years he is my true love…I tried talking to him alot but I get nothing..Is there anything I can try to reach him to let me know he is okay..When i’m at work now everyones name is his name and they buy what he would buy it’s strange..I just wanna know if he is okay :/
Hi Jessica,
I’m so sorry for the passing of your boyfriend. It sounds like he is giving you signs using his name and making people buy what he would have bought. As for receiving messages, he is probably speaking to you telepathically, that is, he is probably talking to you as thoughts. To differentiate between his thoughts and yours – just notice the thoughts that just pop into your head. Those thoughts very well could be him talking to you and letting you know he is around you!
Many hugs, Karen
I want to know about Evan. He was murdered.
Caroline, Please know that Evan truly is okay. The physical body is only temporary, but his spirit lives on. Although his physical presence was taken in such a horrible way, the essence of who he is continues. He would want you to be alright too. I’m sending many prayers and hugs your way. xoxo
Hi karen,
I lost my beloved hubby on 20 April 2013 ,due to sudden heart attack n it happened right infront of my eyes , i saw him leaving totally devastated i am trying to get all the info to communicate with him , but i must say it works it it does gives me relief but the worry in me is how long will i be able to feel his presence , by me wanting him to stay with me till my time comes will it in anyway disturb his after world life or task given . I also have this question in me wat he would have felt when he left as on the said day we were out for a holiday , we were in this hotel less then 1 hour n all our dreams just crashed . Please help me as i just cant get over it ..
I’m so very sorry for the loss of your precious husband. When you communicate with your husband and ask for signs, you are not disturbing his peace. Please don’t worry about that. Whenever those who have passed come through in appointments, I often hear, “Heaven wouldn’t be heaven without being able to be with you.” Continue to talk to him and ask him to give you signs to let you know he is okay and is there with you. He is at peace and would want you to be too! xoxo
Hi Karen,
I lost a friend last summer in a motorcycle accident he was 19 years old. The night he died I cry so much, but suddenly went peacefully to sleep. The next day my sister, who I share a room with tells me there was a black moth on my headboard, and when she got closer it had disappear. I knew that was a sign. Anyways, after a few days I went to his funeral, and for the next weeks following his funeral I had recurring dreams with him where he would be angry and sad. (He wasn’t wearing a helmet at the time of the accident, and many people believed that could have made a difference.) Well, after a lot of praying every night I accepted his death, and was okay because I felt him so near, and knew he wasn’t truly gone.
Since the end of the summer I was okay, but ever since mother’s day I haven’t been able to sleep. I have had dreams where I see him, and I start crying and telling him I miss him and so does he. Then, I had another dream where he tells me he isn’t dead and that it was an accident and he going to fix it. I try to tell him he’s dead and he just sighs and tells me he really misses me.
I want to know if he’s okay, or at peace? Does he need my help, prayers? I won’t be okay until I know he is I thought he was fine.
I’m so sorry about the loss of your dear friend. Any dream that is frightening isn’t him – that’s you subconscious worrying about him. A true visitation from him would be peaceful – and when you wake up, you’ll know he was truly there. Ask him to come to you in a dream and to wake you up after it so that you will remember it. He really is okay – and would want you to be okay too.
Blessings, Karen
I am having great difficulty dealing with the loss of my loved one whom passed nearly 7 years ago. I feel so much guilt and question the decisions that were made. I am trying so desperately to make peace with myself over the loss but am still struggling. What can I do to feel at peace. I miss this person so much and just want her to know I am sorry for her suffering here on earth.
I’m so sorry about the loss of your loved one. She truly is okay and would want you to be okay too. She is able to see why those decisions were made, so please do not feel guilty. You may wish to write her a letter telling her everything you want her to know. Then ask her to give you a sign to let you know she is aware of what you wrote. (I talk more about this concept in my book “Through the Eyes of Another: A Medium’s Guide to Creating Heaven on Earth by Encountering Your Life Review Now.) Hugs, Karen
Both of my bosses of 8.5 years, both doctors (husband and wife), passed away unexpectedly last year 62 days apart from each other. I am having a tough time not only with the loss of my job, but mostly missing her. I feel that
I am having a hard time because of not having closure, because of their Jewish background,
by not attending a ceremony, wake, etc. They were both flown to and buried in Virginia,
Jules, I’m so sorry about the loss of both of your bosses. It sounds like they chose to be together because they passed so close to one another. Please know they truly are okay and would want you to be okay too. Ask them to give you signs to let you know they are around you. Maybe you’d like to have a little ceremony of your own to say goodbye (since you did not attend a ceremony for them). You may wish to write them letters and release them in the water, send them up in a balloon, burn them, or whatever else feels good to you.
I hope that helps.
Many blessings, Karen Noe
Hello, my name is Nicole and I lost my mom from breast cancer. She passed away when I was only six years old and now I’m a teenager. She also fought breast cancer for 6 years. I really don’t remember who she truly was because I was young, but I do have some memories but not a lot. I read that you’ll know if it’s really your loved one trying to give you a sign, but I really didn’t know my mom so how would I know it’s really her? I’ve watched old family videos with her in it and heard so many stories from family about her but I still truly don’t know her. I always find dimes at the randomest times and I honestly do believe its her because she always used to collect dimes. But I don’t know it’s just hard to believe its really her sometimes
My husband passed in on September 6, 2013. I have asked and received many signs. I am devastated. He was married once before and I worry that he is with her now in heaven. I went to an amazing reading yesterday that was spot on. She said that they have trouble being at peace when we worry and are upset. I just was so upset, mornings are the worst. I wake up every morning at 2 am she brought it up and said that he was trying to communicate with me. I asked him questions and got answers from him. I was very upset and nervous just now and I heard a ringing in my ears that was quite pronounced and that has not happened. I believe he is trying to help me in any way he can. Then I think that I am imaging it. I just get upset and want signs and I get them every time. Is this hurting him. I am left with four children one from his first marriage and two from his late wife. We have one daughter. I am all they have, my eldest stepdaughter doesn’t have a good relationship. I worry that he is with his late wife but the medium who knew names of everyone assured me that they have a lot of issues to work out and heal. He is completely happy with me. She repeated word for word how he told her I let him pass over. Is it wrong to keep asking for signs. The buzzing in my ears went away but surprisingly calmed me down. Any suggestions or thoughts
My Grandma just passed away on September 5, 2013 and she was my Best Friend. We found out on my birthday April 22nd, 2013 that she had lung cancer and we moved down that summer to help care for her. I had responsibilities as well as my 2 Cousins to take care of the house while they took care of my Grandma. I watched the Cancer take over her body as it spread. This was horrible as she was the strongest lady I knew. By the end of July she would enter the confusing state and we had her hospitalized at least every other week. She promised me she would always be here and talk to me..I would just have to figure it out. Well like I said she just passed recently and before she did her Mom visited her, her Moms been gone since she was 12. She said her Mom told her 5 After 5. We though 5:05 she would pass. She ended up passing 5 months after her brother and the 5th day of September. Now I hear her through the wind, and the sun. She came once through a dream which I woke up after. I miss her bad and I don’t talk much on this subject as I hide my feelings about them. This is also my first death I have dealt with. She kept her promise to me though. But I feel like I wronged her as I sorta cut ties with her because I didn’t wanna hurt so bad and I was wrong and I don’t know how to apologize to her.
My brother was murdered, he was only 28, i was with him the day before it happened. He was with me from morning to night helping me move in my new place. We were very close, i need to know he’s ok and yes iv asked him to send me a sign and have not received one. How do i know he’s in heaven? Because of this i question my faith
I recently lost my mother three weeks back and I spoke to her two hours before she passed. I would like to get in touch with you to know a couple of things. I feel her presence but I am not sure if that is my mind playing tricks on me or what is really happening. I was unable to get a closure with her was unable to attend her funeral since I was out of town and it was a sudden unexpected death. She was a psychic herself, a medium and had exceptional ESP. I need some guidance. I write to her sometimes but not sure if she can get the message.
Hi Karen, I lost my boyfriend to gun violence July 27,2013. We just started a new life living together 16 months before the tragedy.My daughters viewed him as a father figure and miss him terribly. I was with him when the incident happened. I was glad that the gunman let me drive away from the scene,however I feel so much guilt because I’m alive an he isn’t. I had to hear his last words as I was calling 911. He said “Babe I’m not going to make it” Those words an the look of him dying in my passenger seat of my car play in my mind over and over. I think I had a few sign but aren’t sure.He gave me a hug in a dream once, he told me I needed it, then disappeared. I cannot get that day out of my mind He hung on in the hospital for 73 hours then coded again an died.I never left his side.How do I know if he knows I was with him the whole time. It has been a year but I don’t know how to move on emotionally.Sometimes I feel like I’m waiting for him to come home.I wish he would give me a solid sign that he is ok.I have yet to get that solid sign.I have Prayed an asked him to come to me.Little things have happened but I’m not sure if it is a sign or not.What else can I ask him, can I ask him for a specific sign?
Hi. I recently lost my best friend. She was very ill and lost her teeth and her hair. I often wonder if she is okay. About a month ago I had a dream and in my dream she was sitting with my sister and I talking and laughing. She was so beautiful. Her hair was full and wavy. Her teeth were perfect and she looked so healthy. Is she letting me know she is okay ? I also have a cousin that was murdered and a baby girl that passed away. Before my grandmother passed away she often had visions of them. Did they come for her ? Are they all okay ? Are they together and are they still with us? I smell my grandmothers coffee and nobody in my house likes coffee !! I also often find dimes in my washer.
