Your Deceased Loved Ones Are Okay

As a psychic medium, I have the job of reconnecting with those who made their transition to the other side. When clients first come see me, I explain we are eternal spiritual beings having a temporary human experience on earth. The energy of who we are continues to exist after the physical body dies.

Our deceased loved ones often come around us to let us know they are okay. When they do, they retain their original personality, one of the ways to tell messages are from them.

One day while I was taking a nap, I dreamt I was in a crowded place, and I heard my mother loud and clear saying, “I have an important announcement! I am here and I’m okay!”

When she was talking, I knew without a doubt it was truly her speaking. My mother had this type of humor and would often make it known that she had an important thing to say when she was still here on earth.

Signs Come to the Grieving

After our loved ones cross over, they are very anxious to let us know they are okay. I always tell my clients that they do not have to look for signs, the signs will come to them.

The signs our loved ones give us most often are:

They come through as an animal. Our loved ones are able to use their energy to go inside of an animal, such as a butterfly, ladybug, bird, or dragonfly – for a brief period of time.

They place common objects such as feathers, coins, or rocks in our path. Our loved ones like to place things over and over again in our path that were significant to them.

They give off fragrances. We can often tell our deceased loved ones are around us when we smell their perfume, flowers, cigar or cigarette smoke, or any other familiar smell they had.

They make songs come on at the perfect time. We know they are around when their favorite songs come on at the right time with the exact words we need to hear.

They come to us in dreams. One of the easiest ways for them to come through to us is in our dreams. All we need to do is to ask them to come, and they will.

Numbers, Thoughts and Electricity

They show us the same numbers over and over. They loved to give us numbers that are relevant to them or you, such as birthdates, anniversaries – or repeating numbers.

They allow us to feel peaceful for no reason. When our loved ones are in the room, they usually make us feel so loved and at peace. It usually happens at the most unsuspecting time.

They place thoughts in our head. Because they in spirit form, our loved ones don’t have an audible voice. Therefore, they give us messages telepathically. Pay attention to thoughts that just “pop” into your head. We can tell the difference between our thoughts and theirs by backtracking our thoughts.

They love to play with electricity. They turn electricity on and off. They like to flicker lights, turn the television and radio on and off, and make appliances beep for no apparent reason.

They make buzzing noises in our ears. Because our loved ones speak to us on a different, higher frequency, we may hear ringing in our ears when they are trying to get our attention.

The list can go on and on, if you haven’t received any of these signs, simply ask your loved ones to come to you to let you know they are okay.  Tell them to give you what I call a “without a doubt sign” so that you know absolutely know the sign is from them.  The more you are aware of the messages they are giving you, the more they will continue to allow you to know they are present. Be patient and persistent, and I promise that they will give you the signs you have always wanted.


This is an excerpt from Your Life After Their Death: A Medium’s Guide to Healing After a Loss, by Karen Noe.


Karen Noe

Karen Noe is a renowned New Jersey-based psychic medium, spiritual counselor, and healer with a two-year waiting list. She is the author of "The Rainbow Follows the Storm: How to Obtain Inner Peace by Connecting with Angels and Deceased Loved Ones," "Through the Eyes of Another: A Medium's Guide to Creating Heaven on Earth by Encountering Your Life Review Now," and "Your Life After Their Death: A Medium's Guide to Healing After a Loss." She is the founder of the Angel Quest Center in Ramsey NJ, where she teaches classes, gives readings, and practices alternative healing. You can listen to Karen on The Angel Quest Radio Show by tuning to on the first Saturday of every month at 1.05pm Eastern. P

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