My dad was my best friend and he passed away a little more than a year ago. We had a relationship that far transcended that of father and son. He died suddenly at the hospital. I know in my heart that no son could love or respect his father more than I did, and I was a terrific son and he was the type of father I strive to be. Even knowing all that, I have such strong feelings of guilt and sadness. I know those thoughts are not reasonable but that is what is inside my soul now. I don’t laugh anymore and there is no true joy. I have a 13 month daughter who i love like crazy and I want to be such a good daddy for her. I need to know that Dad is ok, that he isnt mad at me for not protecting him that last day and that he is with mom and that they want me to have the best life I can. I try my hardest to only think about him briefly during the day or it will consume me. What I do at night before I fall asleep is take a minute or so to talk to him, cry and tell him how much I need him to come to me in my dream and talk to me. Unfortunately, on the few occasions where he is in my dream , I know he is gone and I know I want to talk to him but I get scared and wake up. On the few questions i have been able to ask him like are you happy….the answer I heard was “not really”. and once I asked him if mom was ok he said “not really” and I asked him how can that be if you are in heaven. At that point I woke up. I want to have a full life. I loved my dad so very much…he was my hero and he never ever let me down. I need to talk to him one more time and I am having a hard time moving forward. Thanks for listening
I lost my mother in January 2009 and then my father April 2014. After my mother passed I would find coins everywhere – which she use to keep change in jars everywhere so I guess that’s her sign to me and I use to dream of her all the time now since my father has pasted I dream of him a lot. I also keep finding marbles and old small glass bottles — things he use to like to dig in the dirt and find. I smell their smells on my rough days. Its really hard to make people understand what I am saying when I tell them this things but its ok because I know its my parents way of keeping me on track and continuing to guide me. Its been a hard rough road and knowing they are here when I really need them and even days when I least except it really helps me a lot.
Hello, I lost the love of my life 3 weeks ago. I came hm from work and found him on the bathroom floor. I tried resuscitating him not knowing he already passed 3 hours before I found him. We were together 24 years and have 3 kids. My heart is beyond broken and I cry off and on everyday. The same songs always come on the radio when I talk or think about him but I’m not able to remember any dreams since this happened. I keep asking if he’s ok and the not knowing is what hurts me more than anything. It’s been very difficult to deal with. I just need to know
My grandmother passed away 18 years ago. Right afer she passed I would see her in my dreams. Then she came to me in a dream and told me “you’re going to be all right” and she has never come back in my dreams again. I have asked every night before I fall asleep for a visit but she never comes . I find coins all the time and sometimes a feather but why is it I can’t get her to come back to see me in my dreams. Help me please.
my daughter Kristine was murdered last month.she was only 17.i did not get to tell her goodbye.i hurt every waking moment need to know she is with god not hanging around here .i want whats best for her i dont want her miserable and stuck here worried over me or her siblings.i worry for her it so messed up the guy was trying to rob her sister and shot at them
You should be ashamed of yourself,writing this nonsense and giving people a false hope.
I’d like to know how you know that this is false hope.
Hi Karen, I just lost my husband to Congestive Heart Failure this past Sunday at 3:00 am in the morning he had been fighting over a year he also died on my in-laws 50th Wedding Anniversary. We are so lost without him and love him so much we would have been married for 22 yrs next month. I want him to be here with us in spirit and to let us know he is alright and happier, he suffered a long time his heart was real weak he was the love of my life, my best friend. I f you could give me some answers on what we can do to keep him around us awhile and watch over us would surely appreciate it. Thank You, Elizabeth call me Lisa
I’m so glad I found this site. I lost my boyfriend on June 4th 2016. I miss him so very much. I would like to know if he is okay or how he is doing. I want to know if he can hear me or see me. I want him to know that I love him so much and every single day that I breathe… Is so very hard. I am sorry .. I want to be with him always. I saw forever with him and now that he’s gone.. I am so lost.
I lost my mom may 26 2017.. It’s been very hard for to forget nor sleep.. M always very scared that I can’t stay alone in the house.. I really want to know if she is happy where ever she is and I want to talk with her cus she couldn’t say a word to me before she died and I have alot of question to ask her.. Please I need your help.. Thanks
Jane, Please know your mom truly is okay and would want you to be too.
Ask her to give you a “without a doubt sign” to let you know she is with you.
It’s important to be patient and wait, and the sign will come when you least expect it.
I’m sending prayers your way.
Many blessings,
Hi karren,
My fiancee died last september 11,2017.his name is Arnold T. Juvilo. He died due to motor vehicle accident.i was with him on that accident,it was early in the morning and we’re on our way to go to the market but on the way there is a dog who wants to cross the road. We stopped to let the dog pass but he didnt instead he sit on the side of the road so my partner accelerate the motor and suddenly the dog ran fast and we hit him which made us crashed. He badly hurt his head which lead to severe coma. And immediately rushed to the hospital but they said he cant make it because he was brain dead already. He lasted only 2days in the hospital and he died september 11 ,2017 at 1am. I just want to know if he is okay. I mean he is in good place now with the Lord. I dont want him to be sad for what happened in his sudden death. All i want to know if he is okay now and at peace and happy.please karen reply to my message I’m so depressed because I also lost our baby in my tummy 2yrs ago due to depression;her heart stops to beat at 4months.I’m so devastated and i need your help.All i want to know if he is okay now and happy.
I just lost my husband of seven years last week very unexpectedly. We still do not no his cause of death. We have a 10 month old son. I miss him so much and am so heartbroken my son will grow up without him. He was my soulmate my everything. I want more than anything to get a sign from him. And I hope its really true when they say we will be together again one day.
I’m so sorry about the passing of your precious husband. Know for sure, that he truly is around you and will give you a sign when he can! You will be reunited with him many years from now, when you make make your transition. But for now, make sure to talk to him, because he can hear what you are saying.
I’m sending prayers your way.
I lost my he husband very suddenly on Nov 27, 2017. It is now Dec 27 2017, I am a train wreck without my husband of 28 years, the night he passed I brought his wallet home along with other belongings and saddly someone stole it, I believe I know who but I won’t accuse I cry everyday for my husband is missed beyond words, I’m so hurt someone would steAl I truly don’t care about money, it’s our wedding photo we both carried In our wallets that I want so badly. Why isn’t my love letting me know where it is?? Or if he is ok and not scared
I’m so sorry about the passing of your precious husband. He truly is okay and is very much at peace. He would want you to be in a peaceful state as well.
Your husband is no longer attached to material objects, so that may be a reason why you haven’t been shown where the wallet is.
It’s important to quiet your thoughts and thank him for showing you where the wallet is. In other words, thank him before receiving a response from him. In this way, you are displaying complete faith that he has heard your prayer and that it will be answered.
The last day I heard from my sister was on December 24th. Yesterday she never showed up for work, I found her cold and dead on her floor. I am heartbroken, only two years ago I found my dad dying and 8 months ago my husband dying but he is recovering slowly. My heart is breaking, I can’t keep doing this, finding people dying or the last person to see them. My sister was 51. I just want to know that she is with mom and dad as she truly missed them. I want to know she is at peace. I know it is too soon but I need to know she is okay. I want to shut out knowing or finding people after they have died. I am going to ask her to give me a sign. Daddy leaves dimes around. Please help me to find a way to know she is at peace now. Oh dear sister how I miss you.
Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! Please know without a doubt that your sister is okay and would want you to be, too! She is with your mom and dad, with no more worries, and is in a state of complete bliss.
It will take time, but she will give you signs to let you know she is with you. Make sure to ask her to do that, and talk to her, because she can hear you.
I’m sending prayers your way!
Many hugs and blessings,
My husband passed away and I couldn’t help him with CPR. Does he forgive me? I am so sorry I couldn’t help him in the end, I love him so much. Does he forgive me? Is he whole and happy in heaven? that is the only thing that gives me comfort.
I’m so sorry about the passing of your precious husband. There is nothing to forgive. He sees the bigger perspective and knows it was his time to pass. There is nothing you could have done to have prevented that.
Please know he truly is at peace and loves you very much. Make sure to ask him to give you a sign to let you know he is with you. Then it’s important to be patient and wait, and the sign will come when you least expect it.
I’m sending prayers your way. xoxo
Thank you, Karen.
I am still so deep in my grief that I am afraid even if he is trying to give me a sign I can tune to it.
Karen, You will be able to tune into it. Make sure to ask him to give you a “without a doubt” sign that you won’t be able to miss.
My husband died in Sept 2015. How do i know if hes ok or God has forgiven him for his sin.
That’s what he is afraid of that God will not forgive him. he died without me, his son and his father at his side. he is all alone when he passed away.
My dad passed away on Valentine’s Day 2018 no one was expecting this I’m still in shock can’t believe he’s gone he was only 65years old I was very close to my dad and lived with him for many years I would love to know if he’s ok if he’s here with me and my son av tried asking give me a sign your ok, but no reply would love someone to pass on a message or something that I know is him and he is ok, it’s heartbreaking so much I want to say to my dad and things he wanted to do miss him every minute of every day??
My son died after only living 15 hours a year ago. On his one year anniversary of his birthday and he died the next day I noticed my one year old playing with an imaginary friend. We use an elephant to represent him in our family and I found blocks with elephants on my staircases. (3 story home). Another block was of baby feet. My question is that of all the 50 blocks in our house, could my son who died be sending me a message through his brother? Every night I tell him I love him and we had a party for him on his birthday. Does he know we are celebrating his short life and he is not forgotten? I am writing a children’s book to read to his brothers so that he is always with us. I bought a balloon to release for him on his birthday but my one year old played with it instead. It was kind of like they were playing together in a way.
Can you please tell me what might Spirit do during day time or the entire day..please I need to know as I lost my Mom on 4th june,,,and there are many many signs more to do with Electricals, Goosebumps etc. She suffered out of Diabetes and High Blood Pressure but passed away peacefully as she always wished to…
I have tried various apps to communicate with my Mom’s Spirits but none looks “Without any doubt”
Please help
I’m so sorry about the unexpected passing of your precious Dad on Valentine’s Day. Please know for sure that he is okay and is with you and your son! Continue to ask him to give you a sign to let you know he is with you. Ask him to come to you in a dream and wake you up after the dream so that you will remember it.
It’s still very soon, so it’s important to be patient and wait, and the sign will come when you least expect it.
Talk to him, either out loud, or in your mind – because he will hear what you are saying.
I’m sending prayers your way.
Many blessings,
Karen Noé
my husband passed away suddenly last March 18, he was 52.. he was healthy and his sudden death was a shocked to me. as of now I live with my 24 years old son. ( our only child).. my son and I always argued and he threatened to leave me alone everytime we argue.. I miss my husband.. I want to know if he is okay.. and if his death is really his time to go.. I hope I can talk to my late husband even in my dreams.
My 27 year old son passed away on aug 5, 2018….i have been asking him to give me a sign or signs that he is ok but i havent received one…Can you help me talk to him? i am so numb , i miss him so much..its just not the same without him here at home…i feel so lost 🙁
Hi Lisa,
I’m so sorry about the passing of your precious son. Please know he truly is okay and will give you signs as soon as he can. It’s still very soon. Make sure to also ask him to come to you in a dream and to wake you up after the dream so that you will remember it.
Remember, it’s important to be patient and wait – and the signs will come when you least expect them.
If time passes and you still don’t get a sign, ask him to be louder and more clear with his signs. Maybe he is giving you signs that you are not picking up on.
I’m sending prayers your way.
Many blessings,
Hi Joyce,
I’m so sorry about the sudden passing of your husband. Please know for sure that he is in a place of only love and peace, and truly is okay. It was his time to go, and there’s nothing anyone could have done to have prevented his passing. Talk to him because he can hear you. Also, make sure to ask him to bring peace between you and your son.
I’m sending prayers your way.
Many blessings,
My mom died in April 18th this year and she was treated badly when she was alive. She had 6 children and I’m the youngest in the family and I have no children so I’ve been taking care of my mom because she had stage 5 kidney disease and she died of kidney failure.
My siblings hadnt been treating her well. Nobody ever visited her when she was alive. I had a sister that I don’t talk to anymore because mom had some money and my sister had a joint bank account with her.
My sister had basically stolen all my moms money and had lied to me about taking it and mom said she can have it. My brother out of town was fighting with her too.
When my mom passed away she waited for me as I ran into the hospital to go upstairs and as my husband got by her beside she took her last breath. So I wanted to know if shes ok and shes not mad at me.
Hello, My name is Amanda, I actually came across this page literally by accident however I have a strong feeling it “wasn’t accidental” I was actually looking for information about “signs” from loved ones because every time I am outside a dragonfly appears and just hovers around until I go back inside, at first I didn’t think much of it but here recently I began really noticing the pattern and it’s honestly every time I am outside at my home (many times throughout the day) so I decided to Google any information about this or if it has happened to others, maybe not a dragonfly but something similar and this site popped up. So I want to share some of the “Blessings” as I call them with you all, I want to apologize in advance for such a long post but there’s so much I want to share and I’ve learned that it is very helpful for me to talk about my dad and share things with others even people I don’t know. It was April 19, 2005 I was 25 when I lost my Daddy, he was 59, my dad was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes when I was 5 he was 39, the ER doctors couldn’t understand how/why my mom was able to walk my dad into the emergency room, his blood sugar was 900 and all the doctors and nurses said he should’ve been in a coma with that high of blood sugar, dad spent 2 weeks in the hospital. It was a 20 year battle with this disease, like a rollercoaster there were so many ups and downs it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to sit and watch as literally attacked every single part of his body, from his kidneys, eyes, bones and limbs. In my eyes my dad was the strongest man I knew and to this day still is, many of you can probably tell by now I was a Daddy’s Girl, he was my world and if you asked anyone I was his. It was April 18, 2005 my dad was still in ICU at the hospital (so some of you know the visiting hours are a lot different) I spent every visitation with my dad that was scheduled for an hour, so on the 18th it was the last visitation for the evening, he was sitting up sideways in his bed, I told him he looked and must have felt great that evening, he looked at me and his words have stuck in my head still to this day he said “Baby girl, your daddy is going home” my reply was one he probably heard a few times during over the 20 years, I told him when the doctor tell us you can. At 3:30am (7 hours after seeing him and his words to me) April 19, 2005 the hospital called and said I needed to get there that he was unresponsive. I sit right beside him holding his hand from the moment I got there, it was my mom who looked at me and said “he is fighting for you, you need to tell him it’s okay” I can promise you those 2 words were the hardest 2 words I’ve ever said, it was that very moment he squeezed my hand and opened his big blue eyes as a tear rolled across the bridge of his nose 15 hours after the hospital called I watched as he took his final breath. Many months went by after his passing until one night I had a dream that was so real it had my shaking, I called my mom and began telling her, she quickly said I’m on my way, I need to talk to you, so she gets there and we talk. My parents had separated when I was 20, probably 2 years before my dad passed my mom had gotten pregnant and my dad took it extremely hard when he found out, he was angry with me (because I was happy, I always wanted a sibling, I was their only child, my dad had 4 others from a previous marriage but they were a lot older than me) and he said some hurtful things to my mom, sadly my mom miscarried but unknowingly to me until that moment she came to talk my mom told me everything, my dad had told her after her miscarriage that she would have the son they always wanted but he would be gone. It was exactly 2 months after my dad passed my mom found out she was pregnant, soon later she found out it was a boy and a few months later my brother Elijah, was born, (we are 27 years apart and just a little insight my parents were 17 years apart) in my dream it was me and my mom and she told me I needed to tell my dad we were leaving but I couldn’t find him, then he was there and he said to me “Elijah is here because of me and one day Baby Girl you’ll be a mommy too”. I think my mom was just as shaken up as I was when I had first called her to tell her about my dream. When Elijah was 2 he was playing and asked me if I knew his friend “Donnie” I thought to myself “Oh Lord, he has imaginary friends” probably 2 weeks later me and my mom were sitting at my house (of course this big sister had him spoiled, he had his own room and toy room at my house) and Elijah comes running out of his toy room and asked if I knew “Goat” I said yes bub I know what goats are and he said “NO, My Friend Goat, he comes to see me and plays with me, he told me he really loves you and misses you” my heart sank and I busted into tears, so did my mom, you see my dads name was Donald and his nickname was “Goat”, my brother never meet him, dad passed in ’05 and Elijah was born in ’06. In 2013 I reconnected with my old boyfriend whom I dated when I was 19, we’ve been married for almost 4 years now. My husband to this very day still talks about the time we went to my parents for dinner and my dad told him to have a seat, they needed to talk and dad told me to go help my mom in the kitchen that this was a talk between a father and his daughters boyfriend, my husband will say he was scared to death and he will never forget “that talk”. Now I tell you that this was the very FIRST and LAST time my dad ever sat down a boyfriend and had “that talk” sometimes I wonder if daddy knew something John and I didn’t know many years ago. There’s been many things and different signs in these 13 years since dad has passed that’s happened, I have learned not to blame others for things missing, I use to blame my poor little brother but I’ve realized over the years it wasn’t him or others, my dad was a huge practical joker. My husband and I recently moved back home to West Virginia from Louisiana, we both were born and raised here (WV) we now live in the same town I was raised. About a month and a half ago I was sitting up stretched out on my couch playing a game on my tablet and my husband was in another room doing who knows what (typical man thing) when something caught my eye, I looked up and standing in the dining room stood my dad, I even shook my head as if my eyes were playing tricks on me only to still see him standing there, nothing was said but a feeling came over me, it was as if my dad was saying it’s okay, I’m okay and still here with you, that’s the easiest way I can explain it. So that brings me back to what I was first saying about coming across this site, since moving back each time I’m outside there is 1 dragonfly that shows up out of nowhere hovering around me. A little bit ago I told my husband about it, like I said just recently did I start noticing the pattern of this occurrence with the dragonfly. My husband was outside for about 20mins before I went outside, seconds after I was out there like the snap of your fingers the dragonfly appeared, my husband looks at me and said “what the h××” I’ve been out here this whole time and never once seen a dragonfly. My husband doesn’t believe in things like this well I can’t say it is that he don’t believe I just think he doesn’t want to out of fear as for myself, I smile and say “Hi Daddy I Know You’re Here, I Love You Too”.
My cousin Giovanna recently passed away last week because of a tragic car accident and I am now regretting that I did not get to spend more time with her growing up. The accident took her too quick and too soon. I wanted to let her know if she doesn’t know already how much I really do love and cherished her smile and brightness when she walked into a room. I hope she made it to the other side today after her funeral today. I can see the impact and love in the lives that she has touched. My mom is a total wreck over this too. She took her passing the hardest.
Hi,my brother was brutally mudered alongside my twin cousins for no reason, I had chance to let him know how much I loved when he was alive but he had doubts on everyone in our immediate family on our love and care for him,I would love to talk him and let him know how much he meant to us and if he is not okay am ready to join him.
My younger brother who was just 30 years died last month of cardiac arrest. He had passed away within few minutes, without letting us know anything and never gave us chance to take him to hospital for treatment.
Neither my parents nor i could say a last good bye to him. He didn’t grow up and finish his life. I feel he is asking me help to take him from that place.
I want to talk to him for one time and say i and my parents loved him alot and are missing him a lot. It is very difficult for us to lead our life without him
Please help
I lost a 15 yr old great grandson and a son just a a day apart. Totally different accident. Are they together so they arent alone
My girlfriend passed away in june 2018 she was only 55 she died from her drinking will i.ever see her again i miss her so much she was friend girlfriend my soulmate she was so loving and had a heart of gold
my Husband passed away 3 months ago and i have his ashes at home with a framed picture of him beside the ashes, i talk to him every day and ask him for a sign that he is still with me but nothing happens, what can i do to get his attention as i miss him so much.
Hi Karen
My father recently passed on November 11,2018. We had a strained relationship over the years, how can I be sure he’s ok and he knows I loved him?
Thank you
My mom recently passed this past September 27 2018. I miss her so much, that it hurts.
How do I know if she is ok with no pain, no worries (that she is in peace). I want to feel her one more time. Kiss her, hug her, feel her, miss looking into each other eyes. I want her to rest, to be in peace, but I miss her so much, my heart aches. So is my father. Almost 61 yrs of marriage. He is suffering as well. How do I know if she is aware of my feelings and I need to see her ?
Hi Karen,
My father passed away on 22nd of Jan this year after being in coma for 13 days. He had a sudden cardiac arrest while in office on 10th Jan. He was rushed to the hospital but went unconscious on the way itself and was in coma since then. And without gaining consciousness at all, he passed away on 22nd. It was all quite sudden and he was just 56 years old. I am still unable to digest the fact that this happened. I couldn’t talk to him on the day he fell unconscious. I still can’t believe that God took him away from us so early! I am too angry, depressed and feel that this is a big injustice that has happened with us. I have been wanting to connect with him in some way but that hasn’t happened yet. I am badly yearning to hear his voice and want to know that he is okay and at peace. I have been asking him to come in my dream and talk to me but that hasn’t happened yet which makes me feel very sad and helpless. I am so badly stuck with grief that I sometimes feel I will never be able to lead a normal life again without my father. I miss him very much. What should I do?
I just lost my son. So sudden. I don’t understand why he died. Medical examiner hasn’t given me any answers. I’m in so much pain, I need tell him that I love him
My husband passed away in February and I asked him for a sign that he was OK. I asked for a penny with the year 1978 on it so I would know it was from him. A few days later, I found a penny in the yard with 1978 on it. One day my oldest grandson called me and said that a butterfly lit on him and stayed for a long time. This morning he called me and said that he keeps salt and pepper shakers in his work truck and for the last two mornings, he has gone to unlock his truck and found salt sprinkled near the drivers door. Does anyone know what the significance of the salt would be? Is my husband just trying to get his attention or is it a sign of protection?
Hi, I am In absolutely despondent and lost. My boyfriend, best friend, only friend, person in my life and my sons, literally unexpectedly passed away December 2nd of 2019. His last words to me were not nice. We were in a fight. Our relationship became toxic in the end, but we were doing good for two months, he lived with me for over two years. He knows, I need a sign. He should know I’m a mess. I self destructed over a break up out first one, smh, badly over a year ago, now he’s dead. Is he not sending me a sign because he really doesn’t love me,? Is he angry with me? I know I didn’t do anything. He was full of guilt, from alot of bad things he has done to me and my son. Idk, why won’t he just give me an irrefutable sign,
My mother just passed away February 19,2020. I lived with my mom for 3 years after bad relationships. She has always worried about me. But iam ok. I want to know is she ok. And I love her very much. Am tired of worrying myself over her not with me. And I want so much to tell her that I know we had arguments at times because we was around each other all the time. I took care of my mom .. and at times I would get tired and the rest of the siblings wouldn’t help me. But I want her to know I didn’t mind taking care of her. That’s why I was there. It was my job. I wasn’t there see her passed away and I didn’t get say goodbye. Watching dad pass away a year ago I couldn’t watch you. But I thought you was going come back home . Like always you get sick home to hospital then couple days come home. But this time you didn’t. And I never got to say goodbye. I miss her so much it grieves me. And how the family has treated us since she passed away. It’s been sad. I love you mom
My husband / lover lived together as husband and wife for 29 years and have a 28 year old son. He passed away March 8, 2020 unexpected, and I dreamed of him and I was begging and pleading with him to come back with me, I even was trying to carry him back but he never did say anything but smile at me, then my mother(which passed away Jan.22, 2014) appeared and stood there with him, then I woke up. We used to watch 2 red birds in a tree across a small road from where we lived and they never come any closer to our home and also watched a squirrel in a tree after he passed the Red brid comes to my front porch and just looks at me and also gets on my car he bought me and the squirrel I saw it on my porch steps and now it comes to my bedroom window and looks in until I see it then runs off. 2 or 3 days after he passed away I went to town with a friend and looked up cause I had my head down cause I was crying and they were 2 rooster fighting at a auto place and I watched them and even got out of the car and watched until they went around the building and disappeared, because its illegal to fight roosters, and that’s what my man did for 30+yrs was a rooster fighter and I asked the auto place if they owned them and they said no they didn’t, then I was taking a shower and heard a really loud beeping sound and got out of the shower and went into living room and it was the fire alarm which as “not” worked in 10+ years and wasn’t even hooked up either! Then I went to NC and got some gas and I kept hearing roosters crowing and I come out of the store to pump my gas and there at the gas pumps were a hen and a rooster sitting there like they owned the place. Then my friend was sitting in my car trying to get me to go to a bar with her and my keys were “not” in the ignition and back window started going up and down and it spooked her and she jumped out of my car. I could go on and tell you other stuff that has happened but I think I’ve already said to much. Do you think it was my lover of 30 yrs? I would love to know your opinion. Thanks, I’m still grieving so bad too!
Did you get my comment? Its really important to me, I need to know because I’m grieving myself to death.
my husband died so fast. He did not want to talk about what was happening to him. we could no say good bye to each other while he was in hospice conscious. i only heard from him was you will have to move on. he died of pancreatic cancer and because of the horrible pain h took medication to del with pain and he was unconscious. i really want to know how my husband is, and anything else that we certainly did not have time to talk because his death was extremely fast. i am in a hardship situation due to his death and i do not want contact mediums that are not honest.
My husband. Has cancer he was in stage 4 an Dr told him he had 2 years well he didn’t he was told he had it on July 7th he passed away Aug 6th.
What I don’t understand I was one he woke up when ever he needed a ambulance and he didn’t wake me up at 245amI woke up 30 min later I hurried up and went the hospital .
It eats at me not understanding why he didn’t this time.i also haven’t got a sign from him leting me know he’s ok.
I lost my husband last month. I would like to know if he is ok
He was only 60 years old??
My mom passed away Nov 15th, 2020. She and my dad have been together EVERY day for 52 years, since they were 16/17 years old. Married for 52 years. My dad is really having a super hard time with her passing, he has seen no signs, and says he cant feel her around. He wants her to come at night and put her arms around him again. Any thing I can do to help? Please. I’m scared my dad may die from a broken heart.
My sister passed away October 23rd of this year while she was in the hospital. I’ve asked her to come into my dream or give me a sign that she is around. Nothing yet. I want to know if she’s okay.
My sig other died 11/19/2019 and while I was in the kitchen sitting in a chair I felt a hit on my left upper arm. I was the only one here. I looked around and saw her smiling at me and she told me by thought that she loved me and was waiting for me. She looked around 30. I have heard her footsteps and she has called my name a couple of time. I have had 9 things happen and I wrote them in a note book. E mail me what you think of it. Thank you.
Hi Karen I lost my mother 2 years ago from cancer we didn’t know she had cancer it didn’t give her any signs that she had it one day she got sick the doctor told us she had cancer after that my mom lived a month then she was gone I miss her so much she was my best friend I need to know if my mother is in heaven so I can be at peace …..
My husband passed away 2months ago, i need to connect to him, pls help
My brother recently passed away. And I had a dream of him coming back to life. And I asked him if there was a heaven he started crying and told me no , just a black hole. Why?
my cousin 16 years old got shot on memorial day 5/31/21 by a 21 year old man that she had been talking too. we wasn’t home for about a week and the day we stayed home she wanted to leave with him. i begged her not to go bc i didn’t want to stay home alone. any other day i would have let her go just that day i wanted her to stay home. she ended up leaving, i woke up the next day 2 detectives came knocking on my door asking who she was with. not even 30 minutes later i found out she had been shot and died later on in the hospital, the last thing she said to me was “i’ll be right back” i think about her saying those last words to me everyday. i just want to know if she’s okay. she was such a good person. she had plans for herself she was going to school to be a pediatric nurse, got straight A’s and loveddd kids. she was perfect.
i just lost my cousin on memorial day 5/31/21 she just turned 16 in february, she got shot by a 21 year old man that she had been talking to at the time. we wasn’t home for about a week and the day we stayed home she wanted to leave with him. i begged her not to go bc i didn’t want to be home alone, she ended up going, any other day i would have been perfectly fine with her leaving with him bc i knew him personally and he was my best friends cousin so i NEVER thought something like this would . the last thing she said to me was “i’ll be right back” i think about it all the time. i feel guilty. i feel like if i would have tried a little harder she would have stayed home. instead i woke up to detectives banging on my door asking who she was with that night, still thought nothing of it i thought maybe they got in some trouble maybe. about 30 minutes later i got the call. saying she had been shot and passed away on the way to the hospital. she was my best friend, cousin, and sister. she had the biggest heart, she was going to school to be a nurse had it all planned out. she even had colleges asking about her, her sophomore year. always had straight A’s and lovedd kids, she was perfect. i just want to know if she’s okay. i never got to tell her i loved her. i have so many questions. i’m strong probably one of the strongest females you’d ever meet. but this is a different type of hurt. i’d do anything to see her. even just to see her smile one last time. i pray everyday asking for a sign but i get nothing. i thought maybe it’s to early maybe she’s not ready or maybe she knows im still grieving and not ready. but i want to hear her. i want to see her, we told each other everything she knew what i’d do before i’d even do it we was so
close i need something before i go crazy
April this year very suddenly me and my brothers lost our beautiful best friend. Our amazing Mum!
I feel I constantly ask for signs but have not had anything back.
Given she was a true believer of the after life etc I really would have assumed she would have come to see us one way or another. Or am I missing it?
My Dad passed away in January 2018. I believe he has made his presence known on many occasions. Two different clocks stopped working at the same time. Items of mine have been taken and put in a spot that I never would have put them. I have felt a presence sitting on the couch or bed. Any comments or suggestions from someone would be greatly appreciated.
My mom has been gone for almost two and a half years and I’ve asked her to send me a message and still haven’t received one. I even told her many times way before she died, that I wanted her to send me a message when she was gone. Then there’s my dad. After he passed and I got back to his house a few hours later, He sent three very clear signs. Three times within a few hours, I found a clothing item of his on the floor in his closet. The first two times, I casually thought the items fell off a clothes hanger. By the third time, it was a pair of my mother’s shorts on the floor. Oh no, wait!!! That third time was a message from my mom. I never realized it until now that that message was from mom telling he she & dad were finally back together. It took me this long to realize I did get a message from mom.
I desperately need answers.. I feel like I am going crazy.. I need to know if my best friend whom died of cancer has been around me lately.. Ive seen signs but I need to know its him.. Its been 5 years and I need him so badly right now and i need answers to my questions. I need to get through to him.. I just don’t know how..
My husband passed a week ago. He was on our street 2 houses down making a u turn. As he turned he had a heart attack there was no sound we left the house not knowing that was happening . My son was the last to see him driving by signaling he was turning around. I don’t know if he seen me as I was leaving. This weighs heavy on our hearts. I was with my love for 25 years my heart is shattered I speak to him all the time but I never see any signs. I pray for a sign or a dream but they never come. He was a devoted and wonderful husband and father.
I lost my Wife of 32 years wed Oct 20. I continue to pray she will let me know she alright.Im so lost and scared of the future
What if your deceased love one is not ok?? What if they committed suicide and what if they are angry at you for some reason. How do you know if they forgive you. My husband was mentally ill and there was a lot of conflict in our marriage and he left the home. He was manic and so very difficult to be around. He then became profoundly depressed but I was afraid to let him come back home and I had already begun a new relationship. All he wanted was to go back to the way things were before he became ill and I wasn’t able to do that for him. I did try to be there for him from a distance as we got him an apartment nearby. Covid hit then too and the family couldnt come around so much to see him. I still went to see him regularly but all he wanted was to come back to our home. I said no. Then he committed suicide and I know that if I had brought him home he would not have taken his own life. All he wanted was to come back to his home and I said no because I was afraid and selfish and didn’t think I could handle him.
I think he’s angry. Once a loud clattering sound woke me up like a pile of dvd’s falling onto the ground. Sounded like someone threw them down. Other people in the house hear footsteps all the time. Someone sneaking when no one is there. I’ve apologized to him outloud over and over. Somedays I’m ok, other days I’m a mess. I have dreams about him but he looks like he did 30 years ago. Some dreams are bad, most are neutral.
What can I do to ease his spirit. I will heal eventually, but will his spirit ever heal.
My Brother passed away on oct.29th.I ahve been having such a hard time with his loss and cry often.I have been trying to talk to him when i’m alone to let him know i love and miss him dearly and asked him to send me a sign to let me know he’s ok i never get any signs.It worries me.I even have his ashes with me at my home.I wonder if it’s because he doesn’t want me to know he’s fine and everythings ok.I just wished i knew.I will continue to pray and talk to my brother.Can you help me understandwhy he’s not giving me any signs.Thank you for your time.
My partner of 30 yrs and father to our 3 kids suddenly collapsed and died in work. He was 46 yrs old fit and healthy with no underlying issues.
I need to k ow if he is at peace with the fact he’s died and not goi g through this constant heartache that we are. Is he around me am I doing ok?
Yes my boyfriend of 13 years passed away November 15th 2021 we had 2 kids together it broke my heart when I found out and I’m still heartbroken I’ve tried talking to him praying for him and asking him to come in my dreams but nothing I just wanna know if he’s at peace and if he’s with us and if he’s hearing anything I say
My ex-husband ( we were back together ) passed at the age of 50 and the day after I heard a song on my way to work and smiled and when I got to my desk I swore I seen a feather fall but never found the feather. Later that day out of the blue a song ( just the words ) popped into my head so I looked it up as quick as I could, it was Reba “Forever Love” he knew years ago I was a huge fan of Reba. In life he said when he died he was going to haunt me and of course I laughed and now, as long as I know it is him I think I’d be ok if he stayed around.
Hi my name is nesha. I recently had a baby I n 17th November. My died died 5:30 that morning and my son was born 5:30 pm that evening. It was so sudden and hard to cope with. I started getting dreams about my father first with us doing normal things like shopping. Then eventually he was telling me he is dead an to see about his body. The last dream I saw him but he couldn’t communicate with me and I knew he was dead in my dream. Now I don’t dream at all about him. I don’t know how to cope. I need to know that he is ok.
Hi. I came across w/your title and so I decided to read the list. You see my ex husband died on Oct. 9 of last year due to covid. Of course I will have my days of thinking about him and I would cry. During the time he was in the hospital, I would play the music from our movie of “Somewhere In Time”. That’s our movie. On Nov. 17th it was he’s 40 days after death. Which I am still trying to understand the meaning of 40 days after death. Then…as I read your list and I came upon to feathers. You mentioned feathers, tears just rolled down my face and cried. You see, on Jan. 15th, I saw white feather outside my kitchen. I’ve lived in this apartment for 2 years now and not once I’ve ever seen white feathers outside my house or any other place. Then on the 17th, I saw a white feather again sitting on top of a leaf of one of my plants. Then on the 25th as I was cleaning the outside kitchen, something told me to put out my hand and w/out thinking of ‘why’, I just did it. A small white feather landed in hand. I was shocked and I couldn’t understand why my hand just out of the blue, my hand facing up a small white feather landed in my hand. Then on Feb. 1st, again outside my kitchen, I found two white feathers. AGAIN! Mind you I’ve lived in this apartment going on 3 years and NOT ONCE I’ve EVER seen feathers or at least white feathers at that. I couldn’t believe it myself of what the hell is going on. So, I saved all of the feathers that I’ve found. I know you’ve explained it already but what does it really means? Help! This is mind blowing…
I lost my loved ones sooner year back who are: father, mother, Grace mother and brother, so sad. I need to ask them all some questions
I’ve seen my mum in my dream several times.
The day I saw my father in dream, we fought as we normally did when he was alive.
I haven’t saw my grandma since she left and I love her so much.
I need to ask especially my father and brother some questions, please, how will I go about it?
I really need some clearance here.
I lost the love of my life from cancer back in 2020 we were together for a good 28 wonderful years I don’t won’t to let her memory go away I play her recording and videos every day I don’t won’t to forget a wonderful person like her we were meet to be together I don’t won’t nobody else there know one out there that will ever take her place I think about her every day I love you Hilary Sandra Cohen and I will always love you
My husband passed away of Covid on January 24, 2021. He was not only my husband but my best friend. We were together for 34 years and married 31 1/2 of those. He was the best Dad to our 4 children and best Paw to our Grandson. We all miss him so so much. I miss him so much it is physically painful and taking it’s toll on me physically and mentally. I want to feel him so much and hold his hand just one last time. I would give my life to feel his lips against mine again. I love him to the end of time.
Hey Karen, my beloved partner passed away 6 weeks ago, I was there when it happened. He passed a single tear before he departed and I need to know was it for me. I did feel him around for a bit with a few unexplained events happening but not actual without a doubt signs, why can’t I feel him? Has he gone to be with his former partner. I have so many questions I need answered. My heart breaks a little bit more everyday that I don’t get some sort of sign from him. I write notes, I talk to him as if he was still here. He passed at home where I’m at, please help me, I need some sort of answers. I’m losing myself over it. I’m not thinking strait and that scares me, help me if you can. Thank You, Annette
I had a dream similar to what someone here posted that I just read. I was very young when I had this dream, I was almost 8 years old, I’m 53 now but that dream is still so clear to me as if something in the real world that took place yesterday. I grew up calling it “my 1 person end of the world dream”. At the time I went to a (Pentecostal) christian school that believed in the end time sort of what I dreamed. So in my dream the storm, the tornado and the sky opening up all took place across the east side of the road from me. At first I was very upset and confused why it wasn’t taking me or any other. Then I saw my uncle so clearly smiling at me and signaled to me that he loved me and just held his hand up then it was like he was swallowed up by all the beautiful clouds, and the storm and all just cleared up. I woke up and jumped up out of my bed trying to look outside and see if everything looked normal. My parents were having their coffee as most weekends went. My Mom was like what are you doing awake so early? I said “I had a dream it was so real! Jesus come back but he only took 1 person. I told them he took my Uncle. They really didn’t pay much attention to me at the time. About 20 mins later a Police officer knocked at our door to inform my dad that his brother apparently had a heart attack outside on his walkway and he passed away. I looked at my mom and whispered… I told you! Of course I was still very sad, I was very close to this Uncle, but knowing in my heart that it was me he said goodbye to helped. My uncle was only in his 40’s, nobody knew he had heart issues or anything, So not like I had this dream from hearing what adults were talking about or such.
(Those close to me always called me a witch) because as far back as I can remember I would have dreams that came true. As I got older I learned to keep them mostly to myself.
My mom just passed I just need to know she’s ok and safe I loved her so much I gotta bielive even death can’t separate our bond we were so close
Its been almost 2 months since my best friend died, and recently a week or 2 ago i had a dream in which i heard her screaming my name for help. What should i conclude with that??
I found my son dead on the floor of his bedroom 13 days ago. I’m numb and hoping this is a bad dream that I will wake up from. I had a light shooting across my room before he was buried, something knocked off my night stand and I didn’t find anything on the floor, and the lights in the bathroom flickering. I want these signs to be him. I wish he was near me every day
My passed away November 28 of 2020 of coved 19 and we been together for 11 year’s her name was Lisa Ann Smith I’m just having it hard I just want to no if she’s ok and watching over me
Dear Karen,
Our Mom went into the hospital on Thanksgiving day, she had very low oxygen and difficulty breathing. One week later, she passed on December 2, 2022…. six hours later, our Dad suffered from a massive brain aneurysm, had irreversible brain damage and passed on December 8th… He never regained consciousness from 12/2/22…. That day also was my son’s 18th birthday…. we all are suffering with hard core grief and PTSD from all these events… My sister and I are now having to go thru probate to settle their estate and pay their debts…. We are missing them so greatly…
we feel our souls are cracked… not just broken hearted…. We want so badly to know they are ok…and what we are doing is ok and that they know how wonderful they were and how much they are loved and missed…. I never know how badly this would hurt… losing both like that…. they were such great people, hard workers, compassionate, generous… why did this happen… and why both of them at the same time… It is so terribly painful… We are doing grief counseling… it just seems like nothing truly helps… thank you for any input…
My lovely father passed on january 28 2022..but i never see him alive at last moment on 27 he was suffering for breathing i called my sister to bring him for hospital i will be waiting near hospital but my father refused to i told my sister take care to him on 27 i will take normal appointment in clinic near my house on 28 morning i called my father and asked how you are feeling dad..but he said i never closed my eyes all night..then i was waiting to take appointment at 9.30 i took appointmeht number 9..and i called my sis she said dad no more..i even never saw him alive at last moment i am still feeling gulity i never went to visit my dad on 27th..if i would gone on 27 i used to force him to come for hospital..i made a big mistake..i miss my dad..and if i would have gone on 27 i would try to make my father to be alive..i love him so much..
I lost my 2 nephews within 7 months andcant get over them cry every day and night
My ex boyfriend passed away back in 2018 at the age of 28. I still miss him like it was yesterday. We were separated due to interference from one of his family members and I would like to know will we somehow be reunited in the afterlife and would we remember and recognize each other.
My brother died in prison is his soul lost I’ve ask everyday fr him to give me a sign or come in my dreams I’m am beyond not ok I’m grieving so bad I just want a sign he is ok
Good morning Karen,
I lost my dad on September 25th 2020, he died so unexpectedly in a cash accident. I talk to him the day before and we told each other we loved each other at the end of the conversation, he was rambling on the conversation and seemed to try to give me so much information at one time, in my mind I’m like I’m not going to remember all of this stuff. I tried texting him the next morning and no response because he was already gone. Weeks before that he texted me and told me to listen to a song, I took the wrong message from the song because I didn’t think about him dying, I texted him back with the wrong message he wanted me to receive. K know he was probably thinking “she does not get it”. I’ve had dreams of him but never reassuring that he is okay, or that he is safe. I only wish to know if he is okay, or if he has crossed over. Can yu help me?
hi. my name is Jamie and my boyfriend passed on the 10th April 2022 between the times of 6:30am and 9:20am. i dont know how i deel he is around. and i have received feathers and numbers. but i feel somethng is wrong. wr had a very strong spiritual connectionand loved and i still love him very much. i found him parked at a mc donaldsand only on my way to work i realized he wasnt breathing. i jated finding him like that. i dont think he is okay
My father pass 3 weeks ago 4 days after his birthday me an my father wasn’t close done alot of hurtful things even though I tried to make peace with him I feel he couldn’t accept me after my mother pass I’ve been living this hurtful feeling for the pass 19yrs I couldn’t go to his funeral because I was feeling all theses mix emotions about him that all ievery wanted was a sorry from him I just don’t understand why me
So I wondering has he pass over even threw this all I pray for his soul
I was with my ex for 8 years , we broke up and remained friends. Best friends .16 years of having him in my life. He passed 23 6 2022.
Was holding his hand when he took his last breath.
I miss him so much, I’m so lost and feel so empty.
I just want to know if he is okay.
He came into my dream and we talked for ages,like the way we use to. Felt so real.
Just want to know if he is okay.
In the 1st we buried my dad,I’m not coping with death,I cry every now and I wish he could tell me he’s happy about how everything went,if he is.i can’t even look at his photo without being sad.his death is killing me each day.
Mfundo from South Africa.
Hello I just lost my father June 4 th 2022 I would like to know if he made it to heaven and if he is ok and watching over me I love him so very much and I miss him even more I wish I could hear his voice one more time my father could not speak for the last 3 years of his life I wish I could hear him tell me one more time
My other half passed away two weeks ago suddenly. I feel he’s already sent me some signs, but I just want to know he made it to heaven and he’s at peace. He struggled with drug addiction and unfortunately that’s how he passed away. I just want to know he’s free of those demons and he’s finally happy.
My husband passed away 4 years ago on 2/2/18. I have never had a dream or sign from him and I want to so bad!!! My mom just passed away on Auast 10th of this year and my friend last year on August 9th .. I want to have a sign that they are okay .. I have asked them to and cried and prayed to hear from but to no avail .. what should I do?
Thank you for your article. The one I loved and always respected has left me two months ago on the 26th and to this day, a day doesn’t pass that I think of them and burst into tears. I ask him to come to me, let me know he is in heaven and well taken care of. His presence is missed deeply and no matter what I do, I can’t stop thinking of him and shedding tears. He was a person of unconditional love and forgiveness. I miss him deeply…..
Hi …I am gunu .I lost my love on 11/October 2022 …there were many things i wanted to say and ask him….i m very much insecure and stressed..I want to talk to him and see him I love him truly..Is there any definite way to contact him .. please help me …..this insecurity is killing me me please
My father passed away on 21 January 2023, pl help me to know whether he is okay, has he got moksha or will he comeback to us, I am very distressed.
Hello Karen–
Feb. 9, 2023
5:24 p.m.
It was nighttime. My husband brother died over few ears ago and lived in North Carolina. As I was asleep I heard him say good-bye
in a soft voice.. And I answered back saying good-bye and I heard myself saying that to him. Even though I knew him I really didn’t spend
a lot of time with him when he lived here in California. Why didn’t he say this to his brother instead he chose me? I told my husband about this and he said he heard me saying something and thought I was talking to him. I can’t figure this out.
I lost my brother in 2021, my sister eleven months after in 2022, and my daughter in Oct. 5, 2022 nine months after my sister. Daughter had just turned 58 years old and died of pancreatic cancer. I lived in another city when my youngest daughter said for us to go to the hospital, but I was late I was not there in time to say good-bye, I hugged her and told her how much I loved her. I was hoping to get there in time but it was to late.
So there’s many different voices I’ve recorded and it sounds like my friend is being hurt! I mean like a monster ripping him apart eating him!?
Just need answers
Hi my partner passed away on December 16 I I miss him everyday can yu help me see he’s ok his name’s John Dunn he passed away December 162022
Hi my dad passed away a 2 weeks ago I was very close to him an I haven’t had a melt down Since I made the funeral arrangements the weirdest thing is I feel peaceful is my dad with me holding me together?
This isn’t one you mention and I haven’t seen it mentioned elsewhere. My dad passed away on April 11, 11 is also my son’s jersey number. My dad was very connected to my son/his only grandchild. My dad’s favorite thing was watching my son play soccer. My son had a tournament just just 3 days after dad passed and as we are turning into the sports complex in the long line of cars I look in my rearview mirror and the man driving the car behind me looks just like my dad. Exactly, with his mannerisms. This man was behind us for at least 5 minutes and I told my husband to “look at the man in the car behind us” and he did and and just let out a “Geez! wow”, and verified it wasn’t my mind playing tricks. I relayed the story to another parent who said “your dad is just letting you know he is going to be here at all his games still cheering him on”. It was very surreal, yet amazing and unexpected.
I havent seen my son Michael or seen him in 6 months, I dont know if he is still alive!! is there anything i can do if he did pass away that I could know?
Tell me if my partner is around me and is ok has he got anything to tell me
The day we took my brother off life support and he passed away , the following morning at around 2 in the morning, I heard knocks on my window, it scared me so I ran into another room and the knocking starting on that window. At same time I felt as though I was freezing and had goosebumps. Next day I found a dead bird beside my door step and received a Instagram message from someone who shared my brother’s same name I didn’t know and the message they sent was just hello ?
I am grieving as a mother ‘ I just lost my daughter at 42 of colon cancer on May 10 th 2023 ‘ she was cremated may 17th and I truly am looking for signs that she is ok ! We had the most closest relationship as we were best friends ” I have this deepest pain as I knew she didn’t want to leave this earth as she was worried over myself and her future husband ” on the day she passed she mumbled to me as she couldn’t talk but her eyes were staring at me and I told her everything will be okay and it was okay to let go and move on that I loved her and would see her soon then she left !.so I am still waiting. For her to come to me as I need that rite now
I must find peace I can’t go on with guilt, worry, I Lost my husband of 20 years and even though cancer for four and I saw him fading I didn’t believe or treat or speak as he was dying! I llost the Cat two months later and me and the little girl cat are all alone in Dallas with no friends or day and our grief is killing us! If I could know he can see me hear me, know I’m sorry ! I when I’m not crying I’m telling myself he is on the hospital! Please help me ! We both need to know before we can go on / Shari sample 972-989-3383
I am able to hear people speak to me after they pass. It doesn’t always happen right away, but it happens.
My favorite Uncle passed away and I was not aware he was he was sick with cancer and nobody told me when he was suffering and he worked until the day he died. If someone would had let me know then he would had stayed in the hospital and not left and he died at home. Usually a family member would call me and ask me to talk to him when he was being hardheaded when it came to medical or Doctors.
He told me he was sorry in a dream and I am not exactly why he said that. I have seen him in dreams and in a place in Heaven. I am pretty sure it was Heaven, because I have been there before when I died. I have some question I want answered, because something doesn’t seem right in reference to his dearth.
I desperately want a sign from my recently deceased son. 30 years old. I can’t handle how bad I miss him. As well as his dad his sister uncles etc. But as his mother im sick
My mom passed away this April. It was not to be expected. She was diagnosed with a horrible lung disease (pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary fibrosis) and was receiving treatment for it since sept 2022. It didn’t seem to help much. And he symptoms remained the same or worse. Then she had pneumonia and was hospitalized and ever since then she got worse and worse. We thought she was weak and declining of the frequent hospitalizations but little did we know it was the pulmonary disease progressively worsening her condition. Next thing we know she at the hospital on full maximum oxygen and that was only thing helping her breathe. Unfortunately there were no other interventions to help save her and she quickly passed 2 days later. It was unfortunate of how fast this disease progressed. We thought we had more time or other treatment would have helped but clearly not. But after she passed and planning her funeral the number 13 kept coming up. Synchronized number. And one of the songs came on the radio she requested for her funeral as we were driving to her service, one sweet day by Mariah Carey. What are the odds of that. And the. A full month later on her one month anniversary I see mourning doves outside my windows on our fence. I google what that mean and said it sign that your loved one is near and is doing ok in heaven, etc. I was amazed. I also had many dreams that of since her passing. I wish to keep receiving signs from her. I love her so much and miss her dearly. I’m the youngest daughter, 34 years old and wished I had more years with her and her grandson too. But I do believe in these signs from here.
My husband of more than 20 years passed away last July 24,2022. He is only 40 years old. We don’t know what caused him coz he is declared as DOA ,some say it could be heart attack or cardiac arrest. I miss him everyday. I want to know if he is okay
Hi. A very dear friend of my daughter passed away in a headon accident on the 3 of June 2023. He was 23 years old. . He was driving on the wrong side of the highway into on coming traffic. I saw a video..he was clearly dodging 3 cars and a truck which to me means he wasn’t drunk or wanted to commit suicide. Unfortunately when he dodge the truck he struck a double cab headon. A toddler and an adult in that bakkie died. Shane also died on impact. I need to know why he was on the wrong side. How did it happen and if he had a wish to end he’s life. What went through he’s mind. I can’t accept and need to know. Nothing make sense
My wife, a diabetic, had a heart valve replaced and had to go through major surgery. She made it through the surgery ok. She was on blood thinners and driving on the way home from church about 6 months later a 18 year old kid cut her off causing her to run onto a ditch. She hit her head had massive brain bleeding. She never recovered after brain surgery and died 5 days after the surgery. I made the decision to take her off life support and she only survived 15 minutes which indicates that she was already gone. I just want to know that she is ok!
I lost my wife to minagitis on April 13th and she was my everything she was only 22 years old. We both were homeless because I was laid off from work. She was my life ,my soul, my best friend, I watched her die everyday . Iam still grieving and I can’t accept that she died . I miss her I want to know that she forgives me and that I tried so hard to keep her with me, i love her so much please help me thank u.
My mother passed away only 3 weeks ago. The morning she passed I thought I had smelt her as I was not with her or in talking ways when she passed. I regret greatly that I did not go and see her before she passed and we had alot of unspoken issues before she passed suddenly. I’m needing to know she is ok and if she has been around me as I talk to her everyday.
How can I know she doesn’t hate me for not being there. It breaks me inside
Hi, my bestfriend died 05/22/2023 on kidney failure. And he was in my dreams for 5 nights. One is he battling in his life in the hospital, one is he smiling at me, and the other was were just chatting. Last night when I was alone our backyard, I felt something a touch on my waist and then a touch on my head. Do you think its him? And what are he trying to say? Thank you
My daughter passed suddenly from a terminal illness none of us knew about not even her. I was the one who found her. It’s been 5 months and I desperately need to know if she is safe. She was my youngest child and I was meant to go before my children. Debbie
When my father died,he called me on my phone, late at night ,he sounded far away his voice was of a young man,he asked me ,baby are you ok,I said yes daddy,I asked him was he mad at me, he said ,no u r my baby and I love u and I’m very proud of u, daddy loves u verry much,don’t cry I’m with Mom now, and we are happy and where we want to b, together ,I got to go now I love you take care of yourself for daddy and then he was gone forever
My dad pass away last month of May and I wanted to know if he is in heaven or following around to be close with us. I have no idea since he was peacefully pass away in the ICU hospital. I have no way get his response since he was in live support.
I lost my grandson to succide and I don’t know why he was only 11 and if was two days before his birthday I miss him so much
I lost my grandson to succide and I don’t know why he was only 11 and if was two days before his birthday I miss him so much
My mother recently passed away. I wasn’t exactly happy about things that she was saying and I felt we’re not true and I felt she sided with other siblings not seeing their faults. And it made me angry. It still does. Did she die upset? Is she OK? How do I let this go?
Hi I lost my Beautiful son Andrew 9 months ago he was my only son we loved each other so much he told me how much he loved me has I did him he only lived next door to me and we were together ever day he took his own life he was just 40 years old I have now moved into his flat I am so heartbroken I just need a sine that he’s OK can you please ? help me.
I often feel bad about how my parents and sibling left t6his world, an dhow are they know doing.
I had a very close friend of mine for years ago, but I didn’t know it for years. I had moved out of state and had been searching for him on social media for a couple years and couldn’t find anything. Then one day I found the obituary. I always thought I would get to see him again one day so when I found out I was broken. Non stop crying for 2 weeks. Then I had a dream and I saw his face and he was smiling and said he’s is more than ok and not to be sad anymore. I’ve been fine ever since. And I had a knowing of it was really him. It really happened. After that I started my spiritual awakening ❤️
My husband went to work and lost his life. I had a severe headache that day before I was informed of the passing. I am so lost without him. He was the only one who ever loved me so much and was there for me unconditionally. I feel so lost without him. Are life had just began. Going on 3 yrs of marriage. Together 4 1/2 yrs. His family was so ugly to me. I had to cancel are yearly vacation. I pray he knows I truly love him so much and miss him beyond works can ever say.
I am a deaf person. I want to know, where is my beloved dad and mom spirit now? I want to know where is my beloved three dogs spirits now? I want to talk to them now. I can’t hear their beloved voices, because I’m a deaf person. I loves them forevermore. I still cry daily without hugging them since past 13 years. Can you find out, where are my beloved parents and dogs spirits now?
3 marriages,divorced two,3rd one died. I don’t think I’ve heard from Any. The 1st is my kids father.3rd,not the he ideal marriage, started great and fun. His lying about Me or calling police when he got drunk landed me in jail. Does he have anything to say to me?
I loved reading about our loved ones I have so much faith but when I got told my mum had passed I screamed so loud a big piece of me went that day I’m still trying to find myself and keep the faith ?
hear ringing a lot through my right ear which i call my bad ear surgeries etc
please give me a reading
. I have lost my husband on the 17 June 2023
I miss my Brother Gregory Hamilton Ford so much! He is Heaven now and I didn’t get to say goodbye or to tell him how much I Love Him and Always Will… Forever & Forever ?
my daughter died in a car accident june 17th I miss her so much I feel lost without her.she lived with me. Id like to get in touch with you . Can you reach out to me via Email . my daughter was only 23 way to young to die.
Hi my sister has been killed outright by a articulate lorry
I am sure I felt something touch my cheek when I woke up
I was lying where she used to sit this was 4 days after the accident. Is this possible
When my sister was in the hospital for what ended up being her last time, I started waking up every morning @ 4:13. She died on 8/9 & I’m still waking up @ 4:13. It doesn’t matter how late I stay up the night before. Is there any meaning to those numbers or time? They have no significance in our family, no anniversary, birthday etc.
Hi Karen,
I have never done this before as I have never faced a death of a person that I have been so very closed to. My father passed away July 16, 2023. 2 days before his 85th birthday. I was with him at the hospital before he passed. He could not talk to me but had his mouth open and looked like he was trying to but I am still not sure. I told him to rest and does not have to worry anymore. He went through so much the past few months. He had cancer and we went through so many appointments together. My dad was my best friend. He lived with me for over 30 yrs. I miss him so much… 🙁
I keep asking him to send me a sign to let me know he is okay, I hope he is.. I want to know so bad because I have taken care of him for so long I need to know. It’s crushing me to not to know. Is it because it is too soon? Should I just wait? I’d appreciate your thoughts/concerns on this. Thanks Karen.
Hello, the father of my adult children died in April, he had married and lived in another country. I find myself often completely overwhelmed and sad, often triggered by finding a little gifts once sent by him. My pain can go on for days. I just wish I could feel his presense sometimes. I knew it would hurt this bad if ever he ‘left this world before me.
Hello Mrs Karen, my mother and myself are very spiritually inclined as well. My mother dies in March this year and I can’t help this overwhelming feeling she was killed and by someone very close to her. I have not seen or felt my mom except in certain dreams. Non of which let me.know.if shes.ok. if you find the time I would like to get into this more with you. Funny because I don’t normally do this with people to claim being mediums but something pulled me here.
I lost my youngest daughter (49) 3 weeks ago. Cause of death still pending. I’ve been waiting for some kind of sign that she’s okay, but nothing yet. When I lost my husband in 1997 he sent me a sign. Could it be because there is no closure with my daughter ( don’t have her ashes yet ) that’s why there’s no sign? Or is it too early?
My mom just passed on August 16 of this year. I miss her so much. I just want her to know. I love her and I want to know if she’s OK. I’ve been waiting for her to give me a sign but she hasn’t yet. I want her to know that I’m trying so hard to keep her alive. And I want her to take the pain away, because she told me she didn’t want to die. Everybody tells she lived a good life. But I still want to know if she’s OK just tell me she love me I just want to feel her hug. I love you mama so much I cry every day for you I don’t wanna go anywhere or do anything I am lost without you.
My son got kill December 9 2022 we saw a beautiful heart on the sidewalk at my young son home I was hoping he was telling us he love us and he was ok
My father died few days back…my wish for living this life is already over.
He went in his sleep without saying anything.
I want to talk to him. I want to see him.
My 19 year old son passed away in 2019. His death is a mystery. We never got justice. I am still struggling trying to find answers. The justice system has put us down. How can I find out what happened to him. I seeked several mediums. Since it was a popular death the media was all over even the whole world. I t was hard for me to believe what they were saying.. I greatly appreciate any input
I lost my father one year ago and still not felt a sign he is okay or if he found his Mother on other side. I have such hole in my heart.
i loved your words…and i know my loved one is around me…has shown me many signs from birds to objects moving …lately he has been by my bed and waved to me…is’ this possible… this first time was so very clear and i cried for 24 hours…last night he was there again with a bigger gives me comfort and sadness…its almost one year since he left our wonderful love story….i know i have many physic abilities…i try to only look for the waving at me has made me quite anxious…it is very clear…is this possible…thank you for your time…linda reisman
Hey Gina ,
My fiance and mom died tragically November 28.2021 I won’t get into details but I’ve been waiting for a sign is it possible I’ve missed them , I have seen cars with his name in front dj and his birthday , cardinals but idk if it’s truly a sign
I just had my hubby pass does he visit me ? I’ve seen hummingbirds butterfly’s circle of birds ringing in the ear I want him back
My brother passed away suddenly due to a heart attack. I miss him dearly. One year lather, around the anniversary of his death, I was on a cruise with my other brother which is his twin. We were at dinner and I was looking at him. All of sudden his face change into my dead brothers face for 4 to 5 seconds. I could not believe what I was seeing. Then it faded back into my alive brothers face. I almost said what I saw to him but I did not want them to think I was crazy. What was that?
I just lost my hubby is he with me unexpected together 35 years he was only 56 two months from 57
On my birthday, 6/10/2024, my boyfriend asked me to pick a place for dinner so I chose a restaurant in another town a few miles away that we hardly ever go too. On our way up there, there is a cemetery where my grandma is buried. As I starting driving by the cemetery, my body just burst into tears and I felt so many emotions all at once and tears were just running down my face unintentionally. I was so confused as too why that had happened. Any suggestions?? ?
I lost my brother, my best friend in April. I am so lonely without him, he was my everything. I do not want to be selfish, but I need to apologize to him for being so impatient with him at times when he was sick, esp night before he passed. He was up most nights, slept during the day, so i got little sleep, but that is no excuse. Please let him know I am sorry and I miss him so much. And I have not seen any signs of him
Hi Karen I’m Aqeelah my partner passed away a month ago .I just wanted to know if his ok
My Dear Karen,
I just came across the excerpt from your book today and I wanted to tell you that it has helped me a lot.
I was raised by a loving Grandmother in a small coastal town in England/UK.
We had a very special bond she was everything to me. I lived with her there until I was married I was 30 years old.
Even though I was wed with a beautiful home of my own I sometimes still went home to sleep in my old bedroom because she was close. She died when I was 35 and I was devastated my whole world fell from underneath me.
My Dr gave me something to help me sleep and I began to see my Nana in my dreams and those dreams were very real and comforting. For over a year I often took more medication than a should have because when I slept I was with my Nana again in my dreams. I had a burning question that I had to ask her which I’d failed to ask her about in life. The dreams continued until I finally I was able to ask her that question and I felt such relief at her answer.
That was years ago now but she still comes to me in my dreams but no way as often.
Hey my dad Larry passed away 9 months ago and I’m his son and I was my dads Caregiver and I was the one taking care of him from the beginning till the end and it broke my heart and I was the closest one to him and and I said his life 4 or 5 times cuz that’s how much I love my dad and had Stage 4 Cancer and he went through so much and the suffering And serizue he had I was by his side every day. And one day I was Recording a video with a picture of me and my dad couple days before his death with music playing and I was about to delete the video but I decided to play the video awhile the music playing and he said my dad Scottie calmly and got the Chill when I replaying the video I was shocked that was 6 months later when I did that video in my house. Is he telling me he’s ok in afterlife in heaven??? Please contact me through my gmail.
Near death experiences and out of body experiences are certainly hallucinations caused by dying brain cells firing randomly and going haywire as they start to die. It can many hours, if not days for every brain cell to completely die, for every neuron to completely stop firing and all electrical activity deep inside the brain to completely stop.
After your heart stops you brain cells start to die due to getting a lack of oxygen and you have the sense of floating above your body and the sense of your soul leaving your body.
Then you have a sense of going through a tunnel of white light to a spiritual or heavenly realm possibly have the sense of meeting your deceased loved ones and being reunited with them.
Then you have a sense of peace and get into this relaxed state
Then you have the sense of losing your personal identity and have the feeling of equanimity and acceptance and become at one with the universe which is a sense of oneness by becoming the universe
Then you have the sense of fading out of existence.
This is the process of a dying brain according to the dying brain hypothesis.
I have always felt and understood that when a person “dies,” it means their physical body cannot support our energy (life force). For almost twenty years, I have received signs from my loved ones in so many various forms. On my graduation, my phone was on a shuffled playlist and the first song to play was “Another One Bites the Dust” and I laughed because my intuition told me that was my uncle who died when I was 7-8, letting me know he was present to see my accomplishment. Those seemingly random signs are so heartwarming and make me feel connected to a truth that is valid for me.
Can you please give me something on losing my big brother
Idk whether I should be concerned or not, I’m the bible says not to mingle or speak to”diviners” or the people who “read the stars” and all but at this point I think I need to;
I fell asleep next to my brothers ashes, my left arm was on top of it, in my dream I started to feel a sharp pain in my left arm that travelled all the way to my chest, as a healthcare provider I know these are the signs of a person having a heart attack, and I would feel like I died but then I’d come back (with the sharp pains still) and my nephews were noticing all of this going on and screaming that I was turning purple and blue in my dream, so my sister and law came and with the little consciousness that I still had I started telling her to call someone, while this was going on I felt no more pain and now I know it probably was my brother entering my body and making me yell “SISTER!!!, HELP ME!!, HELP MEEE!!”, once I recovered in my dream I was confused but woke up minutes after, and now I’m wondering is his soul not resting in peace? What does he need me to help him with? His soul? Has he not passed over yet? Is he in limbo? Is he in danger? Is he in hell? What’s going on? I’m planning on asking him before I go to sleep later to please come clarify what he needs help with in my dreams but yes a little insight is needed here maybe someone can help.
My boyfriend passed away Suddenly on August 11th 2024 I have one single feather four times since then is that a sign from him letting me know he is Watching over me and with me?
I felt all of these signs everyday until about 4 days ago. Do you know why these would promptly stop? The lights flickering in every room were constant but now there’s nothing 🙁
Hello Karen,
My name is Laura and I’m wondering if you can contact my Mother Shirley who passed away thirteen years ago from Ovarian Cancer, she was 56 years old and please contact my Father Ian who passed away from Bowel cancer, he was 58 years old. I need some reassurance they are both okay.
My step daughter obituary appeared on my phone today after 8 years and 3 phones ago my other daughter is getting married next Saturday does this mean something
Hi, I was taking care of my brother with 3 cancers from End of April to Aug, when he lost his battle , I blamed myself for him not surviving.i tried my best ,plus there was a caregiver for days , since he passed I feel like I can’t continue , I need to know if he’s ok & if he blames me
I lost my brother Aug18 ,I took care of him for 4 months before he lost his battle with cancer , I tried my best . I hope he doesn’t blame me , I can’t continue go8ng on without him , very hard ,it’s like I have a broken heart ?
I’m wondering if it’s possible for close loved ones to send you someone to enter your life at a certain time for you when they thought I’m ready?
Is it just a coincidence that my friend (potential relationship partner) was sent to me on purpose? He was born a few months after my godmother’s passing in that same year, and has the same birthday as my grandmother who passed (my namesake). My godmother came to visit me shortly after her passing and she looked beautiful! She was at peace and pain free. She said she would watch over me all my life. Is that possible?
My oldest sis Michelle Christian, a cat lover, passed away on 10/6/24. After crying I looked up and asked her to send me a sign she’s okay. Out of nowhere I hear a cat meowing and I raised my head to see a cat right in my face. My Jesus! I smiled and laughed. ??I love you sis, smooches.
My son died October 3rd 2024
He was on drugs but please of the kindest people in the world. His cause of death was drugs abd tasing by police I feel like I cannot go on I need to know he is ok
And not mad at me
He is ny life and my only child
I was in hospital last week, one day I woke up and clear as I sit here now my nan was at the side of my bed – she has been dead 23 years – and standing at the end of the bed were my dads brothers who have also passed away, I said nan wait one minute and I rang my dad , I told him that his mum was with me and all the brothers and that he was the last man standing – he won the bet with his brothers – he said your ffin hullucinating and said bye, then my nan took my hand and I said Nan why are you here ? You can’t be here for me I have babies I need to watch them grow – she stroked my hand and said No but it’s going to be ok – then my phone started to ring it was my dad as I looked at the phone my nan and the brothers had gone – my dad died 2 days later – I’ve always felt spirits and had the odd messages but never like this as clear as dad I could see each of them and feel her touch – and I defo phoned my dad bur I was like in a different parallel – why did they come to me – my dad died on 6/11/24 and I am absolutely devastated- me and my mum are both living for their visit
After nans death there was a lot of upsetting emotions such as anger
I lost my dad in 2021 and my mom in 2022 I miss them so much until it hurts me every night sometimes I ask them to dream to me but they don’t I really miss them so much. My life has changed a lot after there passing, there is an empty gap in my life that I cannot fill and it makes me so sad.
Hello, My name is Melissa Wilson and my dad my best friend died in 2018 and I feel so guilty I just want to know if he is ok??
My mum passed away with cancer on the 22nd June my son passed away 3 months later with my mum I was all over the place so was my son but since my son was suddenly and I keep getting all sorts of signs like tv coming on two pennies at the door radio coming on after speaking about him his song coming on omg I could keep going he died in the same bed as my mum
MY MOTHER I FEEL HAS BEEN COMING TO ME I TRULY BELIEVE IT CAUSE EVERYTIME I LOOK AT THE TIME ITS SAYING 1035 n our address was 1035 w 87 str n then my fiance came to me right after he died by flickering the lights the strangest thing happened though that I can’t understand was that my old man picture cum flying in mid air N then landed between my friend and I what do that mean
MY MOTHER I FEEL HAS BEEN COMING TO ME I TRULY BELIEVE IT CAUSE EVERYTIME I LOOK AT THE TIME ITS SAYING 1035 n our address was 1035 w 87 str n then my fiance came to me right after he died by flickering the lights the strangest thing happened though that I can’t understand was that my old man picture cum flying in mid air N then landed between my friend and I what do that mean please tell me
My grandmother passed away recently that I shared a special bond with my entire life and my mother had cared for her for the last 10 years and went above and beyond what is expected of a daughter for a parent in their last days but at the reading of her will she left all of her material possessions to her son which had not cared for her at all during her last days which left me feeling confused and angered at my grandmother for hurting my mom like that I felt as though she had not been grateful for all my mom had done and sacrificed for her and I did not want to feel this way towards my grandmother especially now that she’s passed and I’ll never see her again but I shouted out all my questions and anger last night as though I was speaking to her because I wanted her to hear how I felt and I went to my mother and tried to comfort her and express to her all my thoughts and feelings about everything and then I went home and I went to bed and when I woke up I don’t remember seeing my grandmother or her talking to me but all my questions had been answered I answers for everything and I completely understood everything that had taken place and why things were done the way they were I also didn’t feel the need for verification of what I felt because I had no question that I’ve been spoken to by my grandmother I know I spoke with her because there’s no other way I would have the knowledge that I woke up with and feel so at peace I even feel blessed that she was able to communicate with me so easily I feel that I’m still connected to her even more so than ever now because it seems to have happened so naturally and so easily I plan to share my newfound knowledge with my family I hope they can understand that it is true knowledge because I have no other way to have been given this knowledge because it definitely wasn’t there before I went to bed I was an angered confused soul but woke up knowing everything I needed to know my grandmother is a peace and all she wants for us all is to love one another while here on earth and to keep our family relationships intact and not to allow evil spirits feel our bodies and calls conflict between us She loved us all equally and still does and we will all be together again one day
Hi Karen, I just lost my mom recently on the second of this month of February. My whole family is devastated. She was the rock in her family and my parents were married for almost 64 years and my daddy is lost with grief. I believe that they come to you there have been so many signs from the butterfly urn to little things that we all can’t deny, to what I feel is her to the most recent on the answering machine – the static calls 11 in a row in the middle of the night since she passed? but my daddy has been worried that communicating with them and acknowledging them makes it so they can’t cross over and that you’re not supposed to. I think he’s just worried please give me some words to tell him so he knows Mama is OK and it’s OK for him to acknowledge it and fill it if it is please, thank you ma’am..